Тема: Одежда, еда, напитки/ Clothing, food, drinks.

Урок 75

Дата, класс: 5 А_____,5-Б_______, 5-B

Практическая цель:Тренироватьучеников в чтении текста. Ввести и активизировать ЛЕ по теме. Тренировать называть время по часам, правильно употреблять предлоги времени.

Общеобразовательная цель: продолжать формировать навыки устной речи.

Развивающая цель:развивать коммуникативные способности учеников.

Воспитательная цель: Воспитывать умение планировать время.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оснащение урока:учебник, рабочая тетрадь, раздаточный материал, доска, макет часов

№ п/п   Время   Этапы урока, материал Методы и приёмы работы Примеча-ния
          Подготовка к восприятию иностранного языка 1. Приветствие и сообщение цели урока. T:Dear pupils! I ’d like you to guess what the topic of our lesson will be. Listen. I have a face and I have hands. I can run. I can stop. I cannot talk. But I can tell the time. What is this? Of course, it is a clock or a watch. We ’ ll speak about clocks and telling the time. Tell me what time is it now? Основная часть урока. 1. проверка домашнего задания - упр 2 стр 119 письменно Один ученик читает, а остальные проверяют по тетрадям. 2. Введение новых ЛЕ (стр 121) T : What do you know about clocks? There are different kinds of clocks: watches, big clocks, wall clocks, tower clocks (like Big Ben), alarm clocks (they wake us up in the morning), cuckoo clocks. When did the first clocks appear? Or when did people begin to make clocks? Try to guess. You’ ll know the answer soon. Where did they appear? In Europe, Asia, Africa, America or maybe Australia? What are your ideas? Can you tell the time? You’ ll show me later how you can do it. And the last question. What can time do? It can go, it can run, it can fly and it can pass. Can it jump? I think it cannot. Let us read our new vocabulary on page 121 and pass on to reading the text of ex. 1 p. 120. Учні хором читають New Vocabulary (с. 121) 3.Подача текста для чтения упр 1 стр 120 Для сильних классов: Учитель распределяет учеников на групки по 4-5 учеников, определяет время для чтения и выполнения упражнений 2,3 стр 121 – 10-15 минут. Ученики работают в группах, читают по-очереди текст, переводять тяжелые моменты и записывают на листиках ответы. Учитель собирает листики и проверяет ответы. Для слабих классов: 4-5 учеников читают и переводять текст, остальные ученики делают письменно упр 2,3 (для 5-в – один у доски) после работы с текстом, 2 ученика читают ответы на упр 2,3 упр. 2 (с. 121). Key: 1T; 2F; 3T; 4F; 5T; 6T; 7F; 8T; 9F. упр. 3 (с. 121). Key: 1a; 2a; 3c; 4b. 4.тренирование учеников в определении времени 1) работа с макетом часов Ученики по-очереди говорять время, активизируя ЛЕ half, quarter, past, to, minute, o’clock. 2)РТ упр 1 стр 86 (карточка упр 1) Ученики записывают время, опираясь на пример 1а 3) РТ упр 2 стр 87 (карточка упр 2)возможна замена на упр 3,4 стр 44, 45 в грамматических тетрадях Ученики вставляют предлоги времени in, on, at, а потом читают предложения 4) РТ упр 3 стр 87 – работа в парах Ученики заполняют таблицу, затем читают предложения про Украину и Англию. Окончание урока. 1. Домашнее задание. 1) Упр 1 стр 120 пересказ 2. Оценивание работы учеников на уроке. 3. Подведение итогов урока. T:What time is it? Is our time up? Let us finish our lesson with a short rhyme. The clock is running Night and day But it never Runs away.      


Exercise 1 Study how to tell the time. Then write what time it is.

a) 6.00 — It’s six o’clock. 6.40 — It’s twenty to seven.

6.05 — It’s five (minutes) past six. 6.45 — It’s a quarter to seven.

6.15 — It’s a quarter past six. 6.50 — It’s ten to seven.

6.30 — It’s half past six. 7.00 — It’s seven.

b) 7.30 -__________________________ 9.00 - __________________________________

12.15 -___________________________ 10.45 - ________________________________

11.50 - ___________________________ 2.20 - __________________________________


Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks with the prepositions “in”, “on”, “at”.

