Theme: Use of polymer materials for repair of locomotives.

I. Read the following words:

Courses, engineer, hour, right, technical, higher, speciality, privileges, grant, throughout, entire, thoroughly, priority, curriculum, diverse, research, specialized, facilities, aids, scientific, library, physical, successfully, linen, lateral, breakage, cylinder, insufficient, locomotive, measure, triangle, flange, gauge, straight, bogie, depot.


II. Do the following test:


Variant 1 Variant 2.  
1. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:
1) crankshaft – 2) frame – 3) deflection of the axis – 4) to reduce breakage – 5) medical servicing – 6) free of charge – 7) study and research laboratories – 8) to have the right – 9) to get higher education – 10) curriculum – 1) to study thoroughly – 2) available – 3) bogie – 4) medical treatment – 5) to grant privileges – 6) infinity – 7) shaft gauge – 8) wheel flange – 9) dispensary – 10) health promotion camps –
2. Translate the given sentences into English and ask questions to these sentences:
1) Ми вже поснідали. 2) Нік та Енді ще не прийшли. 3) В цьому році він написав 4 статті. 4) Я ніколи не читав цієї книжки. 5) Мій брат тільки що телефонував нам. 1) Вона тільки що приготувала нам вечерю. 2) З 1996 року ми працювали над цим проектом. 3) Енн вже прибралa в кімнаті. 4) Вони ніколи не бачили цієї картини. 5) Мій брат ще не розповів мені про свою подружку.


III. Learn how to read the words correctly:


Chemical [`kemıkl], reliability [rı`laıəbl], interference [ֻıntə`fıər(ə)ns], dynamic [daı`næmık], severely [sı`vıəlı], chrome [kroum], maintenance [`meıntınəns], glue [glu:], bearing [`bεərıŋ].


IV. Read the words and word-combinations and try to memorize them:

  1. to take advantage – використати переваги;
  2. sealing – ущільнювання;
  3. gasket material – прокладочні матеріали;
  4. protection of parts against corrosion – захист частин від корозії;
  5. increasing the strength and reliability – збільшення міцності та надійності;
  6. shock absorbing – амортизація;
  7. stress concentration coefficient – коефіцієнт концентрації напруги;
  8. dynamic loads – динамічне навантаження;
  9. cracks – щілини;
  10. crankcase – картер (двигуна);

  1. film – плівка;
  2. to leak – протікати, витікати;
  3. to spoil the oil – псувати масло;
  4. insufficient – незначний;
  5. costly – дорогий;
  6. build up – нарощувати, наростити.

V. Read and translate the text:



The Ukrainian railways have taken advantages of the progress made in chemical technology, and now use polymer materials for repair of locomotives.

At the present time, polymers are used as all-purpose materials for sealing, as gasket materials in important connections, for the protection of parts against corrosion and fretting corrosion;¹ they are also employed for increasing the strength and reliability of pressed connections and for restoring interference fits.² Polymer materials are used in shock absorbing elements for the reduction of stress concentration coefficients in case of dynamic loads; to fill up cracks and also for the elimination of cavitation and corrosion damage; in preparing worn parts of diesel cooling radiators; when restoring the worn parts of automatic couples, etc. Work is now in progress for widening the scope of polymer material usage for other repairs on locomotives.

¹ fretting corrosion – коррозія,що виникає підчас тертя;

² interference fit – натяг.


VI. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:


1) заповнити щілини; 2) зношені частини; 3) зараз ведеться робота; 4) з’єднання; 5) хімічні технології; 6) корозія, що виникає підчас тертя; 7) усунення порожнечі; 8) корозійні пошкодження; 9) розширення обсягу використання.


VI. Fill in the circles with the names of the fields of polymer materials usage (Add more circles if you can):


Polymer materials

are used in




VII. Skip the next part of the text and find the answers to the following questions:


  1. What provides an effective sealing between liner and water jacket of locomotives?
  2. What was the reason of the majority of the defects earlier?
  3. What can the leakage of cooling water into the crankcase cause?
  4. Did the improvements in design of rubber seal rings help to eliminate these defects?


The ReH-150B elastomer film provides an effective and reliable sealing between liner and water jacket in the type 2D 100 diesel engines of TE.3 and TE.7 diesel-electric locomotives. Previously, the failure of rubber seal rings had been responsible for the majority of the defects and permitted cooling water to leak into the crankcase, spoiling the oil and severely damaging bearing liners. Improvements in the design and use of specially selected rubber did not to eliminate the indicated defects.



VIII. Solve the crossword:

1. Power in general, or source of power.

2. The leakage into it spoils the oil and

damages bearing liners.

3. The process of getting rid of smth.

4. An imperfection; a fault.

5. Lack of success or instance of this; the

state or instance of being unable to

produce or perform what is expected or


6. Anything from which smth. is or may

be made; formed or consisting of sub-

stances that are able to be seen or felt.


IX. Read the text and ask 3 questions to this part of the text:

When assembling ball and roller bearings it was often found that the interference fit was insufficient. To provide the necessary interference, the fit surface was galvanized, built up, chrome-plated, machined or fitted with an adaptor bush,¹ etc. To restore an interference of 0.01 to 0.03 mm by these methods was costly, both in labour and materials. Now, the required interference fit for the bearing seatings is restored by depositing an elastomer film on their races, which takes 5 to 10 minutes. This reduces maintenance expenses of the unit, provides a reliable fit and creates better conditions for bearing operation.

¹adaptor bush – перехідна втулка


Grammar Revision


X. Match the sentences with the names of the grammar tenses.

1. I usually walk in this park. A) The Present Perfect Tense

2. We are working now. B) The Past Indefinite Tense

3. They have already finished washing up. C) The Future Indefinite Tense

4. Mary will come soon. D) The Present Continuous Tense

5. His boss shouted at him yesterday. E) The Present Indefinite Tense


XI. Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them:


  1. Ann and Bob has not made their homework yet.
  2. My brother has never saw this picture.
  3. Did they have told you about this yet?
  4. Our parents have come back from their journey already.
  5. The builders have just finish the bridge.


XII. Ask questions to the following sentences:


1. My dog usually bites the passers-by. 2. He sang his favourite song at the yesterday’s party. 3. His mother was in the garden 10 minutes ago. 4. We can speak English rather well. 5. My cousin has developed a new program for computer designs. 6. They are at home now. 7. Tomorrow he will do this work. 8. Now Eddy is preparing his speech for his future report. 9. You must be in time tomorrow. 10. They usually work together.


XIII. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Ми часто купуємо тут газети. 2. Він звичайно приходить о 5-ій. 3. Ганна вже написала твір. 4. Його батько працював на цьому заводі в минулому році. 5. Наступної п’ятниці до нас приїдуть гості. 6. Зараз заходить сонце ( to get down).



Home task

1. Learn how to read the words from Ex. III.

2. Learn the words from Ex. IV by heart.

3. Give literary translation of the 3rd part of the text (Ex. IX).

4. Solve the crossword of Ex.VIII.

5. Do Ex. XIII.