Ex. 2. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык


Прочитайте слова и текст. Переведите на русский язык выделенные курсивом абзацы.

comprehensive knowledge – всесторонние знания

household – домохозяйство (в экономике)

available– имеющийся в наличии

taxation– налогообложение

fiscal – финансовый

to be acquainted with – быть знакомым с чем-либо

turnover – оборот, товарооборот

statement – платёжное требование

invoice– счёт-фактура

notice – извещение

payroll– платёжная ведомость

bonus– премия

premium– премия, надбавка, вознаграждение

benefit – прибыль, выручка; пособие, пенсия

incentive – стимул, вознаграждение

bill of exchange – переводной вексель

letter of credit – аккредитив

purchase – покупка

deposit– вклад

to honor drafts – принимать переводные векселя

to grant a loan – предоставить заём

transaction – операция, сделка

intermediary– посредник

Clearing Bank – клиринговый банк (клиринг – система безналичных расчётов путём зачёта взаимных требований)

monetary policy – денежная политика

standard of value – мера стоимости

unit of account – единица учёта

store of value – средство сбережения (сохранения стоимости)

standard of deferred payment – средство погашения долга

competitiveness– конкуренция, конкурентоспособность

ethnic composition – национальный состав (населения)

market segment – сектор рынка

market mix – состав рынка

to run – руководить, управлять

employee– сотрудник, работник

decision making – принятие решения

operating management – производственный менеджмент

subordinate – подчинённый

undertaking– предприятие

fabrication personnel – производственный персонал



The students of economical faculty are trained in several qualifications: marketing, economy of enterprises, management, municipal management and labor economy. The purpose of teaching is to give the students comprehensive knowledge in economics and economy.

Economics is the science and study of the principles of the production, distribution and use of goods and wealth.

Economy is an economic system, the principles of house- hold management, as domestic economy.

Economy is the economic system of the country aimed at revealing its available resources, such as natural resources, production powers, machinery, labor resources, land and directing them at accumulating savings and investing them info manufacture. Economy also deals with the distribution of the national wealth, regulation of prices and taxation. Economy is subject to a great number of laws: rate of profit (норма прибыли), law of return (закон доходности), distribution according to labor (распределение по труду), law of surplus value (закон прибавочной стоимости), law of value (закон стоимости), fiscal law (закон налогообложения), production liability law (закон об ответственности за качество выпускаемой продукции) and so on.

Each economist should be acquainted with economic organization, the stages of which are: what goods to produce, how to produce them, who is the user of the product and how to promote it. In other words, it is necessary, to consider what goods is demanded, the means of its production, to define the consumer and the way of realizing the product.

The interrelations between the consumer and producer form the market. The market exists of two types: factor market and product market. Factor market consists of four components: labor force, earth using, capital and entrepreneurship. Product market is the exchange goods and services for payment or profit.

To be competent in all the spheres of economy the students are taught specialized subjects: economy and planning at the enterprises, theory of economy, book – keeping, document keeping, finances, basis of management, municipal household, marketing, ergonomics.

Planning at the enterprise implies to foresee the turnover of goods and money, to develop all stages of production and is called microeconomy. The theory of economy concerns the sum of industrial relations, corresponding to the particular development level of manufacturing forces of society, studies common laws of economical development, and is called macroeconomy.

Book – keeping is indispensible part of preparing economists. From this subject the students find out how to keep such financial documents as statement, invoice, notice, payroll, debit, credit and how to effect some financial operations: bonus payment, premium payment, payment on account, benefit payment, incentive payments, interest payment.

Dealing with finances the students are acquainted with banking operations and paying documents. The documents may be the bill of exchange (B/E) and the letter of credit (L/C). Invoice is a paying document of standard form which is given by a seller to the buyer for paying off by separate operations. As a rule, it contains the name and address of the buyer, the name of the goods and its price. The bill is an order from a creditor to a debtor to pay on demand or on a named date a certain sum of money, to a person named on the bill. A letter of credit is a paying document of special printed form in which the buyer instructs his bank to issue the L/C for the amount of the purchase and in favor of the seller.

As far as banking is concerned, the main functions of banks are: to accept and hold deposits, to honor drafts, bills of exchange, to grant advances, loans, to transfer funds, to handle foreign currency transactions, to collect payments, to issue notes and credit cards. In order to deal with banking operations successfully it is necessary to know modern banking, types of banks and the functions of money in the household. Banking is a financial intermediary in interrelations between lenders and borrows. Modern banking created several types of banks: main banks in each country (central savings bank in Russia, the Bank of England in Great Britain), commercial banks (also called the Clearing banks). The central banks look after the government’s finance and monetary policy. The Commercial banks provide banking services for the general public and many businesses. These banks offer a wide range of banking services, such as accepting deposits, making loans, managing the customers’ accounts.

