The future perfect tense active 1 страница

Future Perfect утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to havey Future Indefinite та дієприкметниками минулого часу (Past Participle) основного дієслова:

І shall have done. We shall have done.

He You will have done.

She will have done. They will have done.


У питальній формі перше допоміжне дієслово shall/will ставиться перед підметом:

Will he have done?

У заперечній формі після першого допоміжного дієслова shall/willвживається частка not:

Не will not have done.

Вусному мовленні вживаються такі ж скорочення, як і в Future Indefinite:

I'llhave done; I shan'thave done; He won'thave done.

Вживання Future Perfect

Future Perfect вживається для вираження майбутньої дії, що закінчиться до певного моменту або до початку іншої дії в майбутньому:

You'll have forgottenme by then. До того часу ви мене забудете.
I'll have readthe story by the time you come back. Я прочитаю оповідання, поки ти повернешся.

У підрядних реченнях часу та умови замість Future Perfect вживається Present Perfect.

Her room shall be ready before she has finishedher tea. Ії кімната буде готова, перш ніж вона закінчить пити чай.
We'll get a new flat when theyhave builtthe house. Ми одержимо нову квартиpy, коли вони збудують цей будинок.

10.4 Практичні завдання

Вправа 1. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Past Indefinite або у Present Perfect.

1. I … (see) George a couple of minutes ago. 2. I… (lose) my glasses, help me to find them. 3. Now I … (finish) my work, please have a look at it. 4. I…(never, see) such a rain. 5. We … (not, see) our friends for a month. 6. Tom is a good student and…(learn) a lot this year. 7. Last week I… (make) an excursion to Cambridge. 8. During the last few weeks I … (be) very busy. 9. What… (you, do) with my hat? It was here a minute ago. 10. Since 1950 our street … (change) a lot. 11. He … (be fast asleep) for three hours now. 12. Wait a minute! I … (not, yet, finish) my meal!13. When I was at Oxford, I … (know) your brother very well. 14. Columbus …(reach) the West India in 1492. 15. Where … (you, be) all these weeks? 16. I remember what … (happen): on Saturday I … (have) a letter from aunt Susan. She … (tell) me she needed to see me. So I … (go) down to see her on Sunday.

Вправа 2. Запишіть такі речення в заперечній та питальній формах.

1. I have seen some new films since we saw each other last. 2. My friend had read some books of this author before he entered the Institute. 3. I’ll have finished this work by 7 o’clock. 4. I have never got a bad mark at the exam. 5. The group will have carried out the plan by the 1-st of November.

Вправа 3. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.

1. They began talking about the meeting that (take place) the day before. 2. By eight o’clock John (lock) the rooms. 3. They seemed not to understand what Nelly (say). 4. He thought that the travelers (to get off) at one of the stations. 5. The weather which (to be) good up to then changed. 6. He asked her how she (spend) her holidays. 7. He said he (have) a tiring day. 8. It was many years since I last (see) her. 9. When he (come) to see me I (to look through) all the newspapers. 10. By that time the train (to pass) the Volga river. 11. I told him that I (never, smoke). 12. I (not yet, do) half the work when he came.

Вправа 4. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Present Perfect, та доберіть відповіді на питання за зразком.

You (wash) the plates? ~

Yes, I …

Have you washed the plates? ~

Yes, I have.

You (see) him lately? ~

No, I …

Have you seen him lately? ~

No, I haven’t.

