Approximate scheme of knowledge assessment during the course

Ministry of Education and Science


S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Dean of computer systems and

Professional Education department


on the discipline “Psychology”

For post-graduate students





Astana 2016



The lecturer: Nurzhanova Sazhila

Scientific interests:
office phone 30-36-98,




Course - 1
Credits - 2
lecture hours - 15
practical hours – 15

Office hours – 15

Self-study – 45
Semester - 2
Department of computer systems and Professional Education


Distribution of credit hours


Weeks Total
Practical classes
Office hours



Psychology of Higher Education;
Philosophy of Science;


Pedagogy practice; Pedagogy
Scientific research;




The scope of university education is one of the most critical parts of the training of specialists in the chain of organized institutions of the educational system. The content of education as a major factor of economic and social progress should be aimed at creating conditions for self-realization. Therefore, one goal of the educational system at all levels and stages is to create conditions for the full development of the individual.

The course "Psychology" is designed for graduate students of all disciplines and aims to develop their professional reflection in psychology education and training, the effectiveness of which depends on the scientific approach, psychological competence and skillful use of psychological resources. Thus, the need for the development of psychological and pedagogical competence of specialists in the new conditions of social development determines the relevance of the course in higher vocational education.

The purpose of teaching: learning the basics of psychology graduate high school, expanding their professional capabilities in the application of psychological knowledge in the field of educational activities.

The tasks of the discipline are:

- to expand psychological and pedagogical nature of the educational process in higher education.

- to give undergraduates a holistic view of the most important theoretical concepts and empirical studies of the major applications of the general, social, and educational psychology in relation to the course "Psychology".

- to review key trends in higher education at present.

- to develop psycho-pedagogical thinking undergraduates.

Course objectives are:

· Methodology of "Psychology" course is defined in terms of philosophy, sociology and psychology of the individual, society and knowledge.

In the process of teaching methods the problematic methods of video method, testing, project method, the methods of control should be used..

By the end of the course students must acquire:


- of the socio-psychological nature of academic work;

- the properties of mental cognitive processes included in the cognitive activity;

- the content and specificity of psycho-pedagogical impact;

- about individual features of objects influence.


- to be able to use effectively modern methods and techniques of teaching in higher education;

- to be able to use the necessary psychological and methodological resources for the preparation and conduct of activities (lectures, seminars, SWT, SWS and exams);

- to be able to apply the appropriate psycho-diagnostic methods of the individual student and student group.



Theme Content (tasks) of self-study Expected results Reference Assessment Due to… Score
Theme 1 Professiogram and psychogram employee in the future professional activity 1. Phase of the professiogram. 2. Identify the differences and professiogram psychograms. A glossary of basic concepts of psychology of high school Basic Literature: 1,2,3,9 Supplementary Literature: 1,5,8,9,10,11 Current control 1st week
Theme 2 Active Learning in high school. Coaching as a new method of learning and development. 1 Expand the content of the theme 2. Coaching as an active method. Making the comparative table Basic Literature: 1,2,3,4,6,10,12 Supplementary Literature: 8-11 Current control 2d week
Theme 3 Psychological features of the seminars. 1 The methodology of the seminars 2 Features of the IWS and IWSP SWOT analysis Basic Literature: 1,3,10. Supplementary Literature: 5,7-11 Current control 3d week
Theme 4 The age and psychological characteristics of students. The social adaptation of students. 1 Psychological characteristics of adolescence 2 Socialization of the person Create table 'age characteristics of the personality " Basic Literature: 9,10,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 3,5,7,9 Current control 4th week
Theme 5 The structure of interpersonal relations in student groups 1 Expand the concept of student group 2 Features of the student group Methodical development of Lecture for Bachelors Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 Current control 5th week
Theme 6 Means of education as a means of psychological pressure aimed at altering the personality and human behavior. 1 Classification of Education 2 The main means of education 1 Create the table "Classification of Education" 2 Preparation of a glossary of basic concepts relating to     Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 Current control 6th week
Theme 7 The functional and structural components of professional consciousness: cognitive, motivational, emotional 1 Expand the content of the concept of self-consciousness. 2 Expand the cognitive, motivational, emotional, operational components of professional self-awareness. 1 To make the analysis of professional consciousness. 2 Preparation of a glossary of basic concepts relating to   Basic Literature: 9,10,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 3,5,7,9 Intermediate control: 7th week
Theme8 Socio-psychological research methods and the individual student, student group. The method of sociometry 1 Expand features of the method sociometry 2 Features of drawing up psychological and educational characteristics of the personality of the student Be the psychological characteristics of the personality of the student. Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 Current control 8th week
Theme 9 Preparation of psychological and educational characteristics of the personality of the student and the socio-psychological passport of the student group. 1 Municipality in the student group 2 Features of drawing up social and psychological passport of the student group. 1 Compilation of a glossary of basic concepts relating to 2 Be on the psychological characteristics of the student group   Basic Literature: 1,2,3,9 Supplementary Literature: 1,5,8,9,10,11 Current control 9th week
Theme 10 Management of cognitive activity in the process of teaching, 1 Features of management of cognitive activity in the process of teaching. 1 Compilation of a glossary of basic concepts relating to Basic Literature: 1,2,3,4,6,10,12 Supplementary Literature: 8-11 Current control 10th week  
Theme 11 Diagnosis of cognitive activity in the process of teaching, 2 Features of the control of mental activity in the learning process 1 Arrange diagnostics instruments. 2 Create the logic circuit "diagnostics instruments" Basic Literature: 1,3,10. Supplementary Literature: 5,7-11 Current control 11th week
Theme 12 Psychological features of management of the teacher. 1 Expand the topic psychological features of management of the teacher. A glossary of basic concepts relating to Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature:1 7,11 Current control 12th week
Theme 13 Psychology of pedagogical influence Theoretical Foundations of Psychology impact. The effects of psychological interaction and impact. Expand: 1 Features of the psychology of pedagogical influence 2.Teoreticheskie basic psychology exposure. 1 Expand the psychological effects of the interaction and impact. 2 Preparation of a glossary of basic concepts relating to   Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 Current control 13th week
Theme 14 The main methods of pedagogical influence on the audience, and individuals. 1 Expand the basic methods of pedagogical influence on the individual. 1 Compilation of a glossary of basic concepts relating to 2 Create a logical scheme "means of pedagogical influence"   Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11   Current control 14th week
Theme 15 Problems of burnout and psychological adaptation of educational process. Expand the main elements in psychotherapy. 1 Classification of basic psychotherapeutic techniques 2 Preparation of a glossary of basic concepts relating to Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 Intermediate control: 15th week



