EX 1 Make the first conditional

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Гомельский государственный университет

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Кафедра теории и практики английского языка



«Borrowed words in English; Conditional clauses»


студент группы А- ________________

Руководитель практики от организации:

учитель английского языка _________________

Руководитель практики от кафедры

теории и практики английского языка:

преподаватель __________________

План-конспект урока в 8кл

Дата: 28.09.2017


Тема: Borrowed words in English; Conditional clauses

Образовательная цель:формирования грамматических навыков по теме.

Воспитательная цель:привить интерес к изучению английского языка.

Развивающая цель:развитие речемыслительной активности, памяти внимания.

Оснащение урока:учебник O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheeva для VII класса, раздаточный материал, доска, видеоматериал.


Этап Задача этапа Содержание Время
Деятельность учителя Деятельность учащихся
Начало урока   Основной этап     Заключительный этап Введение в атмосферу иноязычно го общения, Установление связи с темой прошлого занятия     Формирование лексических навыков     Введение и первичное закрепление граммати ческого материала     Тренировка грамматических навыков по теме     Подведение итогов урока, объяснение д/з, выставление оценок -Good morning. Sit down, please. Do you remember that yesterday we talked about English language, different ways of learning and how much time it could take. And we had a question: are there many borrowed words in English?     Now I offer you to play a game. Each of you will be a country. I'll give words that are used in English but they are all borrowed. Your task is to find words that came into English from your country. Each county should find 6-7 words. But first look at the blackboard, there are words that you maybe don't know: -borrowed( taken from another language); -foreign(from another country); -dome([dom]) is a round roof, -wok(is a large bowl-shaped pan), -bangle= bracelet, -mascara([ma'skar]), -henna=sound like Russian хна, -chutney(spices). Your task, as a country, finds your words. Then I'll show you a video and your task is to check the list of words that you have found. OK, how many matches did you have? Well done.     Do you remember how many types of conditional clauses do we have? How do we form the 1st? What does it express? Right.   Now, open your book p.24 ex.9. Your task is to complete sentences. First, read the example. What type of conditional clauses do we need here? 1) I’ll call you later if … 2) He’ll never be happy if… 3) The plants will grow better if… 4) I’ll write a poem when… 5) We’ll go skiing when… 6) Jane will learn French if… 7) I won’t speak to you if… 8) They’ll work on the computer as soon as… 9) Our group will visit Sydney when… 10) I’ll feed the dog and walk him as soon as…   Now we'll play a game №1. Your task is to finish or begin these sentences.   Good, game №2. We need 2 teams here. Each team will get cards with beginnings and endings but the endings and beginnings of your cards the other team has. Each card has a picture. One team will chose a card with 'if', and the other team will find a card with logical continuation. Then the other team will do the same. Let’s start. Very good. Now let's check your home task for today.(translation from Russian into English) Your home task is to do ex1 on conditional clauses.     -Good morning -revice information from previous lesson   -guess the meaning   -chose the words   -watch the video -answer the questions     -If + Pres. Simple, will+V(real action)     -first type     -read and complete the sentences     -build the continuation     -play team game     -read there translations     -write down the home task                    






I’ll buy a gift for somebody, If I pass the exam, I’ll go out with my friend,
If I see my friends at the weekend, I’ll buy some new clothes, If I’m very busy this week,
I’ll write a message to someone, I’ll buy something expensive, I’ll be upset,
If I go on holiday soon, I’ll wake up early tomorrow morning, If I have some spare money this month,
If I have free time next week, I’ll be happy, If I get home on time tonight,
I’ll be annoyed, If I take to my friend tomorrow, If I work really hard this week,

Home task

EX 1 Make the first conditional

1) If I (go) out tonight, I (go) to the cinema.

2) If you (get) back late, I (be) angry.

3) If we (not/see) each other tomorrow, we (see) each other next week.

4) If he (come), I (be) surprised.

5) If we (wait) here, we (be) late.

6) If we (go) on holiday this summer, we (go) to Spain.

7) If the weather (not/improve), we (not/have) a picnic.

8) They (go) to the party if they (be) invited.

9) If I (not/go) to bed early, I (be) tired tomorrow.

10) If we (eat) all this cake, we (feel) sick.

11) She (stay) in London if she (get) a job.

12) If you (not/want) to go out, I (cook) dinner at home.

13) I (come) early, if you (want).

14) He (not/get) a better job if he (not/pass) that exam.

15) I (buy) a new dress if I (have) enough money.

16) She (cook) dinner if you (go) to the supermarket.

17) They (go) on holiday if they (have) time.

18) We (be) late if we (not/hurry).

19) She (take) a taxi if it (rain).

20) I (not/go) if you (not/come) with me.