Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks using words from the brackets.

Unit 1

Engines and Turbines

I. Language

Exercise1. Remember the following words and word combinations:

to convert- перетворювати

combustion engines - двигун внутрішнього згорання

piston stroke - робочий хід поршня

body - корпус

to squeeze -стискати

reciprocating - зворотньопоступальний

to maintain -експлуатувати

velocity - швидкість

steam -пар

fluid - рідина

casing - обшивка

shell - оболонка, гільза

blade -лопасть

bearing - підшипник

governor - регулятор

valve -клапан

axial flow –осьовий потік

pump - насос

installation - установка

shaft - вал

cycle - цикл

Exercise 2. Guess the meaning of following international words:

Turbines, gas, diesel, machines, energy, automotive, locomotive, sort, cylinder, typical, standard, boiler, manner.

Exercise 3. Add prefix “in -” -or its variant “im -” (before “m”, “p”); “ir” - (before “r”); “il”-(before “l”) to the following words. Define, the meaning, of the formed adjectives and translate them into Ukraine.

direct, logical, possible, active, correct, comparable, resistible, measurable, complete, responsible.

Exercise 4. Change the following sentences according to the model:

Model: T: A diesel engineis considered to be a prime mover actuated by gases.

St:It is considered that a diesel engine is a prime mover actuated by gases.

1. Steam, gas and oil engines are known to have been used prior to the invention of the diesel engine. 2. The name "heat engines" is known to include many types of engines and tur­bines. 3. The engine is said to be a source of power. 4. The up-and-down movement of the piston is known to be a recip­rocating motion. 5. Heat engines are supposed to lose much heat energy when they do mechanical work.

II. Reading

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text with a dictionary.


The heat engine is considered to be a machine that converts heat energy to mechanical energy. The engines of motorcars, motor-cycles, form tractors motor boots, etc are heat engines, which belong to the subgroup of internal combustion engines. Combustion engines may be divided into several types according to the number of piston strokes. Most of modern automatic engines operate on four-stroke cycle.

There are also engines which operate on two - stroke and six- stroke cycles.

A diesel engine is a machine which produces power by burning oil in a body of air which has been sugared to a high pressure by a moving piston. Diesel engines are know to be especially suitable where an independent source of power is required, as in ships, locomotives, mobile equipment of all sorts and isolated power plants.

Steam, gas and oil engines were known and used prior to the invention of the diesel engine. The steam engine converts the heat energy of steam to mechanical energy. A typical steam reciprocation engine consists of a cylinder fitted with a piston. A connecting rod and crankshaft change the piston to-and-fro motion into rotary motion. The steam pressure on the piston varies during the stroke and it is flywheel which maintains a constant output velocity.

III. Language

Exercise 1. Match words and word combinations in column A with those in column B.


1.Rotary motion паровой двигун

2. steam engine обертаючий рух

3. burning oil підгрупа

4. mobile equipment перетворювати

5. to convert рухоме обладнення

6. output velocity нафта, яка горить

7. to and fro motion поступовий рух

8. piston вихідна швидкість

9. especially suitable поршень

10. subgroup особливо придатний

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks using words from the brackets.

1. A machine that coverts heat energy to mechanical energy is called…(heat engine, diesel engine,, motor-car)

2. Most of modern automobile engines operate on four stroke … (circle, cycle, piston)

3. A machine that produces power by burning oil in a body of air which his been squeezed to a high pressure by a moving piston is called …(heat engine, diesel engine, steam engine)

4. A machine that converts the heat energy of steam to mechanical energy is called…(heat engine, diesel engine, steam engine)

5. (Diesel engine, heat engine, steam engine) … are most suitable where an independent source of power is recurred.

Exercise 3. Say the following sentences in English:

1. Тепловий двигун перетворює теплову енергію на механічну.

2. Існує декілька видів теплових двигунів, які використовуються у багатьох видах машин.

3. Паровий двигун перетворює теплову енергію пару в механічну.

4. Рудольф Дизель сконструював свій перший двигун в 1892 році.

5. Відомо, що дизельні двигуни знаходять велике застосування в наші дні.


Exercise 4. Ask questions on all the parts of the following sentences:

1. R. Diesel carried out all experimental work with liquid fuel.

2. Aircraft engines cooled by air are manufactured today in sizes ranging from 50 to 3500 hp.

3. The problem to studied can be simplified by the use of controlled experimental conditions.

IV. Oral practice