Exercise 19.Answer the questions.

1. Where is stone used?

2. Why should stone be selected carefully?

3. Is limestone suitable for flooring? Why?

4. What should you pay attention to when using stone?

5. The surface can be cut and finished only in one way, can’t it?

6. Is stone a sustainable material?

Exercise 20. Match the words and phrases from the text.

1. Usable; 2. Practical; 3. The surface can be; 4. Limestone; 5. Natural; 6. After–care; 7. Significant; 8. Sustainable; 9. Stone is used. A. Variations; B. Regime; C. Can be porous; D. Stone; E. Properties; F. Material; G. In construction; H. Condition; I. Cut and finished.

Exercise 21. Put the words in the correct order to make complete sentences.

1. stone / carefully/ natural / should / selected / be /

2. easily / can / it / stain

3. suitable / may / they / for / be / uses / not

4. may / significant / there / be / colour / in / pattern / or / variations

5. sustainable / is / a / it / material / not

6. renewed / cannot / the / be / source


Exercise 22. Translate the following word–combinations. The text above will help you.

1. Декоративные и практические свойства.

2. Природный камень.

3. Подходящий для использования.

4. Способ прикрепления.

5. Полностью соответствовать.

6. Значительные изменения.

7. Состояние эксплуатационной готовности.


Exercise 23. Make up 7 sentences using the phrases from the exercise above.

Text D