авдання 8.

а) Згадайте, яким повинен бути порядок слів у питальному ре­ченні. Проаналізуйте подані нижче запитання стосовно поряд­ку слів:

1. What do we call technology?

2. Does technology affect our life?

3. How does technology develop nowadays?

4. Is technology a part of our life?

5. What helps us make our life easier?

6. We cannot stop technological development, can we?

7. In what way does technology affect the environment?

8. What kind of job do you think you would like?

9. Isn't it interesting to study how technology develops?

10. Are you a technologically-minded person or a socially-minded one?

Indirect questions
Negative questions

б) Користуючись наведеною схемою, з'ясуйте тип кожного з по­даних вище питальних речень:










      Yes / No questions  
Wh-questions (information  
questions)   QUESTIONS  
    / \  
Tag questions

Alternative questions

в) Дайте відповіді на подані запитання.

Завдання 9. а) Уважно вивчить таблицю питальних слів:

Question words
















WHEN Whendid you call him? Whenwill she come? Yesterday. Next week. Час
WHERE Whereis my bag? Wherecan I find a pen? On the table. In that drawer. Місце
WHY Whyaren't you coming with us? Whydid he leave so early? I am tired. To catch the last train. Причина / мета
HOW Howdoes he drive? Howdid you get there? Carefully. By car. Засіб
How muchmoney do you need? How manypeople came to the party? Twenty dollars Twenty five. Кількість: how much + необчис-лювальний іменник; how many + обчислю­вальний іменник
How oldare you? Thirty five. Вік how + прикметник (прислівник) Ступінь / міра Тривалість Частота Відстань
How coldis it? Twelve below zero.
How sooncan you get here? In 20 minutes.
How fastwere you driving? 80 kilometers an hour.
How longhas he been here? Three months.
How oftendo you write her? Every month.
How faris it to Kyiv from here? 300 kilometers.
WHO Whocame to see you? Who knowsanything about this deal? My children. I do. 'Who'стосується людей і є підметом у реченні, Наступне за ним дієслово має форму 3-ї особи однини, навіть якщо мають на увазі більше однієї людини




І have two pens. Which pen do you want? Which one do you want? Which do you want? Which countries did he visit?
'Which' використовують і замість 'what', коли питання стосується вибору з даної кількості чи групи
The blue one.

























1 WHOM j Who(m)did you see і 1 there? і saw Nick. 'Whom' використовують як додаток до дієслова або прийменника. Форма 'who' переважає у розмовній англійській. 'Whom' використовують в офіційній обстановці. Зверніть увагу!  
jWho(m) should і talk to? My assistant.  
! To whom should 1 talk? The secretary.  
Whom', а не 'who' використовують у сполученні з прийменником  
WHOSE Whose book is it? It's mine. Належність  
Whose is this? David's.  
WHAT What makes you angry? His rudeness. 'What' може бути підметом чи додатком при утворенні питаль­них речень стосовно речей, абстрактних понять та тварин. Якщо 'what' є підметом, то наступне дієслово має форму 3-ї особи однини  
What do you need? 1 need a pen.  
What did he talk about? Vacation.  
About what did he talk? (офіційна форма) His project.  
What kind of book is that? It's a love story. 'What kind of - питання про тип чи конкретний вид предмета чи істоти  
  What countries did you visit? France and Italy. What + іменник -- який (яка, які) + + іменник  
What color is her hair? Blond.  
What is he like? He is kind and friendly. What + be like - питання стосовно загальних характеристик  
What is the weather like today? Warm but cloudy.  
What does Ed look like? He is tall and has dark hair. What + look iike - питання стосовно фізичного опису предметів та істот  
What does her house look iike? It's a two-story, red brick house.  
What did you do iast night? 1 studied. What + одна з форм 'do' -питання щодо діяльності і  
What is Mary doing? She is reading a book |  


___ і


Peru and Chile.


'what' та 'which'

What countries did he visit?

настільки незначна, що обидва варіанти однаково можливі

б) Користуючись наведеною таблицею, поставте запитання до ви­ділених частин поданих нижче речень:

1. Millions of people all over the world work in technology - related

2. Technology started over 2 million years ago.

3. Technology is changing and growing very quickly,

4. You can have more creative ideas if you open your mind to new

5. A technologically literate person can put technology to use to
solve problems.

6. A problem - solving strategy can make it easier to solve the

7. Learning about technology is fast - paced, exciting, challenging
and fun.

8. There is a good chance that the career you choose will involve
technology in some way.

9. Technicians use problem - solving steps in jobs that produce or
transport products, communicate messages and research ideas.

