Инструкция по выполнению работы на бумажном носителе

Дом Учителя Уральского федерального округа

XIII Международная Олимпиада по основам наук

Первый этап

Научный руководитель проекта по предмету: Шустрова Елизавета Владимировна, доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры английского языка, методики и переводоведения Института иностранных языков УрГПУ, г. Екатеринбург

Автор заданий: Питолина Полина Андреевна, аспирант кафедры английского языка, методики и переводоведения Института иностранных языков УрГПУ, г. Екатеринбург

Английский язык 10 класс

Проводится в честь британской актрисы Джуди Денч

Время выполнения работы 1 час 15 минут

____________ ___________ __________ ___________ ____________ _____ _____

Фамилия Имя Отчество Нас. пункт Область ОУ № код


Таблица ответов

Задания 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5              
Задания 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5                
Задание 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5              
Задание 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5              


Инструкция по выполнению работы на бумажном носителе

На выполнение олимпиадной работы отводится 1 час 15 мин. Работа состоит из 3 блоков и включает 12 заданий. Максимальное количество баллов – 100.

1 блок – лексико-грамматический (30 баллов): задания 1-2– на выбор одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных. Задание 3 направлено на установление последовательности, задание 4 – на нахождение соответствий. Задания 1 - 2, максимально оцениваются в 10 баллов каждое; задания 3 и 4 – максимально в 5 баллов каждое. Порядок расположения вариантов ответов в заданиях на последовательность: сверху вниз.

2 блокчтение (40 баллов): задание 5 направлено на установление соответствия (максимальное количество баллов 10), 6 задание – на выбор одного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов (максимальное количество баллов 20), и задание 7 – на выбор одного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов (максимальное количество баллов 10).

3 блоклингвострановедческий (30 баллов):задания (8 – 12), из которых 2 задания (8 – 9) направлены на выбор одного ответа из нескольких предложенных (максимальное количество баллов 3), и 3 задания (10 – 12) – с кратким ответом, (максимальное количество баллов 8). Ответы заносятся в специальную таблицу, начиная с первой клеточки. Каждую букву, цифру или символ пишите в отдельной клеточке, буквы должны быть печатными. Артикли НЕ используйте. Ответы записываются без пробелов, без диакритических знаков (умлаутов) и заглавных букв. Полученные баллы суммируются.

Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов. Внимательно прочитайте каждое задание и проанализируйте все варианты предложенных ответов. Постарайтесь выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. Для экономии времени пропускайте задание, которое не удается выполнить сразу, и переходите к следующему. К пропущенному заданию вы сможете вернуться после выполнения всей работы, если останется время.

В случае выполнения заданий на бумажном носителе заносите ответы в специальную таблицу ответов. В заданиях на соответствие ответы нужно вписывать таким образом, чтобы буква из второго столбца соответствовала цифре первого столбца. В заданиях на последовательность и хронологию ответ нужно записывать в виде правильной последовательности цифр (без пробелов и других символов). В заданиях открытого типа ответ заносится в таблицу ответов печатными буквами по-английски, начиная с первой клеточки. Каждую букву необходимо писать в отдельной клеточке. Рекомендации внесения ответов даются к каждому заданию открытого типа.

Блок 1. Лексико-грамматический.

1. Fill in the gaps. Choose one of the three options below.

Butterflies are some of the most interesting insects on the planet Earth. There are more than seventeen thousand different kinds of butterflies! Butterflies come in all shapes and sizes.

Butterflies 1.1. ________ four main stages of life. The first stage is the egg stage 1.2. ______ by the larva stage. As a larva, or caterpillar, the future butterfly eats as much as possible. As it grows, it sheds it outer skin, or exoskeleton. This may happen four or five times. After a few weeks, the caterpillar 1.3._____ the next stage of its life, the chrysalis stage. In the chrysalis, the caterpillar will liquefy into a soup of living cells. Then, it will reorganize into a butterfly and the metamorphosis is 1.4 ________. In later parts of the chrysalis stage, you can see the forming butterfly through the chrysalis.

When the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, it pumps its wings to send blood through them so that it can fly. Most butterflies only live a couple of weeks, just enough time to drink flower nectar and to mate. Some, like the Monarch Butterfly, 1.5. ______, may live many months.


1.1 A) go at B) go by C) go through
1.2 A) followed B) then C) proceeds
1.3 A) comes B) enters C) begins to
1.4 A) complete B) did C) accomplish
1.5 A) besides B) therefore C) however


2. Fill in the gaps. Choose one of the three options below.

My cat, Thomas, 2.1. _______ playing in the garden. I 2.2. _______ in the kitchen one day, when I 2.3. _____ him scratching at the back door. When I opened the door I 2.4. ______to see him with a live bird in his mouth. Thomas 2.5. _______ anything like this before!

2.1 A) is loving B) loves C) is loved
2.2 A) have sat B) was siting C) sat
2.3 A) hear B) was hearing C) heard
2.4 A) was horrified B) horrified C) was horrifying
2.5 A) had never done B) never did C) is never doing


3. Put the words in order to make a correct question. Запиши в таблицу цифры выбранных ответов (без пробелов и других символов), каждая цифра в отдельной клеточке.


1) made

2) say

3) thing

4) a

5) you

6) stupid

7) such

8) what

Третья часть. Задание, оцениваемое в 5 баллов.

