Составьте предложения, используя приведенные ниже слова.


Mr Roinson / to speak to / I’d like I’d like to speak to Mr Robinson.
  1) sure /I’m / in /is /he/not   _______________________________..
2) a moment / will / hold on / you _______________________________?.
3) and / go / find out / I’ll _______________________________..
4) is / at / out / the moment / Mr Robinson _______________________________..
5) you / will / a message / leave _______________________________?.
6) In / be /Mr Robinson / will / when _______________________________ ?
7) convenient / you / to ring / will / be / in the afternoon / it /for _______________________________?.
8) I / who / shall /was /say /calling _______________________________?.
9) you / repeat /please / the name / will _______________________________?
10) the name / spell / me /let _______________________________..
11) have / a note of / I / made / that _______________________________..

8. Оставьте/примите сообщение в обозначенной ситуации общения. Разыграйте телефонный разговор, используя ключевые слова и выражения, указанные в данном упражнении, и материал Приложения (стр.18-21).

Ключевые слова и выражения:

Для студента А (Mike) Для студента В (Mrs Porter)
Could I speak to ….? She’s just gone out for a moment.
May I leave a message …? Can I take a message?
Could you ask her to…? Could you hold for a second?
I’d like to invite her to … I didn't have a pen handy
The address: 23 Green str. Could you please repeat that information?
Time: at 7 p.m. Is there anything else?
  let me write that down
  I've got it.


Task for A: You are Mike. Try to leave a message for Nelly, who is not in at the moment.

Introduce yourself/ invite Nelly to answer the call/ ask when Nelly will be back / leave a message for Nelly asking her to come to the party tonight.

Task for B: You are Mrs. Porter (Nelly’s mother). Your daughter is out. Take the message for her.

Introduce yourself/you don’t have a pen handy/ ask Mike to hold a minute/ ask Mike to repeat the information /Write down the information from Mike/.




to appoint to be busy to suit smb
appointment to be tied up to sound good
to make an appointment to be booked up to get in touch with somebody
to check an appointment book to be available/ unavailable to put through / to connect
to fix to have in mind schedule
to fix another appointment to postpone date(s)
to be convenient for somebody to arrange to agree
to confirm How about ... ? message
to send confirmation of the appointment to suggest another day  
to settle the matter on the phone to have an urgent business  
to look forward to ... ing earlier /later  


Ознакомьтесь с информацией о том, как договориться о встрече. Дополните инструкцию своими рекомендациями. Ответьте на вопросы после текста по модели.


How to Set Appointments

Set Appointments

Appointments can be crucial to operating and maintaining any type of business. If you are in sales, you will need to set appointments with both current and potential customers. If you are in the medical or behavioral health field, you need to schedule appointments that fit your clients' schedules as well as your own. No matter what type of business you are running, learning the best methods by which to set appointments will help your business run more smoothly.


· Determine how much time needs to be blocked out for each appointment. This will allow you to check your calendar for appropriate days and times according to your current schedule.

· Offer two or three specific dates and times for the appointment. If there are several time slots available, offer the first few that work best for you.

· Be as flexible as possible. If a client or customer is only available later in the day or first thing in the morning but you currently have no slots available, try to reschedule another scheduled activity to accommodate them.

· If you have large blocks of time available throughout the week or month, ask clients or customers if they have a date or time preference. They will appreciate the fact that you value their time.

· Make confirmation calls the day before to remind the client or customer of the time, date and location of the appointment and confirm that they still plan to meet with you.

(By Tielle Webb, eHow Contributor)



How do you usually set appointments with your friends? Do you follow all the instructions described?


2. Прослушайте запись разговора по телефону на сайтеhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/business/talkingbusiness/unit1telephone/4appointments.shtmlи ответьте на следующие вопросы, выбрав правильный ответ:


1) Where is Brian Hibberd?

a) in a meeting

b) on holidays

c) on a business trip

d) at home


2) When is it convenient for Mr Jefferson to have the appointment?

a) 5.15 next Wednesday

b) 4.15 next Wednesday

c) 4.15 next Monday

d) 4.15 this Wednesday


3) How long are Hibberd’s holidays?

a) one week

b) two weeks

c) one month

d) three weeks


3. Прослушайте диалог упражнения 2 и заполните пропуски:

Michelle: Mr Hibberd’s office!

Peter: Hello, can I speak to Brian Hibberd, please?

Michelle: I’m afraid he’s in …. until lunchtime. Can I take a message?

Peter: Well, I’d like …. …. to see him, please. It’s Peter Jefferson here.

Michelle: Could you hold on for a minute, Mr Jefferson. I’ll just look in the diary. So when’s … for you?

Peter: Some time next week if possible. I gather he’s away the following week.

Michelle: Yes, that’s right, he’s on holiday for a ….

Peter: Well, I need to see him before he goes away. So would next Wednesday be okay?

Michelle: Wednesday . let me see . he's out of the office all morning. But he's free in the afternoon, after about three.

Peter: Three o'clock is difficult. But I could make it after four.

Michelle: So shall we say … … next Wednesday, in Mr Hibberd's office?

Peter: Yes, that sounds fine. Thanks very much.

Michelle: Okay, then. Bye.