What word does not belong to the group: maple, poplar, poppy, hazelnut?

А) maple Б) poplar

В) poppy Г) hazelnut

7. Find the synonym of the word bright:

А) shiny Б) pale

В) dull Г) dark

8. Complete the sentence with the correct word:

The view of New York City from the top of the Empire State Building is something that is __________.

А) the worst Б) breathtaking

В) bare Г) full


9. Choose the second form of the verb:

А) eaten Б) shown

В) taken Г) stood

10. Complete the sentence with the correct link word:

You should walk _______ a mile.

А) at least Б) and

В) but Г) while

11. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition:

He enjoys the long walk _______ the woods and _______ the hills.

А) across, above Б) over, into

В) through, over Г) around, under

12. Match the names of the tree leaves and the pictures:

1. oak tree leaf 2. a rowan tree leaf 3. a maple leaf 4. a birch tree leaf

А) А - 4, Б - 2, В - 1, Г - 3 Б) А - 1, Б - 2, В - 4, Г - 3

В) А - 3, Б - 2, В - 4, Г - 1 Г) А - 3, Б - 4, В - 1, Г - 2

13. Match two parts of the sentences:

А The worst thing about hostel room is a chance to meet new people.
Б The best thing about backpacking is the top bunk.
В The most boring thing about travelling is the long pause.
Г The least interesting thing about talking is the route that you follow again and again.

А) А - 2, Б - 1, В - 4, Г - 3 Б) А - 4, Б - 2, В - 1, Г - 3

В) А - 3, Б - 4, В - 2, Г - 1 Г) А - 4, Б - 2, В - 3, Г - 1

14. Match a piece of good advice for a backpacker and its translation:

А Hike to stay in shape Тренируйте мускулы
Б Exercise your muscles Пройдите медицинское обследо-вание
В Prevent injury Ходите пешком, чтобы оставаться в форме
Г Get the medical check-up Избегайте травматизма

А) А - 1, Б - 4, В - 2, Г - 3 Б) А - 3, Б - 1, В - 4, Г - 2

В) А - 1, Б - 3, В - 2, Г - 4 Г) А - 2, Б - 4, В - 3, Г - 1


What autumn holiday is celebrated with such dishes?

The traditional stuffed turkey adorns every dinner table during the feast. Pumpkin pie, Cranberry sauce, Corns are some of the dishes cooked everywhere to mark the day.

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