Ex 5 Make up live groups of three words associated in meaning or area of usage.


job trigger surname machine essay
gun penname business novel car
name poem auto bullet work


Ex 6 Replace the words in bold type by their opposites. Make all necessary changes. Translate the sentences.


l. The boy steppedforward. 2. Suddenly the lightswent out. 3. She greeted uswarmly. 4. As could be expected of him, he did hisworst.5. He said hecould do without our helpquite easily. 6. The stranger had walkedin through the door. 7. The manpushed the armchairtowardsthe window. 8. The expedition was in safety. 9. The girllost her voice. 10. She finallyput down her book. 11. The boyscaught the bird. 12. He nevertells the truth. 13. It wassomebody else's decision. 14. She turned away from the window.

Ex 7 Compare the meanings of the words in bold type.


1. (і) Shewants another pair of shoes, (ii) Sheneeds another pair of shoes. 2. (і) We were allunhappy about the arrangement, (ii) We were alldispleased with the arrangement. 3. (і) It's adangerous job. (ii) It's arisky job. (iii) It's anunsafe job. 4. (і) I'mexpecting a friend. (ii) I'mwaiting for a friend. 5. (і) Theyfound himout. (ii) Theyfound out about him.

Ex 8 Recast the following sentences, using verbs instead of the nouns and phrases in bold type.


1. Go as far as the traffic lights, then take aturning to the right. 2. Now after yourexplanation the situation has become a little clearer. 3. He wants yourhelp. 4. She gave me alook full of excitement. 5. He saw her coming and made astep back to let her pass. 6. You have such a happylook on your face. What is it? Another letter from home? 7. Don't makepromises if you are not sure you can keep them. 8. In the overcrowded bus I felt somebody give me apush. 9. I saw that he was pleased with my honestanswer. 10. Myadvice to you is to teach him a good lesson. 11. While walking along the river they heard a loudcry for help.

Ex 9 Translate the following sentences into English, using a different phrasal verb in each.


throw away, go away (2), give away, run away, move away, turn away, look away, put away


1. Пора ужевыбросить все эти старые газеты. 2. Девочкаотвела глаза и заплакала. 3. Это правда, что онуезжает и поэтомуроздалвсе свои книги? 4. Что с ним происходит? Онушел не простившись. 5. Фильм был ужасно скучным. Онотвернулся от экрана телевизора и закурил. 6. Я видела, как онаубирала теплые вещи на зиму. 7. Мальчишки нажали на кнопку звонка иубежали.8. Ему стало холодно, и онотодвинулся от окна.

Ех 10 Paraphrase the, following sentences according to the model. Translate them into Russian.


Model He left the room and didn't say a word.

He left the room without saying a word.


1. My sister turned away and didn't answer my question. 2. They left very early. They didn't wake anybody up. 3. He didn't lose a minute. He sat down to work at once. 4. The fast train passed the smaller stations and didn't stop. 5. He asked question after question and didn't wait for an answer. 6. The man sat in front of the TV but didn't watch it. 7. She went into her room and sat down in (to) an armchair. She didn't turn on the lights. 8. When they moved to another place they didn't leave their new address. 9. He never makes a single mistake when he speaks English. 10. He did the job alone. He didn't turn to anybody for help or advice.

Ex 11 Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model.

Model: He listened to the concert with great pleasure.

Heenjoyed listening to the concert.


1. Muscovites are proud of their city and they like to show its places of interest to visitors. 2. It always gives him pleasure to talk with interesting people. 3. There is nothing my brother likes better than to read detective stories. 4. It gives me no pleasure to travel by air. 5. Her mother is always happy to have guests in her house. 6. They have bought a colour TV set and they rather like watching travel films.

Ex 12 Translate the following sentences, using 'not at all' or 'not quite' according to the sense.


1. Он не совсем прав. 2. Он совсем не прав. 3. Я не совсем хорошо вас понял. 4. Я совсем вас не понял. 5. Он совсем не волновался во время экзаменов. 6. Мы не совсем уверены, что он придет. 7. Они не совсем довольны его ответом. 8. Мне совсем не нужна их помощь. 9. Он был с вами не совсем откровенен. 10. Я совершенно не знаю, как заставить его рассказать нам всю правду. 11. Они совсем не хотели, чтобы он оставался у них на лето. 12. Не бойтесь этой собаки. Она совсем не опасна. 13. Я не совсем верю его рассказу.