Formation of a Company in Great Britain

Методические рекомендации по выполнению контрольной работы слушателями заочной формы обучения по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык в правоведении»

Согласно учебному плану, слушатели по направлению подготовки 40.04.01 Юриспруденция выполняют письменную контрольную работу по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в правоведении» в межсессионный период на первом курсе.

Выполнение письменной работы является важной формой самостоятельной работы слушателей по изучению иностранного языка. Цель данного вида работы углубить, систематизировать и закрепить знания слушателей, проверить усвоение ими важнейших тем курса, умение самостоятельно работать над учебным материалом. Решающим является накопление достаточного словарного запаса и овладение грамматическим материалом, необходимым для понимания и перевода текста.

Контрольная работа состоит из двух частей: обязательной и творческой.

Обязательная часть является общей для всех обучающихся.

Творческая часть предполагает работу с текстом (перевод и реферирование). Данная часть контрольной работы выполняется по вариантам. Вариант определяется по следующему принципу (см. табл. ниже).



Список ФИО студентов по журналу Номер варианта


Сроки предоставления контрольных работ устанавливаются учебным отделом. Слушатель, не представивший контрольную работу в установленный срок либо получивший за нее неудовлетворительную оценку, на сессию не получает справку-вызов.

Контрольная работа, выполненная несамостоятельно, не зачитывается. В этом случае слушателю предлагается выполнить новый вариант. Контрольная работа, выполненная небрежно, не по заданному варианту, без соблюдения правил, предъявляемых к её оформлению, возвращается после проверки с указанием причин. В этом случае работа выполняется повторно.

Контрольная работа по иностранному языку содержит задание по переводу текстов, к которым также есть определенные требования. Поскольку тексты специализированные, нужно учитывать специфику юридической лексики. Предложения должны быть переведены так, чтобы сохранялись логические связи и типы синтаксической связи. Каждый текст принадлежит к определенному стилю. Стиль может быть научно-популярный, научно-специализированный, художественный и т.д. Направление стиля тоже должно быть учтено при переводе текста. В целом, перевод должен хорошо читаться по-русски.

Требования к оформлению работы

Работа выполняется в машинописном виде на одной стороне белого листа формата А4. Страницы должны иметь поля: левое – 30 мм, правое – 15 мм, верхнее – 20 мм, нижнее – 20 мм. Текстовая часть работы оформляется шрифтом TimesNewRoman черного цвета размера 14п полуторным межстрочным интервалом.

Все листы работы нумеруются по порядку от титульного листа до последней страницы. Нумерация оформляется вверху по центру. Первой страницей считается титульный лист. На ней номер страницы не ставится, на следующей странице ставится цифра «2» и т.д.

На титульном листе указываются:

– наименование вуза и кафедры;

– учебная дисциплина;

– номер варианта;

– номер зачетной книжки;

– фамилия, имя, отчество обучающегося;

– курс, группа.

На второй странице должен быть заголовок: «Базовая часть» (выравнивание по центру, жирным шрифтом) и далее выполняются те задания, которые перечислены в вашем варианте контрольной работы.

После выполнения заданий базовой части, на новой странице делается запись: «Вариативная часть» (выравнивание по центру, жирным шрифтом). На следующей строке под заголовком указывается подзаголовок: «Перевод текста» и ниже идет сначала англоязычный текст, затем его перевод на русский язык.

Аналогичным образом оформляется текст на реферирование.


Контрольная работа

Вариант 1

Базовая часть

Выполнить практические задания (упражнения) по практикуму «Иностранный язык в правоведении» (файл 8):

- Глава 2. Все задания.

- Глава 6. Упр. 2.

Рекомендуемая литература

1. Иностранный язык в правоведении: практикум для магистрантов образовательных учреждений ФСИН России / автор-сост. И.А. Пушкарева. – Новокузнецк: ФКОУ ВПО Кузбасский институт ФСИН России, 2015. – Глава 4.

2. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский, русско-английский словарь. 150000 слов и выражений.- М.: Эксмо, 2010. – 1200 с.