1) I was born in 1999,____ the 7th of December.

2) Goodbye! See you_____ Friday.

3) _____autumn the leaves fall down from the trees.

4) We often go swimming _____summer.

5) I go to school______ the morning.

6) They’ll go on a trip______ the weekend.

7) Let’s meet ______ 4 o’clock.


Exercise 1 Study how to tell the time. Then write what time it is.

a) 6.00 — It’s six o’clock. 6.40 — It’s twenty to seven.

6.05 — It’s five (minutes) past six. 6.45 — It’s a quarter to seven.

6.15 — It’s a quarter past six. 6.50 — It’s ten to seven.

6.30 — It’s half past six. 7.00 — It’s seven.

b) 7.30 -__________________________ 9.00 - __________________________________

12.15 -___________________________ 10.45 - ________________________________

11.50 - ___________________________ 2.20 - __________________________________


Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks with the prepositions “in”, “on”, “at”.

1) I was born in 1999,____ the 7th of December.

2) Goodbye! See you_____ Friday.

3) _____autumn the leaves fall down from the trees.

4) We often go swimming _____summer.

5) I go to school______ the morning.

6) They’ll go on a trip______ the weekend.

7) Let’s meet ______ 4 o’clock.


Exercise 1 Study how to tell the time. Then write what time it is.

a) 6.00 — It’s six o’clock. 6.40 — It’s twenty to seven.

6.05 — It’s five (minutes) past six. 6.45 — It’s a quarter to seven.

6.15 — It’s a quarter past six. 6.50 — It’s ten to seven.

6.30 — It’s half past six. 7.00 — It’s seven.

b) 7.30 -__________________________ 9.00 - __________________________________

12.15 -___________________________ 10.45 - ________________________________

11.50 - ___________________________ 2.20 - __________________________________


Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks with the prepositions “in”, “on”, “at”.

1) I was born in 1999,____ the 7th of December.

2) Goodbye! See you_____ Friday.

3) _____autumn the leaves fall down from the trees.

4) We often go swimming _____summer.

5) I go to school______ the morning.

6) They’ll go on a trip______ the weekend.

7) Let’s meet ______ 4 o’clock.


Exercise 3 Study the table. Write the usual time we do these things in Ukraine.

Usual time in Ukraine Usual time in Britain
The earliest time of the day you could telephone someone. About 08.30
People get up. 07.30—08.30
People have breakfast. About 08.00
People start work in offices. 09.00
People have their “mid-day” meal. 12.00 or 1 p. m.
School starts. 09.00
Offices close. 05.00 p. m.
Most shops are open. 09—5.30
People have their evening meal. About 6 p. m.
People go to bed. About 11 p. m.
The latest time of the day you could telephone someone (who you do not know very well). 10 p. m.
TV closes down. After 12 p. m.



Exercise 3 Study the table. Write the usual time we do these things in Ukraine.

Usual time in Ukraine Usual time in Britain
The earliest time of the day you could telephone someone. About 08.30
People get up. 07.30—08.30
People have breakfast. About 08.00
People start work in offices. 09.00
People have their “mid-day” meal. 12.00 or 1 p. m.
School starts. 09.00
Offices close. 05.00 p. m.
Most shops are open. 09—5.30
People have their evening meal. About 6 p. m.
People go to bed. About 11 p. m.
The latest time of the day you could telephone someone (who you do not know very well). 10 p. m.
TV closes down. After 12 p. m.



Exercise 3 Study the table. Write the usual time we do these things in Ukraine.

Usual time in Ukraine Usual time in Britain
The earliest time of the day you could telephone someone. About 08.30
People get up. 07.30—08.30
People have breakfast. About 08.00
People start work in offices. 09.00
People have their “mid-day” meal. 12.00 or 1 p. m.
School starts. 09.00
Offices close. 05.00 p. m.
Most shops are open. 09—5.30
People have their evening meal. About 6 p. m.
People go to bed. About 11 p. m.
The latest time of the day you could telephone someone (who you do not know very well). 10 p. m.
TV closes down. After 12 p. m.