1. Where you (be)? ~
I (be) to the dentist.

2. You (have) breakfast? ~
Yes, I …

3. The post (come)? ~
Yes, it …

4. You (see) my watch anywhere? ~
No, I’m afraid I …

5. Someone (wind) the clock? ~
Yes, Tom …

6. I (not finish) my letter yet.

7. He just (go) out.

8. Someone (take) my bicycle.

9. The phone (stop) ringing.

10. You (hear) from her lately? ~
No, I …

11. I just (wash) the floor.

12. The cat (steal) the fish.

13. You (explain) the exercise? ~
Yes, I …

14. There aren’t any buses because the drivers (go) on strike.

15. You (have) enough to eat? ~
Yes, I (have) plenty, thank you.

16. Charles (pass) his exam? ~
Yes, he …

17. How many bottles the milkman (leave)? ~
He (leave) six.

18. I (live) here for ten years.

19. How long you (know) Mr. Pitt? ~
I (know) him for ten years.

20. Would you like some coffee? I just (make) some.

21. Mary (water) the tomatoes? ~
Yes, I think she …

22. You (not make) a mistake? ~
No, I’m sure I …

23. Why you (not mend) the fuse? ~
I (not have) time.

24. You (dive) from the ten-meter board yet? ~
No, I …

25. You ever (leave) a restaurant without paying the bill? ~
No, I …

26. I (ask) him to dinner several times.

27. He always (refuse).

28. I often (see) him but I never (speak) to him.

29. You ever (eat) caviar? ~
No, I …

30. We just (hear) the most extraordinary news.

31. The police (recapture) the prisoners who escaped yesterday.

32. I (not pay) the telephone bill yet.

Вправа 5.

(a) Дайте відповіді на запитання.

(b) Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Present Perfect або у Past Simple tense.

1. Have you wound the clock?

a) Yes, I …
b) Yes, I (wind) it on Monday.

2. Have you ever eaten snails?

a) No, I …
b) Yes, I (eat) some at Tom’s party last week.

3. Has she fed the dog?

a) Yes, I think she …
b) Yes, she (feed) him before lunch.

4. Have they repaired the road?

a) No, they …
b) They only (repair) part of it so far.

5. Have they done their homework?

a) Yes, they (do) it all.
b) Yes, they (do) it before they left school.

6. Have you found the matches?

a) No, I …
b) No, I (not find) them yet.

7. Have you made the coffee?

a) Yes, I …
b) No, I (make) some yesterday: we can use that.

8. Have you been here before?

a) No, I …
b) Yes, I (be) here several times.

9. Have you seen him lately?

a) No, I …
b) No, I (not see) him since Christmas.

10. Have you been to the opera this week?

a) Yes, I …

b) Yes, I (go) to Faust on Friday.

11. Have you ever driven this car?

a) Yes, I (drive) it once or twice.

b) Yes, I (drive) it when you were away.

12. Has he missed his train?

a) No, he …

b).Yes, he … It (go) five minutes ago.

13. Have they been through Customs?

a) Yes, they …

b) Yes, their luggage (be) examined at Dover.

14. Has he spoken to her?

a) Yes, he …

b) Yes, he (speak) to her on Friday.

15. Have you spent all your money?

a).No, I only (spend) half of it.

b) Yes, I …

16. How much have you saved since Christmas?

a).I (not save) anything.

b).I (save) £3.

17. Has his temperature gone down?

a) No, it …

b) Yes, it (go) down last night.

18. Have you seen his garden?

a) No, I (not see) it yet.

b).I (see) the house on Monday but I (not see) the garden.

19. Have you paid the bill?

a) Yes, I …

b) Yes, I (pay) it while you were away.

20. Have you ever flown a plane?

a) No, I …

b) Yes, I (fly) when I was at university.

21. Has your dog ever bitten anyone?

a) Yes, he (bite) a policeman last week.

b) Yes, he (bite) me twice.

22. Have you planted your peas?

a) Yes, I (plant) them on Tuesday.

b) No, I … yet.

23. Has he written to the paper?

a) Yes, he …

b) Yes, he (write) at once.

24. Have you ever drunk vodka?

a) No, I …

b) I (drink) it once in Russia but I (not drink) it since.


Вправа 6. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Present Perfect або у Past Simple tense, в деяких реченнях можливо вживання Present Perfect Continuous.

1. This is my house. ~
How long you (live) here? ~
I (live) here since 1970.

2. He (live) in London for two years and then (go) to Edinburgh.

3. You (wear) your hair long when you were at school? ~
Yes, my mother (insist) on it.

4. But when I (leave) school I (cut) my hair and (wear) it short ever since.

5. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.