3. Collin P.H. Dictionary of Law. 8,000 terms clearly defined. – 4th edition. –Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2004.

Творческая часть

Задание №1.

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Judges in the UK

Judges are normally appointed from practicing barristers or solicitors.

High Court judges, circuit judges and recorders are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor. District judges are appointed by the Lord Chancellor. Circuit judges are district judges who are appointed through a competitive procedure including an interview before a panel which makes recommendation to the Lord Chancellor. Over the next few years, this procedure for making appointments is to be extended to all judicial posts below the level of the High Court.

Circuit judges, who preside in county courts and the Crown Court, are appointed from barristers or solicitors who have held a right of audience in the Crown Court or in county courts for at least ten years or from recorders with at least two years’ experience. Recorders are part-time judges in the Crown Court and county courts and are appointed from among those barristers or solicitors who have held a right of audience in the Crown Court or county courts for at least ten years; they are expected to sit for at least 20 days a year but no more than 50. High Court judges are appointed from practitioners who have held a right of audience in the High Court for at least ten years, or from among circuit judges who have served for at least two years.


Задание № 2

Прочитайте текст письменно составьте к нему реферирование:



In the context of Criminal Law, state programs under which an offender is required, as a condition of his or her sentence, to repay money or donate services to the victim or society.

The general term restitution describes the act of restoration. The term is used in different areas of the law but carries the same meaning throughout.

The basic purpose of restitution is to achieve fairness and prevent the Unjust Enrichment of a party. Restitution is used in contractual situations where one party has conferred a benefit on another party but cannot collect payment because the contract is defective or no contract exists. For instance, assume that a person builds a barn on the property of another person. Assume further that the structure is not erected pursuant to a contract or agreement and that the owner of the property on which the barn sits refuses to pay the builder for the barn. Despite the absence of a contract, a court can order the owner to pay the builder the cost of the labor and materials under the doctrine of restitution.

Courts in seventeenth century England first developed the doctrine of restitution as a contractual remedy. The concept migrated to courts in the United States, and it has since expanded beyond its original contractual roots. Courts now apply restitution in the areas of maritime or admiralty law, criminal law, and torts. In admiralty law restitution may be ordered when a shipping crew must throw goods overboard to keep the ship afloat. In such a case the owner of the jettisoned goods may gain some recovery for the goods from the owners of the other cargo under the doctrine of restitution.

In criminal law restitution is a regular feature in the sentences of criminal defendants. Restitution in the criminal arena refers to an affirmative performance by the defendant that benefits either the victim of the crime or the general public. If a victim can be identified, a judge will order the defendant to make restitution to the victim. For example, if a defendant is convicted of stealing a person's stereo, the defendant may be sentenced to reimburse the victim for the value of the stereo, in addition to punishment such as jail time and monetary fines.

Courts try to fashion the restitution of a criminal defendant according to the crime committed. For example, a defendant convicted of solicitation of prostitution may be ordered to perform work for a local shelter for battered women as a form of restitution to the general public.

In tort law restitution applies to the measure of damages required to restore the plaintiff to the position he or she held prior to the commission of the tort. For example, if a person is injured by another person, the injured party may collect medical expenses and lost wages as restitutionary damages. Other civil damages are distinct from restitutionary damages because they are not based on the amount required to restore the injured party to his or her former status. Punitive Damages, for example, are damages assessed against a civil defendant for the purpose of punishing the defendant's conduct, not to provide restitution.



Контрольная работа

Вариант 2

Базовая часть

Выполнить практические задания (упражнения) по практикуму «Иностранный язык в правоведении» (файл 8):

- Глава 2. Все задания.

- Глава 6. Упр. 2.

Рекомендуемая литература

1. Иностранный язык в правоведении: практикум для магистрантов образовательных учреждений ФСИН России / автор-сост. И.А. Пушкарева. – Новокузнецк: ФКОУ ВПО Кузбасский институт ФСИН России, 2015. – Глава 4.

2. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский, русско-английский словарь. 150000 слов и выражений.- М.: Эксмо, 2010. – 1200 с.

3. Collin P.H. Dictionary of Law. 8,000 terms clearly defined. – 4th edition. –Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2004.

