Exercise 2 Put the verbs in the correct form. Use “going to” or “will”. Write 3—4 sentences about your plans for the future.

Урок 64

Дата, класс: 5 А_____,5-Б_______5- В________

Тема: Активизация грамматического материала: структура to be going to

Практическая цель: Обобщить и активизировать в речи грамматическую структуру to be going to. Продолжать формировать навыки устной речи . Практиковать учеников в письме.

Общеобразовательная цель: научить учеников самостоятельно рассказывать про свои увлечения и планы на будущее

Развивающая цель:продолжать формировать коммуникативные способности учеников

Воспитательная цель: Воспитывать интерес к полезным увлечениям

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оснащение урока:учебник, рабочая тетрадь, карточки, доска.

№ п/п   Время   Этапы урока, материал Методы и приёмы работы Примеча-ния
        Подготовка к восприятию иностранного языка 1. Приветствие. T: Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you! Let’s start our lesson! 2. Сообщение темы и цели урока T:We continue discussing our hobbies and pastimes. The structure to be going to is also in the focus. Let us start our lesson. 3. речевая зарядка: Стихотворение На доске: T: look at the blackboard listen and repeat after me: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO AT TWO? What are you going to do at two? What are you going to do? Where are you going to be at three? Where are you going to be? Who are you going to see? What are you going to say? How are you going to go? Where are you going to stay? What are you going to do? Who are you going to see? When are you going to leave? Where are you going to be? Основная часть урока. 1. проверка домашнего задания 1) Упр 6c 104 письменно 1 ученик читает, остальные проверяют правильность написания T: let’s check your homework.   2. тренирование учеников в устных ответах по теме 1) упр 1 стр 105 T: open your books at page 105 exercise 1 look at these people and read information about them. Ask and answer like in the example .work in pairs.   You are tired. Now we have a little rest. Stand up! Hands up! Hands down! Hands on the hips! Sit down!   3. обобщение грамматического материала: употребление структуры to be going to 1) раздел Remember (с. 103), § 7а (с. 172). Ученики самостоятельно читают параграф грамматического справочника, потом раздел Remember. При необходимости учитель разъясняет правила , а для проверки ставит вопросы. T: open your books at page 172 and read § 7а, then open your books at page 103 and read “Remember”/ I give you 3 minutes and then I’ll ask some questions about the grammar structure to be going to. 2) упр 2 стр 105 T: exercise 2 on page 105 read and make the second sentence using “going to” 2) карточка упр 1 ( Рт упр 2 стр 76 T: work with the card exercise 1 Put the words into the correct order. 2) карточка упр 2 (РТ упр 3 стр 76) T: work with the card exercise 2 Put the verbs in the correct form. Use “going to” or “will”. Write 3—4 sentences about your plans for the future. Окончание урока. 1. Домашнее задание. Упр 2 стр 105 письменно 2. Оценивание работы учеников на уроке. 3. Подведение итогов урока. T: I think this lesson was useful for you.      

Exercise 1 Put the words into the correct order.

1) are/we/going/not/to/stay We are not going to stay.

2) is/buy/she/a/going/new/to/dress ______________________________________________

3) going/they/do/aren’t/homework/to/their____________________________________________

4) phone/are/to/?/you/mother/going/your_____________________________________________

5) going/a/she’s/be/pop/to/star______________________________________________________

Exercise 2 Put the verbs in the correct form. Use “going to” or “will”. Write 3—4 sentences about your plans for the future.

My friend John wants to be a pop singer. He thinks he will make (make) a lot of money.

He__________ (buy) an electric guitar and he________ (form) a group with some friends. He___________ (learn) to play the guitar and he ___________ (write) some songs. Next week he _______________(have) a haircut like Elvis Presley. But I don’t think he ____(be) a pop star because he can’t sing and he’s bad at Music at school. I think he (be) a teacher like his mother and father.

1) I’m going to learn to play the guitar.

2) _____________________________

3) ______________________________

4) ______________________________

Exercise 1 Put the words into the correct order.

1) are/we/going/not/to/stay We are not going to stay.

2) is/buy/she/a/going/new/to/dress ______________________________________________

3) going/they/do/aren’t/homework/to/their____________________________________________

4) phone/are/to/?/you/mother/going/your_____________________________________________

5) going/a/she’s/be/pop/to/star______________________________________________________


Exercise 2 Put the verbs in the correct form. Use “going to” or “will”. Write 3—4 sentences about your plans for the future.

My friend John wants to be a pop singer. He thinks he will make (make) a lot of money.

He__________ (buy) an electric guitar and he________ (form) a group with some friends. He___________ (learn) to play the guitar and he ___________ (write) some songs. Next week he _______________(have) a haircut like Elvis Presley. But I don’t think he ____(be) a pop star because he can’t sing and he’s bad at Music at school. I think he (be) a teacher like his mother and father.

1) I’m going to learn to play the guitar.

2) _____________________________

3) ______________________________

4) ______________________________