III. Reading

Read the story and put the paragraphs in the correct order (1, 2, 3, 4) .



Later that day, the police went into the forest and found the boy. He was about 5, but he could not answer the policemen's questions. In fact, he could not speak at all. He moved like a monkey and was difficult to control. But Ethel Mthiyane, the head of a school for children with special needs, agreed to take him to her school. She named him Saturday.


Saturday is now about 20. At first, many language experts were interested in him. Is it possible, they wanted to know, for a child like this to learn a language? Sadly, it seems the answer for Saturday is no. The experts say he will probably never learn to communicate. And so he continues his lonely life. Does he want to return to the monkeys?


One Saturday morning fifteen years ago, some farm workers in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, were working in a field next to a forest. A group of monkeys was playing in the grass between the field and the trees. The farm workers saw that one of the animals was different from the others. When they looked closer they realized it wasn't a monkey. It was a young boy. He was walking on his arms and legs and wasn't wearing any clothes. The farm workers went to the police station and told their story.


At the school, the teachers tried to teach Saturday to speak. They taught him how to have a bath, get dressed and comb his hair. But Saturday didn't want to play with the other children - he used to fight with them instead. After ten years, he was still more like a wild animal than a boy.



Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).


1. The boy asked the farm workers for help.

2. The farm workers took the boy to the police station.

3. The boy told the police his name was Saturday.

4. Saturday had problems with other pupils at the special school.

5. Saturday is a 'normal' boy now.


IV. Writing

Write an essay on the given theme. Try to answer the following questions.

My friends

  1. What do you do with your friends?
  2. Do you like being with other people?
  3. Do you have friends in other cities?
  4. How do you spend your time away from home?
  5. What do you do in daytime?


V. Speaking

Speak on one of the following topics:

My Neighbours

1. What are their names?

2. What do they do?

3. Where do they come from?

4. Are they good neughbours? Why or why not?


Кафедра шешімімен құрастырылды, бекітілді.

« » қазан 2015 ж. № хаттама

Кафедра меңгерушісі _______________ / Г.Н.Кисметова /

(қолы) (аты-жөні, тегі)

Факультет Оқу-әдістемелік Кеңесінде қарастырылды және бекітілді

« » қазан 2015 ж. № хаттама

Факультеттің ОӘК төрағасы _________________ / А.С.Қыдыршаев /

(қолы) (аты-жөні, тегі)