Творческая часть

Задание №1.

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Classification of Crimes

Crimes may be classified according to the seriousness of the offence. Two main1 categories are used for this purpose. Misdemeanours are the less serious offences. Generally, misdemeanours are punishable by a short jail term, fine probation, or some other penalty that does not involve incarceration in a prison. Felonies are punishable by more than a year in jail, incarceration in a prison, or capital punishment.

Crimes may be classified as "mala in se" and "mala prohibita". "Mala in se" are acts that are considered to be criminal in nature, such acts as murder and rape. "Mala prohibita" are acts that are not usually regarded as criminal, they are criminal because legislature has designated them as crimes. Examples of mala prohibita crimes today are the use of some drugs, and the use of alcohol by certain age groups.

Most of serious crimes committed in the USA are not violent personal crimes; they are crimes against property. The most frequently committed offence is larceny-theft. Larceny-theft is unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property. It includes such crimes as shoplifting, pocket picking, purse snatching, thefts from motor vehicles, bicycle thefts in which no use of force, violence, or fraud takes place. This crime category does not include embezzlement, forgery, and cashing worthless checks. Motor vehicles theft is excluded from this category too, since it is a separate crime offence. Robbery is often confused with theft, the difference being in use of force or threat of the use of force to the person.

Larceny-theft do not include some new types of thefts — credit card thefts by computer. Computer crime is already an international problem of great importance and is expected to increase with the growth of electronic data processing. Experts think that computer thieves steal more than 40 billion dollars a year. Computer hackers have gained access to banks and even to the Department of Defence computer network.

The second major category of property crime is burglary – the unlawful entry to premises to commit a felony or theft.

The United States leads the world in violent crime against the person. Crimes included by FBI in violent personal crimes are robbery, aggravated assault, murder and forcible rape.



misdemeanour ['misdi'mi:n ] — мелкое правонарушение

mala in se (лат.) — зло от природы

mala prohibita (лат.) — поступок, запрещенный в обществе

premises (pi) — помещение

Задание №2

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Ordеal is a judgement of the truth of some сlaim or aссusation by various means based on thе belief that the outсome will refleсt the judgement of supernatural powers and that these powers will ensure the triumph of right. Although fatal сonsequenсes often attend an ordeal, its purpose is not punitivе.

The main types of ordeal arе ordeals by divination, physiсal tеst and battle. A Burmese ordeal by divination involves two parties being furnished with сandles of equal sizе and lit simultanеously; the owner of the сandle that outlasts the other is adjudged to have won his сause. Another form of ordеal by divination is the appeal to thе сorpse for the diсovery of its murderer.

Thе ordeal by physiсal test, partiсularly by fire or water, is the most сommon. In Hindu сodеs a wifе may be rеquired to pass through fire to prove her fidelity to a jealous husband; traсes of burning would be regarded as proof of guilt. The praсtiсe of dunking suspeсted witсhes was based on the notion that water, as the medium of baptism, would “aссept” or reсeive, the innoсent and “rejeсt” the guilty. Court offiсials would tiе the woman’s feet and hands together and then drop hеr into some deep water. If she went straight to the bottom and downed, it wаs a surе sign that she wasn’t a witсh. On the other hand, if she didn’t sink and just bobbed around for a while, the law said she was to be сondemned as a witсh.

In ordeal by сombat, or ritual сombat, the viсtor is said to win not by his own strength but beсausе supеrnatural powers have intervened on the side of the right, as in the duel in the Еuropean Middlе Ages in whiсh the “judgemеnt of God” was thought to determine the winner. If still alivе after the сombat, the loser might be hanged or burnеd for a сriminal offenсe or have a hand сut off and property сonfisсated in сivil aсtions.



Контрольная работа

Вариант 3

Базовая часть

Выполнить практические задания (упражнения) по практикуму «Иностранный язык в правоведении» (файл 8):

- Глава 2. Все задания.

- Глава 6. Упр. 2.