10. Technology is causing changes in our everyday lives.

Завдання 10.

а) Прочитайте та перекладіть подані нижче групи слів:

- product, to produce, production, productivity, producer;

- to create, creative, creature, creativity, creation, creativeness,

- to challenge, a challenge, challenging, challenger;

- technology, technological, technical, technician;

- science, scientist, scientific, scientifically;

- to invent, invention, inventor;

- computer, computerize, computerization, computation, to compute;

- to define, definition, definite, indefinite, definitely;

- advance, advancement, to advance,

б) Визначивши, до яких частин мови належать слова із поперед­
нього завдання, розподіліть їх на групи:

Іменники Дієслова Прикметники Прислівники

в) На розвороті робочого зошита накресліть таку таблицю:


NnOp. Суфікс/ префікс Яка частина мови утворю­ється До якої частини мови додається Основне значення Приклади

Розпочніть її заповнення, використовуючи подані вище слова. Надалі заповнюйте її регулярно, коли знаходитимете нові засо­би словотворення.

Завдання11. Прочитайте текст, намагайтеся якомога точніше зрозуміти і запам'ятати його зміст.

Текст 1 What Is Technology?

You live in a «high-tech» world. Tech is short for technology. Is technology robots, satellites, lasers, and computers? Or is it tools such as saws and hammers? All of these are products of technology, but technology is a lot more! Technology is a combination of people like you, your ideas, and the tools you will use to solve problems. It involves both thinking and doing. Technology is fast-paced, exciting, challenging, and fun! As you learn about technology you will be:

• Using knowledge from science, math, and other subjects to solve

Designing, inventing, and making things using your creative

• Building things such as products, houses, bridges, and devices
that people have created to make life easier.

You can see that technology has many different definitions. Most definitions agree that technology is the use of knowledge, tools, and resources to help people. You will probably come up with your own definition of technology after working with it for a while.

Because technology deals with people and the environment, you need to know how technology affects you. A person who understands the effects of technology is technologically literate. If you are techno­logically literate, you will be able to make decisions about your future and technology based on facts. As a technologically literate person, you will be able to:

- See how technology has changed through time.

- Think through a problem and come up with an answer.

- Decide whether a technology is good or bad for people or for the

- Understand the newest uses of technology.

- Use the tools of technology to solve problems.

The effects of technology are not always good for society or for the environment. Some advancements in technology have caused environmental problems such as acid rain. Other technologies are being developed to help solve those problems. Let's find out more about technology.

авдання 12.

а) Визначте, які з поданих нижче речень відповідають змісту Тексту 1:

1. Technology includes not only advanced devices and processes.

2. Products of technology are knowledge and ideas.

3. Technology is a combination of science, math and other subjects.

4. Technology affects people and the environment.

5. If you understand how technology changes people and the
environment, are able to find an answer to a technical problem
you are considered technologically literate.

6. All technological discoveries and inventions are good for people.

7. You do not need to be creative to achieve good results in

б) Виправте неправильні твердження.

Завдання 13.Перекладіть рідною мовою виділені в Тексті 1 речення.


Завдання 14. Виберіть із тексту слова, які можуть допомогти охарактеризувати поняття технічного прогресу:

а) складові частини технічного прогресу:

б) дієслова, які допоможуть описати процес прийняття технічно­го рішення та його втілення в життя.

Завдання 15.Перекладіть подані нижче речення англійською мовою:

1. Ми використовуємо досягнення техніки, щоб зробити життя
легшим та приємнішим.

2. Для розвитку техніки потрібні інформація, інструменти і ре­

3. Люди, їх ідеї і творчість - важливі складові технічних дося­

4. Якщо ви технічно грамотний, то розумієте, як новітні техно­
логії можуть впливати на наше життя.

5. Не всі сучасні досягнення техніки підходять для навколиш­
нього середовища та людей.

6. Щоб прийняти правильне рішення, ми повинні мати всю не­
обхідну інформацію і ґрунтуватися на фактах.

7. Технічний прогрес - складова частина розвитку людства.

Завдання 16. Сформулюйте основну ідею Тексту 1 (5-7 речень).

Завдання 17.Уявіть, що ви щойно розповіли своїм учням про технічний прогрес так, як було подано в Тексті 1, Які запитан­ня ви поставили б учням, щоб перевірити, наскільки вони вас зрозуміли?

