C) Make up your own sentences with the received word-combinations and ask your groupmates to translate them.

Exercise 9. Match the term with its definition:

1. analysis 2. daily round 3. electrocardiogram 4. gastroscopy 5. injection 6. medical examination 7. treatment 8. ultrasound a) the graphic record of the heart work and its possible disorders b) the intramuscular or intravenous procedure when the skin is punctured c) the procedure of making a patient recover with the help of medicines d) the general checkup of a patient by a doctor e) the usual every-morning activity of a doctor on duty f) external examination of the human body with the help of special sounds g) the procedure when a patient passes his blood or urine for a detailed laboratory study h) an unpleasant procedure which is carried out on an empty stomach so as to reveal its disorders
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Exercise 10. Guess what word is meant:

1.A person who is treated by the doctor is a _________________.

2. A medical document where the patient’s information is written down is a _______________.

3. A patient who comes to hospital to receive treatment and then returns home is called _____________.

4. When a patient shouldn’t eat before a procedure is known as ________________.

5. To relieve stomachache it’s necessary to follow a strict __________________.

6. A patient who receives treatment at hospital for some time is called ________________.

7. The period when the patient’s condition is improving is called a ________________.

8. The place where the nurse keeps the drugs is a _____________ _____________.

Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps paying attention to the prepositions. Translate sentences into Ukrainian:

1. When admitted … the hospital, a patient needs the direction … the polyclinic.

2. The life … the in-patient department begins … nine o’clock … the morning.

3. There is always a nurse … duty … the reception ward.

4. … case of stomach troubles you should follow … a strict diet.

5. Doctors fill … their patients’ case-histories every day.

6. The initial diagnosis made … the doctor was flu.

7. The gastroscopy is the procedure carried … … an empty stomach.

8. In the future I’d like to work … the surgical department.


Exercise 12. Put the words into the correct order and write down the sentences. Name the type of each question:

1. to / dangerous / Is / life / disease / this?

2. the / What / drug / of / the / effect / was?

3. of / Mr. / did / What / complain / White?

4. the / attack / system / will / What / infection?

5. remember / doctor’s / your / district / you / Do / name?

6. the / helps / out / administrations / Who / doctor / carry / to / his?

7. they / keep / The / in / nurses / cabinets / drugs / do / special / not?

8. at / of / begin / a.m. / the / daily / doctor / 8 / wards / his / rounds / Does / 9?

Exercise 13. Re-write sentences opening the brackets:

1. She (to go) to the library after classes.

2. They (to study) heart diseases last Friday.

3. The body (to consist) of organs and systems.

4. Histology (to deal) with the study of tissues.

5. The patient’s sleep (to affect) by nightmare last week.

6. The 1st-year students always (to learn) a lot of Latin terms.

7. The nurses (to take) good care of him after the last operation.

8. If my district doctor (to be) in the morning, he (to come) to visit me.


Exercise 14. Translate sentences into English:

1. Деякі процедури проводять натщесерце.

2. Де медичні сестри зберігають ліки в лікарні?

3. Мені будуть ставити крапельниці протягом наступного тижня.

4. Погані звички у харчуванні можуть спричиняти біль у шлунку.

5. О котрій годині черговий лікар починає щоденний обхід хворих?

6. Гарне ставлення лікаря до хворого сприяє його швидкому одужанню.

7. Чи медична сестра записала ваші персональні дані в історію хвороби? – Так, звичайно.

8. Йому необхідно зробити гастроскопію, щоб підтвердити діагноз виразки шлунку.

Exercise 15. a) Dwell upon the following topics:

1) the duties of a nurse on duty;

2) the procedures that can be administered to a patient.


b) Describe “hospital” using the following table:

1. The type of establishment.  
2. The procedure of admission to hospital.  
3. The nurses’ duties.  
4. The rules of taking medicines.  
5. The daily round.  



Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

І. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: оглядати госпіталізованих хворих заповнювати історію хвороби приймати прописані ліки викликати несприятливі реакції назначати різні процедури ставити крапельницю сприяти швидкому одужанню робити уколи попередити шлункові проблеми проводити дослідження шлунку натщесерце   ІІ. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: What are the duties of a nurse? Where are the drugs usually kept at hospital? What is usually written in a patient’s case history? What procedures can a ward doctor administer to a patient? Why aren’t patients allowed to take the medicines themselves?   ІІІ. Розкрийте поняття: лікарня





Emergency Medical Service


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

adhesive plaster, n [əd'hi:siv 'pla:stə] лейкопластир
ampoule, n ['æmpu:l] ампула
antibiotics, n, pl. [æntibai'ɔtiks] антибіотики
artificial, adj. [ˏa:tiˈfiʃəl] штучний
antipyretics, n, pl. [ˏæntipai'retik] жарознижувальні засоби
disposable syringe, n [disˈpəuzəbl si’rinʤ] одноразовий шприц
emetics, n, pl. [iˈmetiks] засоби, які викликають блювоту
enema, n [ˈenimə] клізма
first-aid kit, n [ˈfɜ:st ˈeid ˈkit] медична аптечка
injury, n ['inʤәri] пошкодження, травма
iodine, n [ˈaiədain] йод
non-registered nurse, n [ˏnɔnˈreʤistəd ˈnɜ:s] молодша медична сестра
paramedic, n [ˏpærəˈmedik] фельдшер
severe, adj. [siˈviə] серйозний
suppository, n [səˈpɔzitəri] свічка
team, n [ti:m] бригада (швидкої допомоги)
tourniquet, n [ˈtuənikei] джгут
vial, n [ˈvaiəl] флакон


Exercise 2. Read correctly:

qu [kw]: quick, equip, equipment, liquid, frequent, queen, question, request;

qu [k]: cheque, tuque, toque, unique, technique, plaque, physique, picturesque;

qua [kwɔ:]: quantity, quality, quarter, quarrel, quadrant, squad, qualification;

et [kei]: tourniquet, bouquet, sachet, ballet, carnet, cabaret.


