Choose the correct ending.

1. Dark Cloud decided that Little Wolf must learn:

a) to be healthy;

b) to be polite;

c) to be brave.

2. Children never went into the forest at night because:

a) the forest was full of animals;

b) their parents did not allow them to go there;

c) they had to work at night.

3. Little Wolf was afraid because he heard:

a) music;

b) his mother's voice;

c) a noise.

4. When Little Wolf came to the fire for the second time he was:

a) hot and tired;

b) happy;

c) angry with his father.

5. The boy ran to the river for the third time because he wanted to show:

a) he was polite;

b) he was brave;

c) he was strong.

6. Dark Cloud said to his son, "You are brave because you are __ "

a) stronger than fear;

b) stronger than the animals in the forest;

c) stronger than the men round the fire.

Key: lc; 2a; 5c; 4a; 5b; 6a.

III. Choose the correct translation.

1. Little Wolf didn't ask questions be­cause he remembered his father's
words — he must see with his eyes and hear with his ears, and only then speak.

a) Маленький Вовк не ставив за­питань, тому що пам'ятав слова батька: він повинен дивитися очима, слухати вухами, а по­тім — говорити.

b) Маленький Вовк не ставив за­питань, тому що пам'ятав слова батька: він може дивитися очи­ма, слухати вухами, а потім — говорити.

c) Маленький Вовк не ставив запитань, тому що пам'ятав слова батька: не можна дивитися очима й слухати вухами, а потім — говорити. І

2. The noises were so near that he thought he saw animals behind every tree.

a) Шум був так близько, що він подумав, що бачить тварин за кожним деревом.

b) Шум був так близько, що він подумав, що побачить тварин за кожним деревом.

c) Шум був так близько, що він подумав, що бачив тварин за кожним деревом. 3. It was so dark that he could not see the way but he did not stop. Було так темно, що він бачив дорогу, але не зупинявся.

b) Було так темно, що він не бачив дороги, але не зупинявся.

c) Було так темно, що він не побачив дорогу й зупинився.

Key: 1 а; 2 а; З b.

IV. Match word-combinations and their translation.


1) far from the for­est   a) вертатися
2) stronger than fear b) ставити запитання
3) to be afraid of c) повне цебро води
4) to go back d) далеко від лісу
5) a full bucket of water e) сильніше, ніж страх
6) to ask questions f) боятися


Jim and Delia

Read the text.

Jim and Delia were two young people, husband and wife. They loved each other dearly. The lived in a small room in an old house in one of the dirty streets of New York.

They worked from early morning till late at night, but they got very little money for their work. And still they had two things which were very dear to them — Jim's watch and Delia's beau­tiful hair.

Christmas was coming and Delia want­ed to give Jim a nice present, but she had no money. She really did not know what to do. She sat on the sofa and be­gan to cry. Suddenly an idea came to her. She got up and stood in front of the mirror and looked at her beautiful long hair. Then she left the house and in a few minutes she was already at the hairdresser's shop.

"Will you buy my hair?" she asked. The hairdresser looked at her hair and said,

"Yes, I will. It's fine hair. I can give you twenty dollars for it". Delia was very happy. She took the money and went to buy a present for her husband. In one of the shops she saw a very beautiful watch-chain. "I'll buy it, Jim will be і very glad", she said to herself. "He needs a chain for his watch".

So Delia bought a gold watch-chain as a Christmas present for Jim. When she got home, Jim was already there wait­ing for her. He looked at his smiling lit­tle wife and understood everything.

"Why did you do so?" he asked.

"Dear Jim, my hair will grow and I wanted to give you a present. Here it is", and she put the watch-chain into his hand:

The beautiful chain, Delia's present was of no use to him. He had sold his gold watch to buy a Christmas present for his wife. He took a packet out of his pocket and gave it to Delia. She opened it and saw two beautiful combs, the combs that she had seen in a shop win­dow and wanted for so long.

(After O.Henry)

I. Mark + if the statement is true, — if it is false.

1. Jim and Delia were two young peo­ple, husband and wife.

2. They lived in a small room in a new house in New York.

3. They had two things which were very dear to them — Jim's new car
and Delia's gold watch.

4. Easter was coming and Delia want­ed to give Jim a nice present.

5. She left the house and went to the hairdresser's shop.

6. The hairdresser gave Delia twenty dollars for her hair,

7. Delia bought a beautiful watch chain for Jim.

8. Jim was glad to get Delia's nice present.

9. Jim had sold his gold watch do Delia.

10.Jim's present was of no use to his wife.

Key: 1 +; 2 -; 3 -, 4-; 5 +; 6 +; 7 +; 8-; 9-; 10+.