Say if the following statements are true or false. If the statement is false, give the correct variant.

1. All the applicants passed the exams successfully and were admitted to the university.

2. The first thing every student faces at the university is his compressed timetable.

3. As regards English they will teach us not only to read and translate different texts but to speak Eng­lish as well.

4. After the inside tour of the university the author and his friends went to the party.

5. It’s always better to do the homework in time and to attend the lectures than to catch up with the program later.

6. Because of the compressed timetable students really can’t find time for communication and active rest.

7. It’s not allowed to miss lectures at the university.

8. The monitors of the groups mostly deal with the matters of university.

9. The classrooms and libraries are available for the freshmen.

5. Use the following words and phrases to say what you usually do … \ what the teaching staff usually does … :

At the Lecture

to listen to the lecturer, to deliver lectures, to answer questions, to take notes, to provide examples, to ask questions, to explain, to write, to put down

At the Seminar

to speak on the subject, to make a report, to take part in the discussion, to ask questions, to add to what was said by the previous speaker, to ask the lecturer to explain, to clear up

At the Library

to read books recommended by the lecturers, to provide with course books, to look through newspapers and magazines, to drill, to make notes, to prepare for

In the Laboratory

to listen to the tape, to demonstrate, to repeat after the speaker, to do aural exercises, to watch video-films, to work with wood\ metal\ textile … , to imitate

Express the following in English. Supply answers. Work in pairs.

1. Вы студент?

2. Где Вы учитесь? На каком факультете?

3. На каком Вы курсе?

4. По какому предмету Вы специализируетесь?

5. Когда Вы поступили в университет?

6. Сколько вступительных экзаменов Вы cдавали?

7. Как Вы сдали эти экзамены?

8. На какое отделение Вас зачислили (вы были приняты)?

9. Вы живёте в общежитии?

10. Почему Вы приняли решение поступaть на этот факультет?

11. Вы помните Ваш первый день в университете? Каким он был?

12. Вы регулярно посещаете занятия: лекции, семинары, практические занятия?

13. Как часто Вы пропускаете лекции?

14. Кому Вы представляете свои курсовые работы?

15. Вы делаете какие-либо (any) доклады на занятиях?

16. Как много экзаменов и зачётов Вы сдаёте в конце семестра?

17. Как Вы готовитесь к экзаменам и зачётам?

18. Вы пользуетесь шпаргалками (списываете) на экзамене?

19. Где Вы обычно готовите домашние задания?

20. Вы находите время для отдыха и общения с друзьями?



1. Match the expressions in the left column with their Rus­sian equivalents in the right column:


Hallo! It's nice to see you. (I am) glad to meet you. How are you? to be well by the way I wonder why. a roommate a classmate No wonder. Good for him! to get through one's exam I was most fortunate For shame! It serves you right. reason to be frank with you in general You don't say so! вообще откровенно говоря Не может быть! (Что вы говорите!) Мне очень повезло. выдержать экзамен Неудивительно. товарищ по группе товарищ по комнате Интересно (знать), почему. между прочим быть здоровым, хорошо себя чувствовать Как поживаете? Рад тебя (вас) видеть. Привет! причина Молодец! Не стыдно? Так тебе и надо!

2. Read the dialogue and say between whom the conversation is taking place:

- Hallo, Bob! Glad to meet you.

- Hallo, Pete. It’s nice to see you. How are you?

- Thank you. Fine. Hope you are well too. By the way, I saw Victor, your roommate, this morning. He looks very happy. I wonder why.

- No wonder. He did well in his exams.

- Good for him! And what about you? Did you get through?

- No, I was most unfortunate. I failed in history.

- Failed? You don’t say so. What’s the reason?

- To be frank with you, I missed lectures rather often and sometimes didn’t attend seminars. In general I didn’t work hard enough.

- For shame! It serves you right. It will be a good lesson for you.

3. Fill in the gaps and translate the expressions in brackets:

- Hallo, Mike! ... to meet you

- It's nice to ... you, too. How ... you?

- Thank you. Fine. Hope you are ... too. By....... , I saw your (товарищ по комнате) the other day. He looks very happy. I wonder why.

- ... wonder. He did well ... his exams.

- Good ... him! And what about you? Did you get ... ?

- No, I ... in maths.

- You don't say so! What's the ...?

- To be ... with you, I ... lectures rather often and didn't ... seminars. ... general I didn't work hard enough.

- ... shame! It ... you right. It'll be a good (урок) for you.

(the conversation is taking place between a student and his senior colleague)