I’d haVe helPed YoU IF YoU’d aSked 3 страница


a) in your 1) likely to live longer
b) close 2) annually
c) 22 per cent more 3) old age
d) the positive effects 4) and recreation
e) social activity 5) friends
f) researchers 6) intervals
g) environmental 7) in touch
h) senior citizens were monitored 8) on the body
i) three-yearly 9) analyzed data
j) keep 10) and social factors


Key: a 3, b 5, c 1, d 8, e 4, f 9, g 10, h 2, i 6, j 7.


5. Writing and speaking


Work in groups.

Discuss the following statements in your groups.













I’ll have more friends when I’m 70 than I have now.

I’ll see my friends every day when I’m in my seventies.

When I’m old, my friends will be more important to me than they are now.

I’ll argue a lot less with my friends when we’re old. I’ll still be making new friends even in my seventies.

All of the friends I have now will still be friends when I’m 70. I’m looking forward to being 70 and talking to my friends. Write down questions about friendship and old age.

Ask other classmates your questions and note down their answers. Go back to your original partner / group and compare your findings. Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings.


6. summary

Would you rather be surrounded by family than friends when you are old?


7. Homework

Write an essay on what you think your life will be like when you are in your seventies. Explain the main changes you think will happen. Tell these to your classmates in your next lesson. Did everyone write about similar changes?

Lesson 29


What woUld YoU do?


Цілі:вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; розвивати куль- туру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати відповідальне ставлення до сімейних цінностей.









1. Warm-up

Talk with your partner about these situations. Which have you expe-

rienced? Which would make your parents really angry?

y a party while parents are away

y crashing the family car

y losing the family’s photo albums

y being expelled from school being caught stealing by the police

y taking drugs and underage drinking

y teen pregnancy

y other


2. Reading and speaking

Do ex. 3, p. 86.

What was the biggest thing you did to make your parents furious? What did they say to you?


3. speaking  
  Discuss in groups if adults should try to teach young people lessons,
  such as the dangers of drinking too much, taking drugs or catch the AIDS  
  virus, or they should leave them alone to find out about these things them-  


What are the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches? Use the following expressions:

y To begin with,

y We need to discuss… y Let’s start by (V ing) y We’ll start by (V ing)

y The problem here is…

y One advantage of / Another advantage of / The main advantage of / The greatest advantage of

y The first advantage of teaching… is…

y One disadvantage of / Another disadvantage of / The main disadvan-

grouP 1
to teach young people lessons
advantages disadvantages


grouP 2
to leave young people alone
advantages disadvantages


tage of / The greatest disadvantage of / The first disadvantage of leav- ing them alone… is…




4. Reading and speaking

Read the article and say what you would do in that situation.

1) What do you think of Corey’s actions?

2) What questions would you like to ask Corey and his parents?



The parents of an Australian teenager may have a $20,000 bill to pay

for damages caused at a party held by their son. Corey Delaney, 16, decided

to throw a party in his house on Saturday night while his parents were on vacation. He posted an open invitation on the MySpace website, which re- sulted in 500 teenagers showing up at his Melbourne home. The youths got drunk and started damaging neighbouring properties. After complaints from neighbours, 30 police officers, police dogs and a backup helicopter went to break up the party. The young partygoers threw rocks and stones at the police and their cars. The state police commissioner Christine Nixon told a news conference that Corey “needs to learn a lesson, and one way or another we’ll be making sure that happens”.

Corey seemed proud of his party when reporters interviewed him. Australia’s Nine Network TV news asked him what advice he had for other teenagers planning a party. His reply was: “Get me to do it for you!” He added that he had organized the “best party ever”. Corey explained how the party grew to be so big: “It was just an open house party and a lot of people came and it overflowed onto the street… The cops came and told all the people to quiet down… There were people bottling cars and the whole streets were flooded with people”, he said. His parents were furious at their son’s actions: “We’re absolutely disgusted that he could do this, not only to us but to our neighbourhood”, his mother said. Corey was apolo- getic towards his neighbours, saying: “It was really unfair what happened to them”.


5. speaking

Do ex. 4, p. 87.


6. Reading

Do ex. 5 (a), p. 88.


7. Vocabulary practice

Fill in the gaps with the words from the Word File (p. 86).

1) I’d like to be able to … that feeling that something is going to be wrong.

2) I hope my snoring won’t … you too much.

3) Over half of the people in my … have parents who are divorced.

4) Children quickly learn how to … punishment.

5) She was always looking for ways to … her students.

6) He drives like a … .

7) I didn’t … my classmate in that uniform.

8) We meet once a month to discuss … problems.

9) Can you prove your … ?


8. summary

Do ex. 5 (b), p. 88.


9. Homework

Ex. 6, p. 88.

Lesson 30


ReaSonS oF ConFlICtS


Цілі:вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення; роз- вивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавле- ність у розширенні своїх знань.