Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations by heart. Read and translate the text. Answer the following questions.

Задание 1.Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.



to accompany - сопровождать

to house - вмещать

to evacuate – откачивать; вывозить

band – полоса, лента; связь

proper – надлежащий

similar (to) - похожий (на), подобный

band filter - ленточный фильтр

proper amplification - надлежащее усиление

evacuated space - разреженное пространство

house wiring - домовая проводка

band of frequencies - полоса частот

similar properties - подобные свойства

improper accompaniment - ненадлежащее сопровождение



Television broadcasting is similar to radio broadcasting except that it is considerably more complex than the radio-sound broadcasting system. The cause of it is that much more signal space — that is bandwidth — is necessary to carry the complex video signal together with the audio signal.

In a typical television system two separate transmitters are employed — one for the sound channel and the other for the picture channel. The sound transmitter is frequency modulated. It simultaneously transmits the sound аnd the image. The image is accompanied by the sound in the process of broadcasting and each of the transmitters is supplied with its own aerial.

The image being televised is received by the television camera, which converts the optical image into electrical impulses. The camera includes an optical leas system similar to that used in a photographic camera, the image from is projected into a camera tube. The camera tube includes a photosensitive mosaic which is scanned by an electron beam. The beam, in its turn, is housed in an evacuated glass tube. Usually the output signals of the camera tube are preamplified within the camera itself by the video or picture amplifier. After proper amplification, the video signal modulates the high-frequency carrier of the television transmitter and is radiated into space by the aerial. As for the picture carrier, it is amplitude-modulated.




What is a typical television camera similar to?

By what element are the output signals preamplified?

What element of the system radiates the video signals into space?

Why is television broadcasting more complex than radio-sound one?

How many transmitters are employed in a typical television system?

Is there any difference between these transmitters?

What part of a television system converts optical images into electrical impulses?


Task 2. Translate and write down the following words and word combinations in your workbooks. Make up a short plan of the text «PRINCIPLE OF TELEVISION» and write it down in your workbooks, summarize the text in short.

Задание 2.Переведите и занесите в конспект следующие слова и словосочетания. Составьте и занесите в конспект план пересказа текста «ТЕЛЕВИДЕНИЕ. ПРИНЦИП РАБОТЫ» на английском языке, подготовьте устный пересказ этого текста.

Short theoretical information and a sample of implementation

(Краткие теоретические сведения и пример выполнения)

Word Formation (Словообразование)

Английские предлоги могут быть односоставными (например, pre; over; by; before; into; of) и сложными (фактически фразы, с двумя и больше словами - along with; in spite of; together with и другие).

На английском языке предлог pre- имеет значение до-, пред-. В слове «preposition» (pre + position= помещать вперед) этот предлог находится перед другим словом. Это может быть существительное, местоимение, именная группа и герундий.


Примеры (Examples): to pre-control — исследовать заранее

to preheat — предварительно нагревать


Translate the following words and word combinations in written form.

Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания в письменной форме.




1. prehistoric__________________

2. to pre-plan__________________



mosaic _____________________




camera _____________________

accompaniment ______________


Word combinations


picture carrier_______________________________________________________________

proper employment___________________________________________________________

images being accompanied by the proper sounds____________________________________

output signals being preamplified________________________________________________

similar images being broadcasted ________________________________________________


Task 3. Prepare a presentation of the topic «PRINCIPLE OF TELEVISION»: make up slides about the topic «PRINCIPLE OF TELEVISION», write down the material of the slides in your workbooks, prepare your report (presentation) for the demonstration it in the lecture-room.

Задание 3. Подготовьте презентацию на тему «ТЕЛЕВИДЕНИЕ. ПРИНЦИП РАБОТЫ»: подберите слайды по теме «ТЕЛЕВИДЕНИЕ. ПРИНЦИП РАБОТЫ», текст к слайдам занесите в конспект, подготовьте сообщение (презентацию) для представления презентации в аудитории.