Exercise 3. a) Form different parts of speech. Explain the meaning of affixes:

1) form nouns from the verbs with the suffix ion: to dictate, to state, to inject, to protect, to consult, to obstruct, to erupt, to complete;

2) form nouns from the verbs with the suffix –er: to teach, to lecture, to write, to read, to work, to help, to examine, to drive;

3) form nouns from adjectives with the suffix –ness: ill, weak, dark, great, kind, happy, lazy, tough;

4) form adjectives from verbs with the suffix –able: to consider, to change, to eat, to absorb, to drink, to rely, to reason, to question.


Exercise 4. Read the following word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian. Make up your own sentences:

to provide:to provide population with medicines, to provide body with oxygen, to provide the injured people with first aid, to provide hospitals with things for medical care, to provide the patient with pills;

to contain: to contain first-aid things, to contain narcotic drugs, to contain harmful substances, to contain iodine and brilliant green, to contain masks for personal protection;

to relieve: to relieve pain, to relieve toothache, to relieve anxiety, to relieve fear, to relieve seizures;

to receive: to receive the call, to receive the findings of analyses, to receive the doctor’s instructions, to receive symptomatic treatment, to receive antibiotic therapy.


Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

Emergency Medical Service

Emergency medical service (EMS) is a medical service that provides out-of-hospital medical care and transportation of patients with illnesses and injuries to hospitals. It is carried out by the specialized facility called the First Aid Station. It is on duty day and night. Calls are made to the First Aid Station in case of an accident or a sudden severe illness. All ambulances are equipped with first-aid kits. First-aid kit is a special case which contains the necessary things for rendering the first aid and making a diagnosis. There are ampoules, boxes, vials with different drugs and tubes with liniment; alcohol, cotton wadding, disposable syringes for IV and IM injections; antiseptics, brilliant green, iodine, adhesive plasters to clean and close wounds; bandage and tourniquet to stop bleeding; inhalers for people suffering from respiratory diseases; enema, probe, hot water bottle for those who have troubles with the gastrointestinal tract; masks and gloves for the first-aid doctors for their personal protection. Among medicines, there are pain-killers, tonics, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory remedies, emetics and anti-emetics, antipyretics, sedatives and hypnotics, laxatives and suppositories in the first-aid kit. It may contain even narcotic medicines to relieve pain in severe cases. The ambulances also carry artificial respiration apparatus, sets of splints and stretchers, thermometers to take the temperature, tonometers to measure blood pressure, portable electrocardiograph to monitor a patient’s heart work.

There are several kinds of ambulance teams that are trained to deliver specialized medical aid: cardiac intensive care teams, psychiatric care teams, children’s emergency, etc. Each ambulance is equipped with appropriate instruments according to their qualification.

All ambulances are radio equipped. To call in an ambulance it is necessary to dial up 103. The dispatcher is responsible for the “pre-arrival” instructions: he receives the call, asks for all the important details (e.g., the address of an accident, types of injuries) and then directs the corresponding ambulance.

The ambulance team consists of an ambulance doctor, medical assistant (or paramedic), and non-registered nurse. The main task of the ambulance doctor is to make a correct diagnosis quickly. That’s why he must know emergency surgery, toxicology, emergency therapy, obstetrics and gynecology. The paramedic helps the doctor and prepares the necessary instruments for a certain procedure. The duty of the non-registered nurse is to keep the first-aid kit in order. There is also an ambulance driver who is trained to transport people carefully.

In Ukraine, there are government-financed and private ambulance services. The main function of the latter is mainly to transport a patient to the hospital.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

1. What is Emergency medical service?

2. What does the emergency medical service provide?

3. How many hours do the First Aid Stations work?

4. What are the ambulances equipped with?

5. What does the first-aid kit contain?

6. What drugs are there in the first-aid kit?

7. What are the members of the ambulance team? What are their duties?

8. What types of ambulance services are in Ukraine?


Exercise 7. Guess the word:

1. anti-inflammatory drugs 2. antipyretics 3. analgesics 4. emetics 5. hypnotics 6. laxatives 7. sedatives 8. suppositories a) medicines that decrease fever b) medicines that are used to calm down and relax the patient c) medicines for relieving constipation d) solid medicines that are inserted into the rectum where they melt and affect the body e) medicines that relieve pain, they are also called pain-killers f) medicines that produce vomiting g) medicines that help to reduce inflammation h) medicines that produce sleep
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Exercise 8. Join the words so as to make up word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian:

1. out-of-hospital 2. disposable 3. non-registered 4. pre-arrival 5. government-financed 6. anti-inflammatory 7. first-aid 8. respiratory a) nurse b) remedies c) services d) kits e) syringes f) diseases g) medical care h) instructions


Exercise 9. Find the appropriate object to each verb. Make up your own sentence with one of the expression:

List A – Verbs: to measure, to render, to monitor, to close, to relieve, to suffer from, to make, to stop;

List B – Nouns: bleeding, a diagnosis, first aid, pain, wounds, blood pressure, a disease, the heart work.