Рекомендуемая литература

1. Иностранный язык в правоведении: практикум для магистрантов образовательных учреждений ФСИН России / автор-сост. И.А. Пушкарева. – Новокузнецк: ФКОУ ВПО Кузбасский институт ФСИН России, 2015. – Глава 4.

2. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский, русско-английский словарь. 150000 слов и выражений.- М.: Эксмо, 2010. – 1200 с.

3. Collin P.H. Dictionary of Law. 8,000 terms clearly defined. – 4th edition. –Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2004.

Творческая часть

Задание №1.

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Forming a Corporation

To form a corporation, you must file «articles of incorporation» with the corporations division (usually part of the Secretary of State's office) of your state government. Filing fees are typically $100 or so. For most small corporations, articles of incorporation are relatively short and easy to prepare. Most states provide a simple form for you to fill out, which usually asks for little more than the name of your corporation, its address and the contact information for one person involved with the corporation (often called a registered agent or statutory agent). Some states also require you to list the names of the directors of your corporation.

In addition to filing articles of incorporation, you must create «corporate bylaws». While bylaws do not have to be filed with the state, they are important because they set out the basic rules that govern the ongoing formalities and decisions of corporate life, such as how and when to hold regular and special meetings of directors and shareholders and the number of votes that are necessary to approve corporate decisions.

You must issue stock certificates to the initial owners (shareholders) of the corporation and record who owns the ownership interests (shares or stock) in the business.

Every company needs a federal employer identification number (EIN). So, you must apply for and get one from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Задание № 2

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Formation of a Company in Great Britain

To set up as a limited company in the UK, you will need to send several documents and completed forms to Companies House, or the Registrar of Companies. In Britain there are some types of limited companies - private limited company by shares, private limited company by guarantee and public limited company (PLC). The incorporation requirements are basically the same for any type, though there are some special rules as well.

Companies House charges a standard registration fee of £20. It also offers a premium same-day registration service for a fee of £80. Memorandum and Articles of Association have to be obtained from law stationers or company formation agents.

The documents that must be filed include:

– A Memorandum of Association, giving details of the company's name, location and what it will do.

– Articles of Association, describing how the company will be run, the rights of the shareholders and the powers of the company's directors.

– Form 10 (Statement of the First Directors, Secretary and Registered Office) giving details of the company's registered office and the names and addresses of its directors and company secretary.

– Form 12 (Declaration of Compliance with the Requirements of the Companies Act), stating that the company meets all the legal requirements of incorporation.

The name that you choose:

– must be original in the sense that it has not been registered by another person;

– must end in the word limited (abbreviated as Ltd.);

– must not be deemed offensive to any third party;

– must in no way associate itself with Her Majesty Government or the local authority.

The Memorandum of Association is one of two legal documents that are required to form a limited company. The document defines the following points:

– the company's name;

– the address of the registered office (England, Wales or Scotland);

– a statement of limited liability on the shareholders;

– a statement of the companies authorized share capital;

– the signature of one or more subscribers.

The Articles of Association sets out the rules for the running of the company’s internal affairs. Clauses refer to share capital, issue of shares, transfer of shares and powers of Directors. All companies must register Articles with Companies House. The company’s Articles of Association must be signed by each subscriber or member in front of an independent witness.

After you have completed and signed the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Companies House Forms 10 and 12 you file the documents to the Registrar of Companies. Within 7 days you should receive a Certificate of Incorporation, and you are now ready to commence business.

Контрольная работа

Вариант 4

Базовая часть

Выполнить практические задания (упражнения) по практикуму «Иностранный язык в правоведении» (файл 8):

- Глава 2. Все задания.

- Глава 6. Упр. 2.

Рекомендуемая литература

1. Иностранный язык в правоведении: практикум для магистрантов образовательных учреждений ФСИН России / автор-сост. И.А. Пушкарева. – Новокузнецк: ФКОУ ВПО Кузбасский институт ФСИН России, 2015. – Глава 4.

2. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский, русско-английский словарь. 150000 слов и выражений.- М.: Эксмо, 2010. – 1200 с.

3. Collin P.H. Dictionary of Law. 8,000 terms clearly defined. – 4th edition. –Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2004.

Творческая часть

Задание №1.

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