6. My brother (write) several plays. He just (finish) his second tragedy.

7. I (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

8. He (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.

9. Chopin (compose) some of his music in Majorca.

10. When he (arrive)? ~
He (arrive) at 2.00.

11. I (read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very much.

12. I can’t go out because I (not finish) my work.

13. I never (drink) whisky. ~
Well, have some now.

14. I (write) the letter but I can’t find a stamp.

15. The clock is slow. ~
It isn’t slow, it (stop).

16. Here are your shoes; I just (clean) them.

17. I (leave) home at 8.00 and (get) here at twelve.

18. I (do) this sort of work when I (be) an apprentice.

19. He just (go) out.

20. He (go) out ten minutes ago.

21. You (have) breakfast yet? ~
Yes, I (have) it at 8.00.

22. I (meet) him last June.

23. You (see) the moon last night?

24. The concert (begin) at 2.30 and (last) for two hours. Everyone (enjoy) it very much.

25. The play just (begin). You are a little late.

26. The newspaper (come)? ~
Yes, Ann is reading it.

27. The actors (arrive) yesterday and (start) rehearsals early this morning.

28. It (be) very cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer.

29. Cervantes (write) Don Quixote.

30. Mr. Pound is the bank manager. He (be) here for five years.

31. You (be) here before? ~
Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year. ~
You (have) a good time? ~
No, it never (stop) raining.

Вправа 7. Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи необхідну форму майбутнього часу.

1. In a fortnight’s time we (take) our exam. 2. I (finish) this book by tomorrow evening. 3. I’ll still be here next summer but Tom (leave). 4. I (finish) this job in twenty minutes. 5. By next winter they (build) four houses in that field. 6. At the rate he is going he (spend) all his money by the time he is twenty-one. 7. By this time next year I (save) £250. 8. By the time we get to the party everything (be) eaten. 9. The train (leave) before we reach the station. 10. If I continue with my diet I (lose) 10 kilos by the end of the month. 11. By the end of my university course I (attend) 1,200 lectures. 12. By the time that he leaves school his parents (spend) £25,000 on his education. 13. By the end of the term I (read) all twelve volumes. 14. When you come back I (finish) all the housework. 15. The police (hear) of the theft tomorrow. 16. We (drink) all that wine by the end of the year. 17. If we don’t hurry the sun (rise). 18. I’m going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches. 19. You’ll be too late. By the time you get there they (finish) their speeches and everybody (go) home. 20. By the end of the month 5,000 people (see) this exhibition. 21. On 21 October they (be) married for twenty-five years. 22. After this performance I (see) Hamlet twenty-two times. 23. The strike leader said, ‘By midnight 500 men (come) out on strike.’24. At your present rate you (burn) all that coal by the end of the month. 25. The treasurer said, ‘By the end of the year all our debts (be paint) off.’ 26. He (to watch) TV tomorrow from 2 till 4. 27. They (to work) in the garden at 7.

10.5 Підсумкові тести з граматики

Теперішній, минулий та майбутній перфектні часи

Perfect Tenses Active

1. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.


1. My parents ….. for this company since 1993.

a) worked; b) were working; c) had worked; d) have worked.

2. The bus ….. before I reached the bus station.

a) left; b) leaves; c) had left; d) has left.

3. As soon as they ….. breakfast, they ran out to play.

a) had finished; b) finished; c) has finished; d) finish.

4. My brother ….. school 3 years ago.

a) leaves; b) had left; c)left; d) has left.

5. John ….. in the school team for two years.

a) played; b) had played; c) has played; d) was playing.

6. In a fortnight ` s time we ….. our exam.

a) had taken; b) will have taken; c) shall have taken; d) have taken.

7. He ….. this book by tomorrow evening.

a) will have finished; b) will finish; c) will be finishing; d) has finished.

8. ….. you already ….. the plants ?

a) have ***watered; b) had ***watered; c) were*** watered;

d) will have*** watered.

9. By the end of the next year I ….. here for 25 years.

a) have been; b) shall have been; c) will have been; d) shall be.

10. He ….. never ….. to Paris.

a) has***been; b) had***been; c) was***been; d) will***have been.

11. After the stewardess ….. lunch to the passengers, they calmed down.

a) served; b) was served; c) had served; d) has served.

12. I’ll still be here next summer, but Tom ……

a) will leave; b) will have left; c) leaves; d) will have leave.

13. They ….. a new car since January.

a) had had; b) have had; c) were having; d) are having.

14. Yesterday afternoon it ….. still ….. when I got home.

a) was***raining; b) has***raining; c) were raining; d) had***rained.

2. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.


1. I ….. never ….. late for school.

a) had***been; b) have***been; c) was***been; d) shall have***been.