Завдання1. Гїрочитахіте подані нижче слова, пам'ятаючи про правила читання голосних та їх сполучень, а також сполучень приголосних букв:

add, mean, start, ciub, ax, stone, age, bone, word, food, fire, mix, tin,

strong, skill, meet, need.

Завдання2. Прочитайте подані нижче багатоскладові слова. Не забувайте про правила читання голосних у наголошеному та ненаголошеному складі:

factory, different, divide, kind, useful, bronze, recent, animal,

weapons, gather, discover, copper.

Завдання З,Прочитайте та перекладіть подані нижче слова, ґрун­туючись на їх подібності до слів рідної мови:

combine, machine, percent, real, prehistoric, material, organize,

history, period, method, industrial, agricultural, start, rapid.

Завдання4, Уважно прочитайте і запам'ятайте подані нижче слова та їх переклад:


iron залізо  
copper мідь медь
tin олово ОЛОВО
percent відсоток процент
to discover відкривати,  
  довідуватися открывать, узнавать
alloy сплав сплав
instead of замість вместо
either...or той чи інший, тот или иной,
  або... або или... и ли

gatherer farmer really prehistoric cutting expensive movable printing combination definition


hard твердий, важкий твердый, трудный
strong міцний, сильний прочный, сильный
to prefer надавати перевагу предпочитать
edge лезо, край лезвие, край
to cut різати резать
ore руда РУДа
expensive дорогий дорогостоящий
powder порошок порошок
steam пара пар
engine машина машина
to pump качати качать
craft ремесло ремесло
recent нещодавній недавний
age вік, доба, епоха возраст, век
to overlap перекривати перекрывать
skill майстерність мастерство
pace крок, темп шаг, темп
jet напрям, струмінь струя, направление
brief короткий, стислий краткий

Завдання5. Прочитайте подані нижче слова. У разі утруднень перевірте правильність читання за словником та запишіть їх у транскрипції. Дайте еквіваленти таких словосполучень рідною мовою:

over 90 percent, to meet the changing needs, throw away, to take a brief look at, through the ages, prehistoric people, to work on different materials, time period, to base on, a strong metal, to mix copper with tin, a cutting edge, to hold a cutting edge, hard metal, iron ore, to move ahead, to stay the same, to be ahead of other people, steam engine, to pump water out of coal mines, steam was put to use in 1712, instrument, craft people, workshop, to live off the land, rapid growth, at the same pace, to set up factories, to move away from farms.

Завдання6. Проаналізуйте подані нижче пари слів щодо їх форми, значення та належності до певної частини мови.

Перекладіть їх та доповніть таблицю словотворення:
use useful

herd herder











авдання 7.

авдання 7.

а) Пригадайте, як утворюються ступені порівняння прикметни­ків та прислівників:

Модель 1. large - larger - lai

^ Модель 2. important - f101*6 important - si impor

•X less least

V Модель 3. (не за правилами) ^0<?. - better - best


many much little few

- more - most

- less - least

a - worse - worst


far - farther - farthest (further) - (furthest)

б) Утворіть ступені порівняння таких прикметників:

short, fast, exciting, simple, useful, important, strong, good, hard, isolated, cheap, early, easy.


Завдання 8. Перекладіть подані нижче речення, звертаючи осо­бливу увагу на вживання ступенів порівняння прикметників та прислівників:

1. Technology is changing faster and faster all the time.

2. The more new ideas and inventions appear, the faster technology
development is.

3. During the Industrial Revolution technological inventions
brought more changes that affected the society than during all
the previous periods.

4. Metallurgy is one of the oldest of arts but one of the youngest
of sciences.

5. One of the most important properties of metals is their ability
to combine with other elements in stable solid mixtures known
as alloys.

6. Ferrous metals are used more often than non-ferrous metals.

7. Did you know that the highest wind speed ever recorded on
earth was 231 miles per hour?

Завдання 9.

а) Перекладіть рідною мовою речення, що мають порівняльні

1. Bronze was stronger than either copper or tin.

2. Bronze could be used to make better tools and weapons.

3. In the Iron Age people preferred iron because it was harder and
held a cutting edge better than bronze.

4. With the use of iron, more tools developed faster.

5. With new inventions and machines, people set up factories that
could produce things cheaper and faster.

6. During the Bronze Age people learned how to mix copper with
tin to make a stronger metal called bronze.

7. When these people combine their ideas, we shall have even more
new machines and tools.

б) Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи потрібний ступінь порів­
няння прикметника чи прислівника:

1. Tech is (short) for technology.

2. In our days technology changes (fast).

3. As a technologically literate person, you will be able to understand
the (new) uses of technology.

4. The effects of technology are not always (good) for society or
for the environment.


5. You must decide whether a technology is (good) or (bad) for
people or for the environment.

6. (Many) definitions agree that technology is the use of knowledge
and tools to help people.

