Translate the following passage from Russian into English

Match the words with their definitions

abundant /bnd()nt/ a) relating to or affecting a gland or glands.
Calcium /kalsm/ b) a colourless crystalline compound which is the main nitrogenous breakdown product of protein metabolism in mammals and is excreted in urine.
creatinine /kratnin/ c) a graphical or other representation of information relating to particular characteristics of something, recorded in quantified form.
debility /dblti/ d) a disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis, especially in the smaller bones of the feet, and episodes of acute pain.
fasting /fst/ e) the chemical element of atomic number 20, a soft grey metal.
glandular /lan(d)l/ f) coming after something in time; following.  
gout /at/ g) physical weakness, especially as a result of illness.
profile /prfl/ h) a compound which is produced by metabolism of creatine and excreted in the urine.
subsequent /sbskw()nt/ i) existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.
urea /jr/   j) reduction of some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time for medical treatment purposes.


Sound bank

Match the words with their transcription and read them

biochemistry A /re/
circulating B /tu/
cause C /vri/
variety D /skjlet/
allow E /klstrl/
diagnosis F /kz/
vary g /dpzt/
tissue h /vrti/
diabetes I /dbitiz/
cholesterol J /la/
ratio K /b()kmstri/
deposit L /dnss/


Give the derivative word

Verb Noun
1. to indicate  
2.   Hardening
3. to deposit  
4.   estimating
5. to distribute  
6.   concentration

Fill in the gaps with the following words

Estimating, to concentrate, distribution, to harden, deposit, indication

1) ……………. risk of cancer associated with radiation exposure.

2) Toxic doses of vitamin D taken over a prolonged period of time result in irreversible …………… of calcium.

3) Growing insight into genes that influence human disease may affect how drug targets and ………….. are selected.

4) Some people think that running can………… your arteries.

5) Vitamin C ……………… more in brain tissue than in other organs.

6) The …………………of vitamin D and its metabolites in human tissues has been studied by the combined use of radioactive cholecalciferol .

Make up word combinations and translate them

protein A Disease
abnormal B value
glandular C Level
corrected D Profile
fasting E risk
total cholesterol F distribution
subsequent G concentration
lipid H Calcium level

Decipher abbreviations and describe functions of each test (in brief)

Test Function

Translate the following passage from Russian into English

Биохимический анализ крови - метод лабораторной диагностики, который позволяет оценить работу внутренних органов (печень, почки, поджелудочная железа, желчный пузырь и др.), получить информацию о метаболизме (обмен липидов, белков, углеводов), выяснить потребность в микроэлементах.

Биохимические исследования крови помогают врачу поставить диагноз, определить стадию заболевания, назначить и скорректировать программу лечения.

Показатели биохимического анализа крови:

· Билирубин общий

· Мочевина

· Креатинин

· Мочевая кислота

· Общий белок

· Общий белок в моче

· Альбумин

· Холестерин

· Триглицериды

· HDL (Холестерин липопротеидов высокой плотности)

· LDL (Холестерин липопротеидов низкой плотности)

· Кальций общий

· Железо др.