Jobs in exercise 4, page 58 (in the textbook). Then write the sentences.

Урок 35

Дата, класс: 5 А_____,5-Б_______5- В________

Тема: мой следующий день. Развитие навыка говорения

Практическая цель: активизировать лексический материал темы. Тренировать учеников в употреблении грамматического материала: употребление future simple. Объяснить разницу в употреблении структур Future Simple и to be going to. Развитие навыка аудирования. Продолжать формировать навыки устной речи. закрепить изученный грамматический материал на письме.

Общеобразовательная цель: продолжать знакомить учеников с грамматическим материалом

Развивающая цель:развивать коммуникативные способности учеников.

Воспитательная цель: Воспитывать у учеников чувство ответственности

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оснащение урока:учебник, рабочая тетрадь, карточки, доска, мяч, плакат.

№ п/п   Время   Этапы урока, материал Методы и приёмы работы Примеча-ния
        Подготовка к восприятию иностранного языка 1. Приветствие. T: Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you! Let’s start our lesson! 2. Сообщение темы и цели урока T: Today I am going to check how you know your new vocabulary. We ’ ll also speak about professions and we’ ll compare the structures: I shall visit my grandparents and I am going to visit my grandparents. By the end o f the lesson you’ ll be able to see the difference. L e t’s begin with a Jazz Chant.. 3. речевая зарядка. Чтениие рифмовки. Ученики прослушивают рифмовку, слова которой записаны на доске, в исполнении учителя и хором читают ее   T : let’s read the rhyme What are you going to do at two? Repeat after me. W H A T ARE YOU GOING TO DO A T TWO? What are you going to do at two? What are you going to do? Where are you going to be at three? Where are you going to be? Who are you going to see? What are you going to say? How are you going to go? Where are you going to stay? What are you going to do? Who are you going to see? When are you going to leave? Where are you going to be? Основная часть урока.
  1. активизация раннее введенных ЛЕ
беседа в режиме T-Cl T: Do you read newspapers and magazines? What can you see in any newspaper? What kind o f articles can you read there? Who does interviews and writes articles? Can you see reporters on TV? In what programmes? Do you watch news programmes? How do reporters and correspondents communicate with their newspaper and television offices? Have you got a computer? Do you send and get e-mail letters?
  1. Проверка домашнего задания
1) словарный диктант. Учитель диктует предложения , которые ученики записуют в тетради. Тетради собираются на проверку. T : now open your text-books , write the date. Class work and now you will write the dictation: The editor asked the reporter to write an article and to do an interview. We shall communicate with them through the Internet. We shall type and send our e-mail letters tomorrow. 2) Впр 4 c 58 Т: Let's check your homeworks. Open your exercise-books. Учитель проверяет у всех учеников наличие выполненного домашнего упражнения. 2-3 ученика читают по желанию, или же по вызову учителя. 2) аудирование 1)Упр. 2 (с. 57) T: Listen to dialogue 2, page 57. Make groups of three and get ready to work in them. While listening pay attention to the new words and the structures with the Future Simple. 2) упр. 3 (с. 58). Ученики по-цепочке отвечают на вопросы упражнения с 5-8 T: now let’s do exercise 3 on page 58 answer the question from 5 to 8.
  1. Развитие навыков говорения
1) Активизация ранее изученных ЛЕ - Бесіда с учениками T: what trades (professions) do you know? - Работа над предложениями с опорой на грамматическую таблицу. Ученики получают раздаточный материал, письменно складывают предложения
  What do teachers singers dancers writers doctors drivers   Do?     They drive a car. dance. sing. teach. write. Cure people.

2) тренирование учеников

T: now open your books at page 58 do exercise 5. Chain work


You are tired. Now we have a little rest. Let's sing a song

Fishes swim in the waters clear

Birds fly high up in the air

Serpents creep on the ground

Girls and Boys run round and round

3. прктикование граматических структур, которые употребляются для обозначения будущего времени

1)параграф 6 (с. 172)

T: now open your books at page 172 and tell me what grammar structures we use for description of the future. What is the difference in using of the Future simple tense and the grammar structure “to be going to”? it was your homework

2) РТ упр. 1,2 (с. 41). карточки

T: now let’s open work boors and do exercise 1, 2 on page 41 (work with cards)


Окончание урока.

1. Домашнее задание.

Впр 5 c 58 письменно

2) повторить 5 неправильных глаголов из списка неправильных глаголов, прописать по 3 строчки

2. Оценивание работы учеников на уроке.

3. Подведение итогов урока.




  What do teachers singers dancers writers doctors drivers   Do?     They drive a car. dance. sing. teach. write. Cure people.

Exercise 1 What are they going to do next weekend? Look at the table and write short answers. Then

Write about yourself.

  Jim Paul John Sue Carol You
play football -          
make a trip     - -    
visit grandparents   -        
stay at home         -  

1) Is Jim going to stay at home? No, he isn’t.

2) Is Jim going to play football?_________________________________

3) Are John and Sue going to make a trip?_________________________

4) Is Paul going to visit grandparents?_____________________________

5) Is Carol going to play football?_________________________________

6) What are you going to do next weekend?_________________________

Exercise 2. Read the descriptions. What do you think they are going to be? Choose from the list of

jobs in exercise 4, page 58 (in the textbook). Then write the sentences.

1) Bill is crazy about computers. He spends a lot of time in his room practising on his computer.

2) Kate loves children. She likes helping little brothers and sisters with their homework.

3) Nelly loves reading. She reads poems, novels, anything! Her favourite lesson is Literature.

4) Mike is interested in rockets and goes to the Space Club. He trains a lot.

5) Christie looks after her little brother when he is ill. She gives him medicine and takes his


6) Taras loves sports. His favourite team is Dynamo Kyiv and his idol is Andriy Shevchenko.

a) Bill is going to be a computer programmer.


  What do teachers singers dancers writers doctors drivers   Do?     They drive a car. dance. sing. teach. write. Cure people.

Exercise 1What are they going to do next weekend? Look at the table and write short answers. Then

Write about yourself.

  Jim Paul John Sue Carol You
play football -          
make a trip     - -    
visit grandparents   -        
stay at home         -  

1) Is Jim going to stay at home? No, he isn’t.

2) Is Jim going to play football?_________________________________

3) Are John and Sue going to make a trip?_________________________

4) Is Paul going to visit grandparents?_____________________________

5) Is Carol going to play football?_________________________________

6) What are you going to do next weekend?_________________________


Exercise 2. Read the descriptions. What do you think they are going to be? Choose from the list of