Certain- having no doubts that something is true


1. Dirty-Not clean. Synonyms: dirty, filthy, messy.

2. Dull- boring or not interesting

not bright or shiny

3. Describe-to give details about what someone or something is like. Synonyms: describe, define, illustrate

4. Perform- to complete an action or activity, especially a complicated one

Synonymsdo, perform, conduct, make, pursue

Assess- to carefully consider a situation, person, or problem in order to make a judgment

Fix- to fasten something somewhere so that it cannot move, to make a decision about a price or amount and not allow it to change

Synonyms: fasten, attach, clip

Device- a machine or piece of equipment that does a particular thing, a way of making something happen or of making someone do something

Synonyms: apparatus, array, automation

Precise-someone who is precise is always careful to be accurate and to behave correctly

Synonyms: nuanced, exact, accurate,cautious, thorough

Repetitive- involving repeating the same action over long periods of time

Synonyms: return, repetition, repetitive

Certain- having no doubts that something is true

Synonyms: sure, positive

11. Remotely-slightly, or in a very small way

Synonyms:slightly, fairly, partly

12. Provide-to give someone something that they want or need

Synonyms: supply, equip

13. Obtain-to get something that you want or need, especially by going through a process that is difficult

Synonyms:get, come by, accept

14. Explore-to travel to a place in order to learn about it or to search for something valuable such as oil, to examine or discuss a subject, idea etc thoroughly

Synonyms:go, come... slice and dice, study, check

15. Maintenance-work that is done to keep something such as a building, machine, or piece of equipment repaired and in good condition

Synonyms:repair, maintenance, overhaul

16. Fortune- a very large amount of money

Synonyms:wealth, fortune, pile

17. Rewarded- to give someone something as a reward, for example praise, success, or money

Synonyms:give, present, hand

18. Laundry- dirty clothes that you are washing, or cleanclothes that have just been washed

Synonyms:air, boil, come off

19. Grateful-feeling that you want to thank someone because they have given you something or have done something for you

Synonyms:grateful, gratitude, thankful

20. Sense- a strong feeling or belief about yourself

Synonyms:conceptualization, thought, idea

21. Role-the purpose or influence of someone or something in a particularsituation

Synonyms:purpose, role, goal

22. Lazy-not willing to work or do any activity that needs effort

Synonyms:dle, indolent

23. Concerned- interested or affected. I’m a bit concerned about your health.

Synonyms: disquieted, ill at ease, engaged (обеспокоенный, заинтересованный)

24. Concerned- interested or affected. I’m a bit concerned about your health.

Synonyms: disquieted, ill at ease, engaged (обеспокоенный, заинтересованный)

25. Convince- to persuade someone or make someone certain.

We finally convinced him that he was wrong

Synonyms: assure, urge, persuade, exhort, argue (убеждать)


26. Dedicated- believing that something is very important and diving a lot of time and energy to it.

She’s completely dedicated to her work.

Synonyms: purposeful, devoted, loyal, loving, true (преданный)


27. Firsthand- obtained directly from someone who is involved in something.

Most of the older reporters have experienced war firsthand.

Synonyms: first-hand, at first- hand (из первых рук, первоисточник)

28. Operate- to work, be in action or have an effect

I don’t know how to operate this computer.

Synonyms: function, act, serve, control, manage, govern (работать, управлять)

29. Eventually-at the end of a process or period of time in which many things happen Synonyms:final, ultimate, eventual

30. Expedition-a long journey organized for a particular purpose, especially to a dangerous or distant place

Synonyms:away day, circuit, commute

31.Investigate-to try to find out the facts about something in order to learn the truth about it

Synonyms:investigate, look into, follow up

32. Species-a type of person described according to a particular aspect of their character

a plant or animal group whose members all have similar general features and are able to produce young plants or animals together

Synonyms:outlier, individual, character genus, species, subspecies.