7. Let's find out (much) about technology.

Завдання 10. Перекладіть подані нижче речення. Виведіть загаль­ну формулу утворення пасивного стану і сформулюйте його ос­новне значення:

1. Rock, wood, animal bones, plants or other natural materials were
to Stone Age people.

2. All the facts known to people today are called our knowledge


3. Because the knowledge base is so large and is growing so rapidly,
it is important for you to learn where and how information can
be found.

4. Only natural materials were used by prehistoric people.

5. If you have steps to follow in trying to solve a problem, getting
an answer will be madeeasier.

6. Once a problem solving strategy has been worked out, it can be
to solve all kinds of problems.

7. Most of the time the problems which are being solved in
technology are very complicated.

8. Many of the latest technological developments are connected
with computers.

9. Very often prehistoric people are considered not very smart,
but they were able to use the technology of their day very well.

10. Drawings were used by prehistoric people to communicate with each other.

Завдання 11.Використовуючи виведену загальну формулу утво­рення пасивного стану, виведіть відповідні формули для кожної з груп часів дієслова:



Завдання12. Використовуючи таблицю із Завдання 11, пере­кладіть рідною мовою подані нижче речення:

1. These periods are based on the kinds of materials people used.

2. Iron is still used in industry today.

3. Over 90 percent of all technologies were invented in the last 25
or 30 years.

4. An alloy is made when two or more metals are mixed together.

5. Products were made in homes rather than factories during this

6. Several scientific instruments were invented during the period
of Industrial Revolution.

7. Recent history is divided into ages.

8. Prehistoric times are described by the materials people used.

9. Other technologies are being developed nowadays.

10. Bronze was stronger than either copper or tin and it could be used to make better tools and weapons.

ЗавданняІЗ. Прочитайте текст, намагайтеся якомога точніше зрозуміти і запам'ятати його зміст:

Текст 2 Technology — Growing Fast!

Technology is changing faster and faster all the time. As the population grows, more people are adding more new ideas and inventing more new tools. When these people combine their ideas, we have even more new machines and tools. Over 90 percent of all technologies we have today were invented in the last 25 or 30 years. That means that technology is causing lots of change very fast.

When did technology start? Many people think that technology started in the 1700s when factories began to make things. But technology really began many thousands of years ago. Prehistoric people used simple tools such as clubs and axes made of stone to work on different materials.

One way to organize history is to divide the past into time periods. These periods are based on the kinds of materials people used. This method is useful because people develop new technologies to meet their changing needs. But they don't throw away the old technology; they build on it. Let's take a brief look at technology through the ages. - The Stone Age (2,000,000 b.c. to 3,000 b.c.)

During the Stone Age, prehistoric people used tools made mostly

of stone, animal bones, and wood. The tools were important to

them as weapons or for gathering food. Prehistoric people also discovered uses for fire. The Bronze Age (3000 b.c. to 1200 b.c.)

During the Bronze Age, people learned how to mix copper with tin to make a stronger metal called bronze. Bronze is an alloy. An alloy is made when two or more metals are mixed together. Bronze was stronger than either copper or tin, and it could be used to make better tools and weapons.

- The Iron Age (1200 b.c. to a.d. 500)

People started to make their tools from iron instead of bronze. They preferred iron because it was harder and held a cutting edge better than bronze. Iron ore was also easy to find and less expensive. With the use of iron, more tools developed faster. Iron is still used in industry today.

- The Pre-Industrial Revolution (a.d. 500 to 1750)

There were very few changes in science and technology during the first part of this time period. People around the world did not advance from one stage of technology to the next at the same pace. People in some parts of the world moved ahead, while others stayed the same. Some people remained hunters and gatherers while others became farmers and herders. For example, the Chinese were ahead of other people in technology because they had gunpowder, the compass, and movable type for printing. Today there are a few isolated places where people are still living in the Stone Age. During the second part of the Pre-Industrial Revolution, technology and science became important. For example, steam was first put to use in 1712 by Thomas Newcomen. He made a steam engine to pump water out of coal mines. Products were made in homes rather than factories during this period. Several important scientific instruments such as the microscope were invented. This is when scientists started using the scientific method to find answers.