I. Напишіть наведені іменники у множині та перекладіть їх українською мовою.



I. Напишіть наведені іменники у множині та перекладіть їх українською мовою.

a bus __________________________________

a key__________________________________

a place ________________________________

a pen__________________________________

a day__________________________________

a fly___________________________________

a bush_________________________________

a box__________________________________

a roof__________________________________

a wife_________________________________

a leaf__________________________________

a wharf________________________________

a hero__________________________________

a volcano ______________________________

a man__________________________________

a mouse________________________________

a child_________________________________

a postman______________________________

a sister-in-law ___________________________


II. Замість крапок вставте (де необхідно) артиклі a (an), the.

1. …English is one of … most important language in … world.

2. What … beautiful garden!

3. She is … dentist.

4. Would you like … cup of … coffee?

5. She lives in … small flat.

6. There was … house on … hill. … house was grey and uncomfortable.

7. …Crimea is washed by …Black Sea.

8. Where is your … brother? He is at … home.

9. …Red Sea is between … Africa and … Asia.

10. … Chicago is on …. Lake Michigan.

III. Замініть виділені іменники відповідними особовими займенниками у називному або об’єктному відмінку:

1. The boys are playing tennis. _________________________________________________________

2. I saw the boys in the park. __________________________________________________________

3. Put the books on the shelf. __________________________________________________________

4 The books are on the shelf.___________________________________________________________

5. We have seen the film. _____________________________________________________________

6. The film is very interesting. _________________________________________________________

7. My sister went to the post-office. _____________________________________________________

8. I am waiting for my sister. __________________________________________________________

9. The children listened to the officer with great interest. ____________________________________

10. The officer told us about the War. ___________________________________________________

IV. Замініть присвійні займенники залежної форми на незалежну:

Наприклад: This is my coat. – This coat is mine. Це моє пальто. – Це пальто моє.

1. This is our school. ________________________________2. These’re my books. ___________________________________3. This is your desk. _____________________________ 4. This is his bag.__________________________ 5. This is her pen. __________________________ 6. This is their bus. ___________________________________7. This is your bus. _______________________________8. That’s his hotel. ___________________________________ 9. That’s my sister. _________________________________ 10. Those are your hats.__________________________________

V. Поставте дієслово в дужках у потрібну форму:

1. There _________(to be) many dishes on the menu today. 2. ________(to be) there guests in the restaurant today? Yes, there _________(to be). 3. There _________(to be) an interesting film on TV in the evening. 4. Andrew ___________(not to be) a head waiter. 5. The waiters ________(to be) quick. 6. We ____________ (to have) many guests on Sunday. 7. He __________ (to have) new shoes. 8. They ______________ (not to have) meat soup for dinner today. 9. This waitress ____________________ (not to have) any children. 10. What _____ you ________(to do) tonight? 11. She _____________ (not to do) the cooking every day. 12. They __________(to do) their shopping on Mondays.

VI. Поставте речення у питальній та заперечній формах:

1. Mike recommends his guests special dishes in the evening. __________________________________


2. We serve dinner from one to three. _____________________________________________________


3. They prepare the restaurant-hall for receiving guests. _______________________________________



Студент (ка) __________________________________________ Група______________


Викладач ________________________________________ Оцінка _________________



I. Напишіть наведені іменники у множині та перекладіть їх українською мовою.

a bus __________________________________

a key__________________________________

a place ________________________________

a pen__________________________________

a day__________________________________

a fly___________________________________

a bush_________________________________

a box__________________________________

a roof__________________________________

a wife_________________________________

a leaf__________________________________

a wharf________________________________

a hero__________________________________

a volcano ______________________________

a man__________________________________

a mouse________________________________

a child_________________________________

a postman______________________________

a sister-in-law ___________________________


II. Замість крапок вставте (де необхідно) артиклі a (an), the.

11. …English is one of … most important language in … world.

12. What … beautiful garden!

13. She is … dentist.

14. Would you like … cup of … coffee?

15. She lives in … small flat.

16. There was … house on … hill. … house was grey and uncomfortable.

17. …Crimea is washed by …Black Sea.

18. Where is your … brother? He is at … home.

19. …Red Sea is between … Africa and … Asia.

20. … Chicago is on …. Lake Michigan.

III. Замініть виділені іменники відповідними особовими займенниками у називному або об’єктному відмінку:

1. The boys are playing tennis. _________________________________________________________

2. I saw the boys in the park. __________________________________________________________

3. Put the books on the shelf. __________________________________________________________

4 The books are on the shelf.___________________________________________________________

5. We have seen the film. _____________________________________________________________

6. The film is very interesting. _________________________________________________________

7. My sister went to the post-office. _____________________________________________________

8. I am waiting for my sister. __________________________________________________________

9. The children listened to the officer with great interest. ____________________________________

10. The officer told us about the War. ___________________________________________________

IV. Замініть присвійні займенники залежної форми на незалежну:

Наприклад: This is my coat. – This coat is mine. Це моє пальто. – Це пальто моє.

1. This is our school. ________________________________2. These’re my books. ___________________________________3. This is your desk. _____________________________ 4. This is his bag.__________________________ 5. This is her pen. __________________________ 6. This is their bus. ___________________________________7. This is your bus. _______________________________8. That’s his hotel. ___________________________________ 9. That’s my sister. _________________________________ 10. Those are your hats.__________________________________

V. Поставте дієслово в дужках у потрібну форму:

1. There _________(to be) many dishes on the menu today. 2. ________(to be) there guests in the restaurant today? Yes, there _________(to be). 3. There _________(to be) an interesting film on TV in the evening. 4. Andrew ___________(not to be) a head waiter. 5. The waiters ________(to be) quick. 6. We ____________ (to have) many guests on Sunday. 7. He __________ (to have) new shoes. 8. They ______________ (not to have) meat soup for dinner today. 9. This waitress ____________________ (not to have) any children. 10. What _____ you ________(to do) tonight? 11. She _____________ (not to do) the cooking every day. 12. They __________(to do) their shopping on Mondays.

VI. Поставте речення у питальній та заперечній формах:

4. Mike recommends his guests special dishes in the evening. __________________________________


5. We serve dinner from one to three. _____________________________________________________


6. They prepare the restaurant-hall for receiving guests. _______________________________________



Студент (ка) __________________________________________ Група______________


Викладач ________________________________________ Оцінка _________________