2. By next winter they ….. four houses in this field.

a) have built; b) will build; c) will have built; d) build.

3. Hey! Somebody ….. my coffee! My cup was full.

a) drink; b) had drunk; c) drank; d) has drunk.

4. By this time next year I ….. 250 $.

a) shall have; b) have saved; c) shall have saved; d) saved.

5. She went to the post-office after she ….. the letter.

a) writes; b) has written; c) wrote; d) had written.

6. She ….. to Italy five years ago.

a) has gone; b) went; c) had gone; d) goes.

7. It ….. to rain before she took a taxi.

a) had begun; b) has begin; c) began; d) begins.

8. ….. you ever ….. any serious illness ?

a)had***had; b) had***have; c) have***had; d) has***had.

9. He went to the cinema after he ….. his dinner.

a) had had; b) has had; c) had; d) will have.

10. The train ….. before we reach the station.

a) will leave; b) will have left; c) have left; d) leaves.

11. When I ….. my seat-belt, the plane took off.

a) had fastened; b) have fastened; c) fastened; d) fasten.

12. The lecture ….. just …..

a) has***begin; b) will have***begin; c) has***begun;

d) had***begun.

13. We ….. our work by 6 yesterday.

a) had finished; b) finished; c) have finished; d) finish.

14. By the end of the term Tom ….. all twelve volumes.

a) shall have read; b) will read; c) will have read; d) has read.

3. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.


1. ….. you ever ….. a friend` s birthday ?

a) have***forgotten; b) had***forgotten; c) has***forgotten; d) forget.

2. The bell ….. just …..

a) have***gone; b) will have***gone; c) has***gone; d) had***gone.

3. When you come back I ….. all the housework.

a) shall finish; b) have finished; c) shall have finished; d) finished.

4. My friend ….. London by the time I got there.

a) leaves; b) has left; c) had left; d) left.

5. ….. you ever ….. to her about it ?

a) had***spoken; b) speak; c) have***spoken; d) did***speak.

6. When we reach the Crimea we ….. half of the journey.

a) shall have done; b) shall do; c) have done; d) will have done.

7. As soon as the children ….. breakfast they went to school.

a) have had; b) has had; c) had had; d) had.

8. By the end of the month 5000 people ….. this exhibition.

a) shall have seen; b) will see; c) will have seen; d) have seen.

9. When they arrived at the cinema the film …..

a) has started; b) had started; c) starts; d) started.

10. I ….. you since 1985.

a) haven’t seen; b) hadn’t seen; c) didn’t see; d) don’t see.

11. I’m sure they ….. the new road by June.

a) will complete; b) have completed; c) will have completed;

d) complete.

12. Tom ….. never ….. to any foreign country.

a) will***be; b) have***been; c) has***been; d) had***been.

13. There was a strange silence after the man …..

a) has departed; b) departs; c) had departed; d) departed.

14. The mother ….. dinner, before we came.

a) has cooked; b) had cooked; c) cooked; d) cooks.

4. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.


1. He ….. Julia since the end of the year.

a) have known; b) has known; c) had known; d) knew.

2. If you don `t make a note of that appointment, you ….. it by next week.

a) will forget; b) shall have forgotten; c) will have forgotten;

d) have forgotten.

3. How many pages ….. you already …..?

a) had***translated; b) has***translated; c) have***translated;

d) will have***translated.

4. I ….. about it yesterday.

a) have read; b)read; c) had read; d) was reading.

5. The girl said she ….. this man in the neighborhood.

a) has seen; b) saw; c) had seen; d) was seeing.

6. By this time next month, all the roses …..

a) will die; b) will have died; c) have died; d) had died.

7. After he ….. there ten minutes the door suddenly opened.

a) had waited; b) has waited; c) was waiting; d) waited.

8. I ….. my work by the time you come.

a) shall finish; b) shall have finished; c) have finished; d) finish.

9. I ….. already ….. to him.

a) have***speak; b) will have***spoken; c) had***spoken;

d) have***spoken.

10. He ….. all by 3 o` clock yesterday.

a) has done; b) had done; c) did; d) was doing.

11. He will give you these journals after he ….. them through.

a) has looked; b) had looked; c) looked; d) looks.

