Write down the missing sentences.

Pronouns Affirmative Negative Question
I I was a student.    
you   You were not at home.  
he He was handsome.    
she     Was she kind?
it It was perfect.    
we   We were not right.  
you You were wrong.    
they   Were they polite?

2. Complete the sentences with was or were.

1. I ____happy.

2. She ____in Paris two days ago.

3. We ____ at university.

4. The students ____ in the classroom.

5. The cat ____ on the sofa.

6. It ____ hot.

7. They ____ on holiday.

8. You ____ at school.

9. We ­­­­­____ in the garden.

10. I ____ at home.


Form of the verbs of motion in the Past Simple.

Pronouns Affirmative Negative Question
I/ you/we/they/ he/she/it I cleaned a car. I wrote a letter. I did not clean a car. I did not write a letter. Did I clean a car? Did I write a letter?

Write down the missing sentences.

Pronouns Affirmative Negative Question
I I worked    
you   You didn’t work  
he He worked    
she     Did she work?
it It worked    
we   We didn’t work  
you You worked    
they   They didn’t work  

Affirmative Sentences

1. Write positive sentences in past simple.

e.g. He / go / to the cinema. He went to the cinema.

1. Anna / answer / the question.

2. The dog / bark.

3. We / climb / a mountain.

4. You / live / in London.

5. I / be / hungry.

6. John / collect / stamps.

7. They / have / a car.

8. I / be / at school.

9. He / study / at a boarding school.

10. She / write / a letter / yesterday.


2. Have a look at James's last week's diary and answer the questions in complete sentences. Put the time expression at the end of the sentence.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
footballI meet John buy flowers cinema concert meeting sailing
  English Italian restaurant shopping ring Jane tennis  


e.g.: When was his English course? His English course was on Tuesday.

1. When did he meet John?

2. When did he play football?

3. When did he buy flowers?

4. When did he go to the Italian restaurant?

5. When did he go to the cinema?

6. When did he do shopping?

7. When did he go to the concert?

8. When did he ring Jane?

9. When did he go to the meeting?

10. When did he go sailing?


3. Look at James’s last week diary and talk about John.


Negative Sentences

Rewrite the sentences in the negative.

e.g.: He cut the grass yesterday. He did not cut the grass yesterday.

1. I was a pupil in 1975.

2. They learnt English two days ago.

3. Helen worked in the garden this morning.

4. I and John wrote this report last week.

5. He had a computer last year.

6. We visited our parents yesterday.

7. He was thirsty.

8. I bought bread.

9. We saw the house two days ago.

10. You invited her last week.


Write questions in past simple.

e.g.: Helen / the window / open? Did Helen open the window?

1. Where / you / go / yesterday?

2. She / have / two older sisters?

3. She / work / as a nurse?

4. You / lock / the door?

5. My father / work / in the garden?

6. They / sing / a song?

7. She / be / happy?

8. We / walk / home?

9. He / kick / the ball?

10. I / go to / the cinema?

Interrogatives with wh questions

Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.

e.g.: He worked in the officeyesterday. Where did he work yesterday?

1. We ate hamburgers.

2.She watched an interesting film last night.

You were attractive on the party.

4. The teacher checked our homework.

5. I waited for you in the park.

6. Our neighbor had a dog.

7. She was a princess.

8. Shestudiedphysics and maths.

9. Mary continued her work on radium.

10. Wewent tothe cinema yesterday.

Put the verbs into the correct form (the past simple).

e.g.: I (read) a book yesterday. I read a book yesterday.

1. Last year I (visit) ______my parents.

2. I (spend) ______my holiday in England.

3. Where you (go) ______?

4. In the evening we usually (go) ______to the café.

5. It (not rain) _______yesterday.

6. What you (do)______ last week?

7. The holiday (is) ______ great.

8. We (be) ______ lucky at the party.

9. We (travel) _____ a lot last year.

10. I (see) ______ beautiful rainbows.


1. Watch the cartoon “Parts of the house” and learn new vocabulary.

2. Watch the cartoon “This is my house” and talk about your house.

3. Listen to the song “House song” and asked your partner about his/her house.

Does your house have a roof?
Does your house have walls?
Does your house have windows?
Does it have a door?
Here's the roof and the walls.
Here are the windows.
And here's the door.

Is your house very big?
Is your house very small?
Is your house very short or is it very tall?
This is big, this is small.
This is short and this is tall.

Is your house made of concrete?
Is your house made of bricks?
Is your house made of wood or is it made of sticks?
This is concrete, these are bricks.
This is wood and these are sticks.

