Exercise 5. Use the required tenses instead of the infiniti­ves in brackets.


l) I (to graduate) from the university two years ago. 2) He (to take part) in many conferences by the time he (to submit) his thesis. 3) They already (to discuss) this problem. 4) My collea­gue (to work) at this article for 2 weeks. 5) Scientists (to sol­ve) this problem by the end of the I9th century. 6) He (to comp­lete) his tests by the tenth of April 7) She (to work) at her candidate thesis under the supervision of Professor Ivanov. 8) They (to develop) a new method and (to write) a paper on it now. 9) We (to analyze) the results of our work since Monday. 10) They (to adjust) a new device when I came. 1l) I (to work) at the uni­versity for 5 years before I (to take) a post-graduate course. 12) He (to submit) his candidate thesis next year. 13) We (to as­semble) a new machine yesterday from 5 to 9 o'clock p.m. 14) They (to develop) this project since last year. 15) We (to work out) this technique in collaboration with several research institutes and industrial enterprises.


Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English.


1) Как давно ты работаешь на этом заводе? 2) Старший научный сотрудник Андрей Рублев обсудил результаты исследования с начальником отдела, прежде чем доложить о них на конференции. 3) Его не будет в лаборатории в 3 часа. Он будет читать лекцию. 4) Я и мой друг собираемся принять участие в научной конференции в нашем уни­верситете в этом году. 5) Когда я пришел в университет, они выпол­няли интересное исследование. 6) Я прочитал статью ко времени его прихода. 7) Она работала в прошлом году на кафедре прикладной ма­тематики. 8) Он проработал в университете 4 года, прежде, чем пос­тупить в аспирантуру. 9) Не беспокойте их сейчас. Они обсуждают тему новой диссертации. 10) Я работаю над кандидатской диссерта­цией уже два года. 11) Она прочитала много научных статей на анг­лийском языке прежде, чем сдала кандидатский экзамен. 12) Он зани­мается исследованием этой проблемы с прошлого года. 13) Он будет делать доклад на конференции в 10 часов. 14) Они завершат экспери­мент к декабрю. 15) Мы уже получили хорошие экспериментальные дан­ные. 16) Каждый год он публикует три-четыре научных статьи.


UNIT 2. The Passive Voice

Exercise I. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

l) In the course of further scientific developments extensive use will be made of modern computing machines and electronic de­vices. 2) Mention has already been made of this new phenomenon. 3) The experiment had been carried out by prof. Zaicrevstey by 6 o'clock yesterday. 4) The opening session of the Congress was preceded by a meeting of the General Assembly to elect a new pre­sident. 5) When he entered the laboratory a new device was being tested. 6) It is often argued that in the XX century we are left with no expansion of wisdom and with greater need for it. 7) No attempts have been made to list all the contributions in which different procedures have been developed and later used. 8) The data are being collected and studied now. 9) The article had been translated by the time the chief of the laboratory came back. 10) So far no notice has been taken of the obvious advantage of this technique. 11) The candidate thesis is submitted. 12) More eviden­ce will be obtained to support the idea. 13) When he returned to the university an interesting experiment was being made. 14) The report has been listened to with great attention. 15) The hypothesis was proposed by Petrov after a number of experiments. 16) The work will have been finished by noon tomorrow. 17) The experiment had been carried out by 6 o'clock yesterday. 18) These ideas are hardly recognized as mathematics at all by the people trained in the classical branches of the subject. 19) Recent discoveries in all sciences have been greatly assisted by the developments in contemporary research techniques. 20) More exact methods are being developed now for obtaining lower temperature. 21) The discovery was made by the team of our laboratory. 22) The article has been published.