12. I ….. their family last winter.

a) haven’t seen; b) hadn’t seen; c) didn’t see; d) don’t see.

13. He ….. his cup of coffee before the phone rang.

a) had; b) was having; c) had had; d) has had.

14. They ….. just ….. all your questions.

a) had***answered; b) has***answered; c) will***answer;

d) have***answered


5. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.


1. He doesn’t know anything. He ….. just …..

a) has***came; b) had***come; c) has***come; d) will have***come.

2. I ….. here since my childhood.

a) have lived; b) lived; c) am living; d) live.

3. He ….. all his exams by the end of January.

a) have taken; b) has taken; c) will have taken; d) takes.

4. They arrived at his flat a few minutes after Peter …..

a) has left; b) had left; c) left; d) leave.

5. When he saw her again she ….. already ….. the street.

a) was***crossing; b) will be***crossing; c) had***crossed;

d) has***crossed.

6. Today is Wednesday. He ….. the whole crazy idea by Friday.

a) will forget; b) shall have forgotten; c) will have forgotten;

d) have forgotten.

7. I can’t give you any answer, I ….. the matter over yet.

a) hasn’t thought; b) haven’t thought; c) didn’t think; d) don’t think.

8. Mary ….. already …..

a) is***returning; b) was***returning; c) has***returned;

d) had***returned.

9. By that time tomorrow everybody ….. to bed.

a) will have gone; b) shall have gone; c) have gone; d) will go.

10. We were hurrying because we thought that the bell …..already …..

a) had***rang; b) has***rang; c) had***rung; d) have***ringing.

11. Mr. Brown ….. never ….. to punish his children.

a) had***had; b) has***had; c) was***had; d) is***have.

12. This is the girl we ….. at the theatre yesterday.

a) had met; b) meet; c) met; d) have met.

13. She ….. this article by 5 o` clock yesterday.

a) has translated; b) had translated; c) translated; d) translates.

14. By the end of the next week they all ….. ill.

a) have fallen; b) had fallen; c) will fall; d) will have fallen.

Lesson 11




В українській мові дієслово-присудок підрядного додаткового речення може вживатись у будь-якому часі (теперішньому, минулому чи майбутньому), залежно від змісту. В англійській мові це можливо лише тоді, коли дієслово-присудок головного речення виражає дію стосовно теперішнього або майбутнього часу:

І think that it will rain. Я думаю, що буде дощ.
Не understands that he has made a mistake. Він розуміє, що допустив noмилку.
Mother will tell me what I shall have to do. Мати скаже, що мені робити.

Якщо ж присудок головного речення в англійській мові виражений дієсловом в одному з минулих часів або в Present Perfect, що виражає дію, яка відбулась у минулому, то в підрядному додатковому реченні дієслово-присудок, як правило, має бути в одному з минулих часів або в майбутньому з точки зору минулого (Future-in-the-Past).

Якщо в головному реченні дієслово-присудок виражає минулу дію, а дія підрядного додаткового речення відбувається в той самий період часу, що й дія головного, то в підрядному реченні вживається Past Indefinite або Past Continuous.

І thought you were his friend. Я думав, що ти його друг.
Who told you I washere? Хто вам сказав, що я тут?
They knew what they were fighting for. Вони знали, за що борються.
You had not told me where you were going. Ви не сказали мені, куди йдете.

В українській мові дієслово додаткового підрядного речення вживається зазвичай у теперішньому часі.

Якщо в головному реченні дієслово-присудок виражає минулу дію, а дія підрядного додаткового речення відбулася раніше дії головного, то в підрядному реченні вживається Past Perfect. На українську мову такі речення перекладаються минулим часом:

І thought you had leftEngland. Я думав, що ви залишили Англію.
We asked him if anything had happened. Ми запитали його, чи не трапилося чого-небудь.
І asked him how long hehad beenin the tunnel. Я запитав його, скільки він пробув у тунелі.

Примітка: Якщо в підрядному реченні точно зазначено час виконання дії, то цю дію виражають за допомогою Past Indefinite або Past Continuous:

Не said that he finished school in 1994. Він сказав, що закінчив школу в 1994 році.
Не said that he was working when she rang him up. Він сказав, що працював, коли вона подзвонила йому.