4. Match the beginnings of the sentences (1–5) with the endings (a–f). There is one extra answer (a–f) you do not use.

1. My boss is very relaxed, A) … they allow us to set our own salaries
2. Our employees have long holidays, B) … he made them work at weekends
3. He was wearing dirty clothes in the office, C) … so boss made him get changed
4. He was really strict with the workers, D) … she lets us take long breaks
5. It’s my favourite airline, E) … they are allowed to take one month off at Christmas
  F) … they let little children fly for free


Блок 2. Чтение.

5. Read the text and mark A-true and B-false sentences after it. If there is no information mark C.

Darwinism on trial in American state

In the American state of Kansas, a court-like battle is under way over how the origins of life should be taught in schools. In one corner are scientists and teachers who are insistent that Darwinism and the Theory of Evolution is beyond scientific doubt. In opposition is a group of Christian-right thinkers who believe creationism, or in their terminology "intelligent design", explains how we got here! Intelligent design proclaims the role of an intelligent designer – God – in creating us as human beings. The creationists argue all life did not have a common origin, that life did not start at a molecular level and that we did not descend from apes. Creationist John Sanford, from Cornell University said: "My explanation, humbly offered, is that we were spe­cially created."

This has alarm bells sounding for many educators who dismiss the new theory as a fad of the religious right. Scientists say educational standards would decline if the creationists get their way. The National Academy of Sciences and the National Science Teachers' Association reject intelligent design for having no scientific grounding and for being a religious invention. Many scientists are boycotting the hearings, which they see as pure nonsense. They say Kansas will be ridiculed for sending its students back to the dark ages of scientific thinking. Two of the ten committee members that will decide this issue believe the Earth may be younger than 5,000 years old.

A) true B) false C) no information
1) Charles Darwin has been arrested and is on trial in the USA.
2) A battle is on in Kansas over how to teach the origins of life.
3) Scientists believe the Theory of Evolution is beyond scientific doubt.
4) Creationists argue we evolved from apes.
5) Scientists say the Kansas school system may become a laughingstock.

6. Read the textand answer the questions.

Windsor Palace is the world's largest and oldest continuously inhabited castle. Occupying over 484,000 square feet, it is over 240 times the size of an average house. William the Conqueror built the first castle on the grounds between 1070 and 1086, but the castle that exists today was largely built by Edward of Windsor in 1350. Edward of Windsor authorized the construction of a new keep, a large chapel, and new fortifications. From a distance, the castle appears dominated by a massive round tower in its center.

In 1475, King Edward IV authorized construction of St. George’s Chapel as a cathedral and royal mausoleum. The chapel became an important destination for pilgrims in the late medieval period and is probably the most famous of the structures within Windsor Palace. During the 1500’s and 1600’s, Windsor Castle was damaged as a result of various wars. In 1660, however, Charles II became interested in restoring the castle and laid out plans for “The Long Walk,” a three-mile long avenue running south from the castle. Charles II also had the royal apartments and St. George’s Hall rebuilt. The royal apartments were spectacular, with numerous carvings, frescoes, and tapestries. The artwork acquired during the rebuilding of Windsor Castle became known as the Royal Collection, which remains relatively unchanged today.

In 1824, George IV moved into the castle and was granted 300,000 pounds to renovate Windsor Castle. The entire castle was remodeled and the architect, Jeffrey Wyattville, succeeded in blending the castle to seem like one entity rather than a collection of buildings. Wyattville raised and lowered the heights of various buildings to give them symmetry and improved the appearance and structure of others.


6.1 The biggest part of Windsor Castle was constructed under the orders of...

A) King Edward IV C) William the Conqueror
B) Edward of Winsor D) George IV


6.2 What is the "Royal Collection”?

A) A term used to describe the many castles and homes owned by the Royal Family C) A valuable collection of artwork
B) A collection of valuable race horses D) The name used to describe the Royal Family

6.3 What happened last?

A) William the Conqueror lived in the castle C) Edward of Windsor authorized the construction of a new keep
B) Charles II laid out plans for the "Long Walk" D) St. George's Chapel was built


6.4 The royal mausoleum of Windsor Castle is known as...

A) Wyattville Hall C) The Royal Collection
B) The Long Walk D) St. George's Chapel


6.5 Who made major renovations to the castle in 1824?

A) Jeffrey Wyattville C) St. George
B) Charles II D) King Edward IV

7. Look at the picture and fill in the gaps in the text. Choose one of the three options below


In the picture you can see an airport. Everyone is looking for their luggage. A family in the bottom left corner is 7.1.______. A father is hiding a 7.2._______ of flowers. There is a man in a hat in the foreground lassoing his suitcase and a girl next to him is 7.3. _______ . A family next to a man in the hat in the background is 7.4. ________. The only person who is looking surprised is a boy in the hoodie standing 7.5._______ the robot.

7.1 A) fighting B) reuniting C) arriving
7.2 A) a bunch B) a flock C) a pile
7.3 A) crying B) surprised C) reading a book
7.4 A) reuniting B) talking C) collecting a box of apples
7.5 A) hereinafter B) whereas C) beside


Блок 3. Лингвострановедение.

Choose the correct option.

8. Judi Dench has 7 Laurence Olivier Awards. Who was Laurence Olivier?

1) Member of the Royal Family

2) Writer

3) Philanthropist

4) Actor


9. Who is the patron saint of England?

1) St. Patrick

2) St. George

3) St. Andrew

4) St. David

В заданиях 10–12 ответ записывается в таблицу ответов, начиная с первой клеточки. Каждую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке, буквы должны быть печатными (без артикля). При записи ответов пробелы не используются.

10. What is the name of the sight of London in the picture (2 words, no spaces)?

11. What is the name of the organization that unites Britain and the majority of its former colonies (1 word)?


12. What British Overseas Territory is located on the south of Spain?