The Ex-Wife’s Survival Guide» Debby Holt


Sarah Stagg thought she had it all: a lovely husband, twin teenage sons, a cottage in the country. Then her husband, a keen amateur thespian[Таня1] , leaves her for his leading lady, her sons go off to India, and for the first time in twenty years, Sarah is very alone and very single. She was afraid of reaction of the rest of the world. She had so called an irrational belief[Таня2] : if she told no one, perhaps Andrew would change his mind and come home before there was any need to say anything. Her sons before going to India had treated Sarah since Andrew’s departure as if she were afflicted with a terminal illness[Таня3] . Soon everybody in their little town got to know about Andrew’s leaving. Everybody had compassion, sympathized with her. But all their words just salted a wound[Таня4] and dejected her spirit[Таня5] . Once Audrey Masterton, the ruler of local theater where Andrew had worked, called Sarah. She asked her to bail her out [Таня6] and to take share [Таня7] in performance. Andrew and his mistress left the theater. So Audrey lost major play-actors. Sarah didn’t want to join this troupe. The abandon woman decided to confer with her best friend Miriam. She brought Sarah into line[Таня8] , who had to dispel the gloom[Таня9] . Finally Sarah found her account in visiting the Ambercross Players. Some time later her sons went to India. Ben and James were worried about leaving her on her own. They ask Ruth to bring her a dog from the rescue center. Very soon Sarah understood that a man’s best friend is not necessarily a woman’s. A dog, Jacko, was forcing her into the life of a hermit[Таня10] because it was amok[Таня11] . It was cruel, dashed on[Таня12] everybody including Sarah. She was tired of this dog but was struck by a momentous discovery[Таня13] : for the first time since Andrew had left her she had gone to bed without being conscious of the aching absence[Таня14] of Andrew. She reached a conclusion: not despair abandoned woman had to involve herself in the most humiliating activity [Таня15] she could find and then take into her home a hound who hates her. She’ll be too busy feeling crushed and frightened to worry about being lonely. Only Martin, theatrical Sara’s partner, was influential with Jacko. Не offered air the dog [Таня16] in the morning together and simultaneously do the matutinal run[Таня17] .


Honestly speaking the deals in the theatre went not so well. Sarah was offered the main role. She could not see herself on the place of her heroine. The woman was ready to throw all, when her husband rang. He offered her deliverance from such torments[Таня18] , said that he understood that this task was beyond her strength and could prevail Audrey on getting off Sarah’s back[Таня19] . Sarah was in high dudgeon [Таня20] that Andrew so much disbelieved in her. She passed up his pittance and went at play hammer and tongs[Таня21] .

Besides she began to draw again. Earlier she had even put to her trade[Таня22] , but after marriage became the housewife. Once upon a time she met her pupil and she offered her profitable order[Таня23] . Sarah agreed and turned her hand[Таня24] to paint the sexual fruits to opening of one rich man’s restaurant. Each weekends Sarah began with fresh air and exercise with Martin.Also they conduct much time for rehearsals[Таня25] . He was a main character. Once upon a time one more actress joined their amateur troupe. She began to flirt with Martin, invited him on coffee. Once Martin rang and said that he couldn’t go with Sarah to walk at Saturday, she was certain that she lost a valuable friend. Eventually turned out [Таня26] that Martin simply met his brother from the airport, and there was nothing him and that woman. He put up Sarah to [Таня27] his brother Jean-Pierre. He has recently buried his wife and felt himself solitary. When Jean-Pierre got acquainted with Jacko, they immediately befriended[Таня28] .As the result he withdrewed[Таня29] it, Sarah was dispensed from [Таня30] her home tyrant. Afterwards Miriam has offered Sarah to go to repose [Таня31] on Majorca.Though that was winter and there was nothing to write home about[Таня32] Sarah agreed. There they met Sarah’s groupmate Barney, whom she was swep[Таня33] in the collage. Her heart gave a leap[Таня34] when he accosted[Таня35] . The whole week they conducted together. Her heart pervious to love[Таня36] . When time to leave came Barney offered Sarah to remain. She pledged her word [Таня37] to return, when solved her own deals at home.Having returned home Sarah flitted from happiness [Таня38] that now she was not abandoned, but beloved, truelove woman. She was nuts about him [Таня39] and felt herself on top of the world.

