Exercise 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

1. My friend ____ (buy) jeans when I ____ (see) her in the shop.

2. The boys ____ (play) in the park all day yesterday.

3. She ___ (talk) on the phone at 5 p.m. yesterday.

4. The students ____ (write) a test when the bell ____ (ring).

5. The text was very difficult. He ____ (translate) this text the whole evening yesterday.

6. My brother ____ ( listen) to music when his friends ____ (come).

7. I ____ (break) my arm when I ____ (play) football.


Text: Family ties Grammar: Past Perfect Vocabulary



Vocabulary & Speaking




Short, of medium height, tall


Thin, slim, plump, well-build, fat


Thin, full


Large, small, almond-shaped, round, narrow, blue, brown, green


Spiky, short, long, wavy, curly, fair, blonde, black, grey, white, bald, beard, moustache


Beautiful, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, pretty, ugly

Exercise 1 Underline the correct words.

A: Who’s that over there?

B: Who do you mean, the 1) short/wavy boy with the 2) round/brown hair?

A: No, the 3) tall/long, 4) narrow/thin one with 5) small/short blonde hair.

B: I know him. He’s very 6) intelligent/old and he’s also 7) spiky/reliable.

A: how do you know that?

B: Well, he’s my brother!



Lucy, 14 I love my big sister Megan. She’s very pretty. She’s tall and slim with long fair hair. Megan’s very smart and athletic. She always helps me with my homework and she’s on the school’s football and basketball teams. In her free time, she likes sailing and often takes me to the cinema with her friends.  


Alicia, 15 My mum’s wonderful. She’s tall and slim with blonde hair. She’s a teacher at primary school. All her students love her because she’s very patient and caring. She comes to all my dance rehearsals and my younger brother’s hockey games. She likes dancing a lot. She’s the world’s best mum!  


Bobby, 16 My uncle Rob’s the best! He’s my mum’s younger brother. He’s tall and slim with a beard and moustache. Uncle Rob has a great sense of humor. I always have a great time with him. We usually go hiking and camping on weekends. He also takes me on trips with him when I don’t have school. He’s a talented journalist and works for the local paper. I hope to be like him one day.  



a) Mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

1 Lucy is younger than her sister.

2 Lucy’s sister goes to college.

3 Alicia’s mum teaches young children.

4 Alicia is an only child.

5 Alicia likes hockey.

6 Bobby’s mum and his uncle Rob are brother and sister.

7 Rob works at a camp.

Grammar: Past Perfect