Does your house have a roof?
Does your house have walls?
Does your house have windows?
Does it have a door?

4. Listen to the song “The rooms in the House song” and fill in the gaps.


Where’s Mr. Penguin? He’s in ­­­1) ____ bed room.

What’s 2) ____ doing? He’s reading a book.

3) ____’s baby Elephant? He’s in the bathroom.

What’s he doing? He’s taking 4) ____ bath.

Bedroom, Bathroom, Living room, Dining room.

Kitchen, Not chicken!!! , it’s a kitchen.

Where’s ­­­5) ____ Lion? He’s in the living 6) ____.

7) ____’s he doing? He’s watching T.V.

Where’s Billy Beaver? He’s in the Dining room.

What’s he doing? He’s studying 8) ____.

Bed room, Bathroom, Living room, Dining room.

Kitchen, Not chicken!!! , it’s a kitchen.

Where’s Mr. 9) ____ Bear? He’s in the kitchen.

What’s he doing? He 10) ____ cooking Spaghetti.

Where’s Mr. Zibra? He’s in the kitchen.

What’s he 11) ____? He’s washing the Dishes.

Bedroom, Bathroom, Living room, Dining room.

Kitchen, Not chicken!!! , it’s a kitchen.


Learn new words.

1. house – дом – үй

2. private – частный – жеке мекшік

3. entrance – вход – кіру

4. balcony – балкон – қылтима

5. floor – пол – еден

6. convenient – удобный – ыңғайлы

7. central heating – центральное отопление – орталық жылыту

8. electricity – электричество – электр қуаты

9. water supply system, water pipeline – водопровод – су құбыры

10. telephone – телефон – телефон

11. flat – квартира – пәтер

12. bedroom – спальня – жатын бөлме

13. living room – гостиная – қонақ бөлмесі

14. bathroom – ванна жуынатын бөлме

15. hall – зал, холл зал

16. study – кабинет кабинет

17. library – библиотека кітапхана

18. kitchen – кухня ас бөлмесі

19. dining room – столовая асхана

20. furniture – мебель жиһаз

21. table – стол үстел

22. desk письменный, рабочий стол жазба үстелі

23. to live – жить өмір сүру

24. to move – переезжать көшу

25. cosy – уютный ыңғайлы

26. mirror – зеркало айна

27. refrigerator – холодильник тоңазытқыш

28. wardrobe гардероб, шкаф шкаф

29. cupboard шкаф для посуды ыдыс-аяқ шкафы

30. carpet – ковер кілем

31. curtain – занавеска перде

32. arm chair – кресло кресло

33. bookshelf - книжная полка кітап сөресі

34. hallstand – вешалка ілгіш

35. ceiling – потолок төбе

36. window – окно терезе

37. wall – стена қабырға

38. door – дверь есік

39. toilet – туалет дәретхана

40. wall-paper – обои түсқағаз

41. stand – подставка подставка

42. linoleum – линолеум линолеум

43. parquet – паркет паркет

44. wall cabinet – навесные шкафы қабырға шкафтары

45. magazine – журнал журнал

46. newspaper – газета газет

47. bookcase – этажерка кітап шкафы

48. block of flats – многоквартирный дом көп пәтерлі үй

49. chute – мусоропровод қоқыс салғыш

50. chair – стул орындық

51. sofa – диван диван

52. TV – телевизор теледидар

53. dressing table – туалетный столик дәретхана орындығы

54. village –деревня ауыл

55. farm – ферма ауыл-шаруашылық

56. housework – домашняя работа үй жұмысы

57. forest – лес орман

58. field – поле жайлау

59. river – река өзен

60. to milk – доить сауу

61. feed – кормить животных жануарларға жем беру

62. stove – печь пеш

63. wooden house – деревянный дом ағаш үй

64. perch - усесться, взгромоздиться отырып қалу

65. plant – растение өсімдік

66. apple – яблоня алма ағашы

67. plum – слива алхоры

68. cherry – вишня. Черешня шие, шие ағашы

69. tree – дерево ағаш

70. strawberry – клубника, земляника құлпынай

71. raspberry – малина таңқұрай

72. parcel – пакет пакет

73. berry – ягода жидек

74. mushroom – гриб саңырауқұлақ

75. delicious восхитительный, прелестный тамаша

76. go fishing идти на рыбалку балық аулауға бару

77. toboggan – сани шана

78. snowman – снеговик аққала

79. rustic – деревенский, сельский ауылдыкі

80. detached – особняк сарай

81. cottage – коттедж коттедж

82. room – комната бөлме