She set her things right[Таня40] , bundled[Таня41] and left on Majorca back in the very nick of time [Таня42] to her leman’s [Таня43] birthday. Arrived she obnoxiously[Таня44] wondered that he didn’t meet her.She rang him, but he did not answer. When Sarah arrived homeward to him she caught him ling dead drunk [Таня45] on the floor.Eventually she spent the night listening bawdry[Таня46] in her address, cleaning after blue around the gills[Таня47] of drunk hero of the day and also got in the eye with elbow although accidentally, but still painfully and vexing[Таня48] .Her heartdied within her[Таня49] .In the morning she took herself off completely broken by grief with a heart saddened with disappointment[Таня50] . At home Martin was the first who supported Sarah. She effectuated a conclusion [Таня51] that if you’re lying on the ground, you couldn’t fall over. So she started work on the first of the fruits paintings. Very soon she understood the continuation of her conclusion – it might take a while to get up again. That was no go [Таня52] neither in paintings nor in theatrical production. But she kept busy. She concluded that the work was the answer to all her problems. Finally Sarah finished her work late at night. She was too tired to care if it was any good or not, all she knew was that she would never be able to eat strawberries again. She was afraid that her orderer wouldn’t value her paintings and with thought pigs might fly[Таня53] she went to meet him. Then her fears decreased[Таня54] . The owner of project[Таня55] was enrapt[Таня56] and paid a high fee. On the party of restaurant opening everybody adored Sarah and her work. There she met Andrew. The whole evening he stepped up to her [Таня57] and presented her as his wife.They had the emotional talk and Andrew hinted that he wanted to return. Sarah delighted with her victory[Таня58] , but she did not want already to be with him.The last scenes of this book are dedicated to theatrical production, to which Sarah was preparing so hand and foot[Таня59] . The play ended with long-expected ardent kiss [Таня60] between the main heroes in the play and in the book Sarah and Martin.

[Таня1]Драматический актер любитель

[Таня2]Иррациональная (нелогическая) вера

[Таня3]Пораженный неизлечимой болезнью


Сыпать соль на рану

[Таня5]Огорчать, портить настроение

[Таня6]Выручить из беды,брать на поруки


Принимать участие


Убедить согласиться

[Таня9]Развеять мрачное настроение







[Таня13] быть пораженным открытием

[Таня14] боль от отсутствия


унизительное занятие


выгуливать собаку

[Таня17] утренняя пробежка

[Таня18] избавление от мучений

[Таня19]слезать со спины

[Таня20] с глубоким возмущением

[Таня21]с воодушевлением

[Таня22] зарабатывать

[Таня23] выгодный заказ


приступить к работе



[Таня26]в конце концов выходить


знакомить с

[Таня28] подружиться


[Таня30] освобожден от



[Таня32]ничего особенного

[Таня33]безответно влюблен

[Таня34]сердце выскакивает

[Таня35]обращаться к,

[Таня36]срдце открытое для любви

[Таня37]давать слово

[Таня38]порхать от счастья

[Таня39]без ума от

[Таня40]уладить дела


собирать вещи


какраз вовремя




неприятноб оскорбительно


мертвецки пьян


похабщина, ругань



раздражающий, неприятный

[Таня49]она была разбита

[Таня50]сердце, измученное разочерованиями

[Таня51]сделать вывод


безвыходное положение

[Таня53]бывает, что коровы летают

[Таня54]страхи исчезают




[Таня57] приударить за кем-то

[Таня58]восхищенный своей победой


[Таня60]долгожданный пылкий поцелуй