Read the text and complete it with the words given below. Translate the text.

Контрольная работа № 2 по английскому языку

Для студентов 2 курса заочного отделения

Вариант 1

1. Complete the sentences below using the correct alternative from A, B, C, D.

1. When I came into _____ cottage, the family____ sitting round the table playing chess. Chess__________their favourite game. They like to play__________in the evenings.

A the Holley's, were, are, it C the Holleys', were, is, it

B Holleys, was, are, them D Holleys's, was, is, them

2. She was well aware of her extraordinary good looks, and was perfectly prepared to discuss___, just as a man seven______high might talk of advantages and in­ conveniences of being tall.

A them, foot C them, feet

B it, foot D it, feet

3. ____Captain Cook reached_____ Cape of Good Hope in_____spring of 1771 and sailed via St. Helena in the South Atlantic before arriving in England in July 1771.

A The , the, ____, the C The, _____,_____, the

B __ , the, the,____ D ___ , ____, the, ____

4. This_____ the most effective means of production and___ can be adjusted to your business in ___ time.

A is, it, two month's C is, they, two-month

B are, they, a two-months Dis, it, two months'

5. Bread and cheese_____ his usual meal and he has been living on _______for two months.

A was, them C is, it

B are, it D is, them

6. One of_____ games is chess, which originated in India or probably China. It is a game of tradition and is_________-popular.

A old, the oldest, international

B the most ancient, old, internationally

C the more ancient, older, internationally

D ancient, the oldest, the most international

7. Cyprus_____ on major migration routes for birds, and in spring and autumn many millions _______ through. Many species also ______on the island,

A is lying, are passing, will winter

B lies, pass, winter

C is lying, pass, wintered

D has lain, have passed, have been wintering

8. I think we____ it on the shelf for Daddy to see when he _________home from work.

A will put, will come C put, comes

B will put, comes D put, will come

9. ______ you read a newspaper yesterday? _______ you angry about what happened?

A Have, Have C Did, Was

B Did, Are D Are, Were

10. What _______ (you / to look at)? – I (to look at) ___________ that tree in the garden. I (to like) ____________ to look at it early in the morning.

A are you looking at, am looking at, like C are you looking at, look at, like

B do you look at, look at, like D you look at, looking at, liking

Read the text and complete it with the words given below. Translate the text.

program, computer, cores, problem, states, devices, letters, ma­chine, results, on, memory, processing.

A ________ is a machine with an intricate network of elec­tronic circuits that operate switches or magnetize tiny metal ________. The switches, like the cores, are capable of being in one or two possible _______, that is, on or off; magnetized or demag­netized. The machine is capable of storing and manipulating numbers, _________, and characters (symbols).

The basic idea of a computer is that we can make the ­­­­­­­­­­­______ do what we want by inputting signals that turn certain switches ______ and turn others off, or magnetize or do not magne­tize the cores.

The basic job of computers is ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________of information. For this reason computers can be defined as _________which accept information in the form of instructions, called a _________, and characters, called data, perform mathematical and / or logical operations on the information, and then supply ­­­­_______ of these operations. The program, or part of it, which tells the comput­ers what to do and the data, which provide the information needed to solve the ________, are kept inside the computer in a place called____________.