Якщо в головному реченні дієслово-присудок виражає минулу дію, а дія підрядного додаткового речення є майбутньою з точки зору дії головного, то в підрядному реченні вживається Future-in-the-Past:

І knew that you wouldunderstandme. Я знав, що ви зрозумієте мене.
You have said you would come. Ти казав, що прийдеш.

Якщо підрядне додаткове речення підпорядковане не головному, а іншому підрядному реченню, то час дієслова підрядного додаткового речення узгоджується з часом дієслова того речення, якому воно безпосередньо підпорядковане, а не з часом дієслова головного речення:

Не said that his sister had written him that she workedat a plant. Він сказав, що його сестра писала йому, що вона працює на заводі.

Дія другого підрядного речення (worked) не обов'язково одночасна з дією головного (said), але вона одночасна з дією першого підрядного речення (had written), а тому в другому підрядному реченні вживається Past Indefinite.

Правило послідовності часів не застосовується в підрядних додаткових реченнях, які виражають загальновідомі факти:

Не knewthat metals conduct electricity. Вінзнав, що метали проводять електрику.
The teacher toldthat the Earth movesround the Sun. Вчитель сказав, що Земля рухається навколо Сонця.

Якщо дія підрядного додаткового речення є одночасною з дією головного речення або майбутньою не лише стосовно минулої дії головного речення, а й моменту мовлення, правило послідовності часів застосовується не завжди. У цьому разі в підрядному реченні може вживатися теперішній або майбутній час, хоч присудок головного речення й виражає минулу дію:

Somebody asked me where I'm going. Хтось запитав мене, куди я йду. (Дія підрядного речення є одночас-ною з дією головного речення.)
І told you I'm in a hurry. Я сказала вам, що поспішаю.

Проте в таких випадках дієслова здебільшого вживаються відповідно до правил послідовності часів.

11.1 Практичні завдання

Вправа 1. Утворіть речення за зразком.

Model:She knew that he was busy, (to share a room, be clever, to give a lecture, to work, to disappear, to choose).

Model:Не said that he had repeated the speech word for word.

(to arrive at a decision, to come back, to gather, to spend, to laugh, to take).

Model:The Dean said they would choose the candidate after the lecture (to go on with, to work at, to take out of the pocket, to review grammar, to make a choice)


Вправа 2.Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у потрібному часі.

1. I thought that you (to arrive) at some decision. 2. We did not remember that he (to repeat) that speech from memory.3. He believed that a fine memory (to be) absolutely necessary for that post. 4. I did not know if you (to apply) for this job. 5. They said they (to work) 7 hours a day. 6. He promised that he (to give) a lecture in near future. 7. I did not know how my bag (to disappear).8. The teacher said he (to call on) the students in alphabetical order. 9. Didshe say that there (to be) a lot of mistakes in your composition? 10. Did she find out that he (to come) late at night? 11. She asked me if I (to get on) well with my classes. 12. I was sure that his brother (to leave) home. 13. She discovered that we (to be taken) by surprise. 14. Did they decide that they (to leave) for Kyiv?

Вправа 3. Запишіть речення, погоджуючи часи дієслів.


1. If I … (to be free) tomorrow night, I … (to go) to the concert. 2. He says he … (to look in) to see us before he … (to leave) our town. 3. Jane … (to stay) at home until she … (to feel), better. 4. When … you … (to visit) your grandma? – Probably next year. 5. When my brother … (to finish) school he ... (to go) to college. 6. I … (to tell) you as soon as I … (to know). 7. I’d like to know when Dan … (to be back). 8. Give my love to Laura if you … (to see) her. 9. I … (not to know) when she … (to take) her exam. 10. I don’t think we … (to finish) our work in time unless you … (to help) us. 11. I … (to give) you my bike for tomorrow providing you … (to bring) it back the day after tomorrow. 12. Mother says we … (to have dinner) after she … (to unpack) our things. 13. Don’t get off the train until it … (to stop). 14. You may take this book so long as you … (not to keep) it too long. 15. Your boss … (to give) you the day off on condition that you … (to work) on Saturday morning. 16. Provided that they … (not to do) anything stupid, they … (to win) tonight's match easily. 17. Unless he … (to arrive) soon, we … (to have to) go without him. 13. I … (to wonder) if they … (to follow) our advice.