Find the following expressions in the text and explain their meaning. pushing their wares, unresolved debate, questioning its efficiency, con­demn addicts to oblivion, get off drugs


pushing their wares, unresolved debate, questioning its efficiency, con­demn addicts to oblivion, get off drugs, amount to, cite the example of, attitude toward use of these drugs was quite relaxed, seek drugs from pushers, prices resembling their costs, favor the legaliza­tion, take a more aggressive position, administer the drugs, to casttheir votes.

Match the words with their definitions.

1. pusher 2. incentive 3. free rein 4. conjure up 5. affliction 6. adolescent 7. aspire 8. substitute 9. analogy 10. hardnosed 11. flak 12. fan a. a serious problem b. something used instead of something else c. a boy or a girl, changing into a young person d. stimulus e. deal with the situation the way you like f. want to achieve something g. to bring a thought or idea to somebody h. seller i. criticism j. to make someone feel an emotion more strongly k. tough l. a comparison between two situations or processes

Match the pairs of antonyms.

1. surrender 2. distinction 3. prohibition 4. lucrative 5. frustrated 6. mainstream a. permission b. exclusive c. unprofitable d. win e. happy f. similarity

Answer the questions.

- Who is the drug policy administered by in Holland?

- What approach have the Dutch chosen to employ? Why?

- How is this approach different from mainstream drug war philosophy?

- Why were so many young people drawn to Amsterdam in the 1970s?

- How has the situation changed in the past years? What is the cause of this change?

- What is the key element to Holland’s drug policy?

- What is the main argument of the critics of the Dutch model?

- Why do the Dutch allude to the picturesque analogy with the sea?

6. Read the following statements. Do you think the author would agree (A) or disagree (D) with them? Write A or D next to each statement. .

1. Legalizing drugs means crack will be sold like cigarettes.

2. Legalizing drugs would impede the drug pushers' business.

3. Addictive drugs should be legally available to addicts.

4. With legalization, drug pushers would disappear.

5. If drugs were legalized, police officers would be able to spend more time stopping drug pushers.

6. Drug legalization will be beneficial only if no addicts continue to buy their drugs from pushers.

7. If there were fewer drug pushers in the world, there would be fewer drug addicts in the world.

8. Drug addicts should be allowed to get drugs to help them overcome their addiction.

9. Drug addiction should not be treated as a crime.

10. Adolescents may get involved in drugs because the idea of crime is attractive.

11. The legalization of drugs will solve most of our drug problems.

12. Even though we don't know whether legalization will work, we should try it.

C. Watching and Listening

² 1. Listen to the commentary by Linda Chavez and circle the best answer.