Basic literature:

1. Antonov KN Bashmakova NI Russia's entry into the unified educational space / / Bulletin of SBS 2005, № 5, pp. 56-58.

2. Antonov KN Bashmakova NI Higher Education in Russia. XXI Century: Challenges and Prospects. SPb., 2005.

3. Baidenko VI Bologna process. Moscow, 2004.

4. Higher education in the XXI century. Vision and Action: The World Conference on Higher Education. UNESCO. Paris, 5-9 October 1998

5. The concept and software upgrade of the Russian education by 2015. Internet Resources, Ministry of Education.

6. Martsinkovskaya TD History of Psychology. Moscow, 2001.

7. Psychological Science in the Russia of the twentieth century: problems of theory and history / ed. AV Bruslinskii. Moscow, 1997.

8. Schultz, DP, Schultz SE The history of modern psychology. SPb., 1998.

Supplementary literature:

1. Boguslawski M. Twentieth Century Russian education. M. LANE. SE 2002.

2. Sharon M. Goldsmith Plan Goals: a project to develop international standards of quality in the training of health workers / / Higher Education in Europe. 2002, № 3, pp. 5-12.

3. Report of the International Commission on Education by UNESCO "Learning: The Treasure Within." UNESCO, 1997.

4. Magazine, "Higher Education in Europe."

5. Magazine, "Higher Education in Russia."

6. Magazine "Higher education today."

7. Journal "Psychological Journal."

8. Refomy and Development in Higher Education: UNESCO Policy Paper, 1995.

9. Modern psychology: Handbook. Moscow, 1999.

10. Vladimir Yakunin History of Psychology: Textbooks. SPb., 1998.

Students are not allowed to

1. be late for classes
2. miss classes without any reason
3. talk during class by cell phone, chew gum
5. avoid wearing business dress code
6. be impolite with fellow students and teachers



Assessment criteria on students' knowledge:
- Knowledge of the basic economic categories
- Fluency in theoretical materials
- Understanding of the economic laws
- The ability to solve problems by applying acquired knowledge


The policy of assessment is based on a 100-point system and provides the following distribution of points: the current and intermediate control is assigned a total of 60 points, the final control - 40 points.

Approximate scheme of knowledge assessment during the course


  The student’s activity on: Number of points min / max
I CURRENT CONTROL: - lecture - workshops - office hours - self-study 2,5/5 (0,3*15 weeks =5) 7,5/15 (1*15 weeks =15) 5/10 (0,7*15 weeks =10) 5/10 (0,7*15 weeks =10)
II INTERMEDIATE CONTROL: two of 10 control points for each coursework in the semester   10/20 (10*2=20) 5 /10
  TOTAL: 30/60 points
  Total 50/100 points


Approximate scheme of the student’s grading at the exam

Examination results Evaluation in points (в %)
1. Current control
2. Intermediate control
3. Final control
The student’s knowledge assessment scale
Scores in alphabetic system   The digital equivalent of the points   The percentage of points     Point on conventional system
А 4,0 95-100 excellent
А- 3,67 90-94
В+ 3,33 85-89 good
В 3,0 80-84
В- 2,67 75-79
С+ 2,33 70-74 satisfactory
С 2,0 65-69
С- 1,67 60-64
Д+ 1,33 55-59
Д 1,0 50-54
F 0-49 unsatisfactory