Примерные Задания для подготовки к дифференцированному зачету (2 семестр)

Вариант 1

Read the text.


Confectionery, delicacies or sweetmeats are related to the food items that are rich in sugar as a principal ingredient, combined with coloring matter and flavouring and often with fruit or nuts. In the United States it is usually called candy, in Great Britain, sweets or boiled sweets.

Generally, confections are low in micronutrients but rich in calories. Specially formulated chocolate has been manufactured in the past for military use as a high density food energy source.

Some of the categories and types of confectionery include the following: caramels, chocolates, fondant, fudge, halvah, hard sweets, jelly candies, marshmallow, marzipan, tablet and so on.

Each country has its famous confectionaries. There are three main Russian confectionaries that have been popular for over 200 years. All three have a very similar history and currently operate in Russia.

The Red October Confectionary produces lot of chocolate products of different taste, the most popular one is called Alyonka. Another confectionery factory named as Babaevskiy makes chocolates, candies, caramels, gift packaging sweets for kids. And finally, Rot Front confectionary is popular by its Bird’s Milk.

All confectionery is especially very popular among kids.


I. Answer these questions:


1. Is confectionery rich in sugar as a principal ingredient?

2. What are confections low in?

3. Name some of the categories of confectionery.

4. Do children like to eat different kinds of confections?

5. What are the main popular Russian confectionaries?


II. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the modal verbs.


1. Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t have
c) hasn’t been able to

2. I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls.
a) could
b) am able to
c) can

3. Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t

4. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp.
a) were to
b) had to
c) could

5. Where are my gloves? – I … put them on because it’s cold today.
a) can’t
b) have to
c) needn’t


III. Write down the English equivalents.


Пищевые продукты, богатые сахаром; низкое содержание микроэлементов; некоторые категории и виды кондитерских изделий; три основные российские кондитерские фабрики; все кондитерские изделия являются очень популярными особенно среди детей.


IV. Translate the first abstract of the text into Russian.


V. Retell the text in English and give your opinion.


Вариант 2

Read the text.


Fluid milk for commercial distribution is usually pasteurized, that is subjected to a temperature of 61.7C for at least 30 min or 71.7C for 15 sec, and then cooled and bottled. The importance of safety and cleanliness is stressed in the dairy industry. Milk may also be condensed or evaporated, dried, powdered, or separated into skim milk and cream.

Butter is churned from cream. Margarines are similar to butter but made of hydrogenated fats, usually vegetable in origin, with added butter-type flavours and colouring.

Ice cream is the frozen product made from a combination of milk products (cream, butter, or milk – either whole or evaporated, condensed, skimmed, or dried) and two or more of the following ingredients: eggs, water, and sugar, with flavouring and colouring matter. In the manufacture of ice cream, freezing is accompanied by agitation of the ingredients to avoid crystallization and to incorporate air for proper texture.

Cheese is the product made from curd obtained from the whole, partly skimmed, or skimmed milk of cows or other animals, with or without added cream.

Many fermented products are produced from milk. These fermentations require the use of bacteria that lactose or milk sugar.


II. Answer these questions:


1. Is fluid milk for commercial distribution usually pasteurized or not?

2. Margarines are similar to butter but made of hydrogenated fats, aren’t they?

3. What are the main products made out of milk?

4. Is cheese the product made from yogurt?

5. How are many fermented products produced?


II. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the modal verbs.


1. You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
a) needn’t
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

2. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time.
a) must
b) should
c) need to

3. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now.
a) can
b) has to
c) must

4. You … smoke so much.
a) would
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t

5. We have got plenty of time. We … hurry.
a) must
b) needn’t
c) should


III. Write down the English equivalents.


Для доставки на перерабатывающее предприятие; брать образец сырого молока на анализ; порции сливок и обезжиренного молока; две отводные трубы; большее или меньшее количество сливок


IV. Translate the fourth and fifth abstracts of the text into Russian.


V. Retell the text in English and give your opinion.