To an economist, it is also necessary to know functions of money, the main of which is the means of payment or medium of exchange. Besides the functions of money include a standard of value, a unit of account, a store of value, a standard of deferred payment.

The proliferation «Marketing» trains the student whose future activity is involved in distributing goods from the manufacture to the consumer. Marketing is defined as the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer or user. In order to satisfy their needs it is necessary to investigate and evaluate the market: the competitive resources and the information about population. This information involves ethnic composition, income, education, age, habits, customs, interests, hobbies.

Good specialist in marketing should adhere to marketing concept and marketing strategy. Marketing concept proceeds from identifying the needs of potential customers and earning a profit for the firm. Marketing strategy consists of market segment and market mix. Market segment is the segment of the market which is most effectively served by the given business by targeting and developing its niche. Marketing mix is the combination of the different elements, such as product and services, promotion, pricing and packaging. These four elements are known as the «4Ps». All marketing goals will be achieved by the proper management.

Management is also one of the proliferations offered by the economical faculty. Management can be defined as running production, the sum total of principles, methods, means and forms of running production developed and applied to increase production efficiency and profit. There are various sections of management: 1) interfirm’s planning; 2) staff management; 3) production management; 4) supply and selling management; 5) finance activity management; 6) economical and commercial activity’s management; 7) public and personal services management and others. The basis of management is the sociological approach to the problems decision.

Management may be considered as a science and an art of running the people and getting things done by their efforts. Effective management includes the development of individual abilities of the employees to derive perfect organization, the benefits and profit. The most important task of management is decision making, which concerns the following aspects: 1) recognizing the problem; 2) defining and analyzing the problem; 3) evaluating alternative solutions; 4) choosing the most favorable solution; 5) implementing the chosen approach.

There are three management levels: top management, middle management and operating management. Managers are responsible for leading the people who are called subordinates. Management fulfills a lot functions: planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing, innovating.

One of the proliferations connected with management is the municipal management. The term municipal means having to do with a town or city activity. It also includes dealing with the municipal undertakings. Municipal management deals with the management of the city economy, which concerns the enterprises of utility services: bath-houses, restaurants, wash-houses, hairdressing saloons, dry-cleaner’s, gas, electricity and water supplying offices, shop, markets, cultural institutions. The manager of any of these enterprises should know the principles of economy, macro-and microeconomics, the laws of personnel management, personnel selection, laws of social development, safety engineering rules, labor laws, material incentives (поощрения), material remuneration (вознаграждение). The municipal manager should be acquainted with material principals of running the people.

The new qualification of the economical faculty is labor economy. At each enterprise there are various kind of workers: engineering personnel, fabrication personnel, field personnel (эксплуатация), support personnel. The specialists in labor economy deal with labor conditions and labor productivity. They study the subject which is called ergonomics. Ergonomics is the scientific discipline studying labor processes with the aim of creating optimal labor conditions, which contribute to increasing its productivity and ensure necessary comfortable labor environment. The main concern of this science is saving health, energy and work-capacity of the people.



Ex.1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1. What is the role of marketing in economy?

1. What are the stages of marketing?

2. What is management?

3. What is the aim of management?

4. What are the levels of management?

5. What is the most important task of management?

6. What is municipal management?

7. What should the manager of municipal enterprise know and adhere?

8. What does labor economy deal with?

9. What does the subject ergonomics concern?

Ex. 2. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык

1. Экономический факультет предлагает несколько квалификаций.

2. Экономика – обширная наука и имеет множество направлений.

3. С основными принципами экономики студенты знакомятся, изучая курс общей экономики.

4. Экономика имеет дело с материальными ресурсами страны и законами их создания и распределения.

5. Подготовка экономиста включает знание финансовой деятельности и банковского дела.

6. Переводной вексель, аккредитив и счёт – фактура являются платёжными документами.

7. Банковское дело является сложной системой, выполняющей множество функций.

8. Деньги играют большую роль в экономике являясь средством платежа, средством обращения, мерой стоимости, единицей учёта, средством сбережения и средством погашения долгов.

9. Маркетинг направлен на то, чтобы убедить клиента сделать покупку.

10. Чтобы бизнес был успешным, нужно изучать потребительский рынок.

11. Чтобы зарабатывать прибыль, фирма должна иметь маркетинговый план, который является стратегией маркетинга компании.

12. Менеджмент существует на каждом предприятии и осуществляется на трёх уровнях: на исполнительном высшем уровне, среднем административном уровне и на производственном уровне.

13. Искусство менеджера заключается в том, чтобы правильно организовать работу служащих и принять правильное решение из нескольких альтернатив.

14. Менеджер должен руководствоваться законами экономики, права и поощрения людей.

15. Специалист по экономике труда должен изучать условия работы людей и способствовать их улучшению.