Translate the summary of the text into English.

Translate the following text into Russian.



Engineering is often compared to medicine and law in discussions of professional status. It would appear to qualify according to the dictionary meaning of the word. Engineering require specialized knowledge and intensive preparation with continued study after leaving the university. The profession has a strong organizational structure, requires high standards, and operates in the public service. These attributes are commonly associated with the word professional as it is used here. This is a rather restricted interpretation and it differs from its use in describing, say, a professional actor or sportsman who is paid for his efforts, as opposed to an amateur who performs for enjoyment. It is also sometimes used in reference to level of experience so that one speaks of a professional job house painting or plumbing. Another use refers to a continued effort over an extended period of time so that one hears reference to a "professional student" as one who spends many years at a university.

Most important is the fact that engineers see themselves as professionals. They have to be technically competent and operate with responsibility in conformity with accepted notions of professionalism.

The type of responsibility is rather different from a doctor. The doctor's responsibility is clearly recognizable because of directness of a doctor's relationship. For the engineer, the result of his labors -be it a bridge, air-conditioning unit, automobile or computer - is interposed between himself and the user. However, since people's lives are often at stake if an error is made, a high level of competence is essential.

Engineering is somewhat tainted in the public eye. It is recognized that technology, or its misapplication, is responsible for the various pollution threats and also for devastating weapons of war, and the public assumes that it is the engineers who have brought us to this pass. It should be realized that technology, too operates according to demands, and just as the demand for goods, and comfort has led to environmental damage, so technology can also correct this. In one sense engineers with their machines are the tools of society, and it is society that ultimately determines how they are to be used.

The usual structure of engineering curricula includes four main components. First, come the basic sciences of physics, chemistry and mathematics. Then a block of humanities courses is required. The engineering courses fall in the general areas of mechanics of solids, properties of materials, mechanics of fluids, thermodynamics, electrical science, transfer and rate processes and systems. Finally, come the design courses which put it all together. It is this design discipline which exemplifies engineering in action, for it illustrates how engineers solve practical problems by applying their scientific knowledge and skills in the interactive decision-making process. This is how engineers adapt science to human needs.

Translate the summary of the text into English.

Текст называется "Инженерия как профессия". В статье говорится о том, что инженерно-строительное искусство как профессия основывается на специализированных знаниях. Согласно автору, данная профессия требует высокой квалифицированной подготовки специалистов и обладает точными техническими свойствами. Отмечается, что после окончания университета специалисту, чтобы стать настоящим профессионалом, необходим опыт на производстве. Не менее важным фактором является то, чтобы он сам мог ощутить себя профессионалом. Для инженера огромную роль играют результаты его деятельности: изготовление оборудования, компьютеров, автомобилей, что и является связующим звеном специалиста с потребителем. Но производство необходимых товаров современности ведет к загрязнению окружающей среды. Не нужно забывать, что производство военного оборудования и различного оружия - это тоже результат деятельности инженеров. Инженерная технология базируется на основных принципах, а именно: на точных науках, на гуманитарном цикле, на механической отрасли. В заключении подчеркивается, что самым важным принципом является тот, который соединяет все принципы вместе и позволяет направить все умения инженера в нужное русло.

2. Compare the original and the translation. Which techniques have been used in the translation?


We can see the relationship between two or more pieces of information by using graphs. They can, for example, be used to show the relationship between size and weight or between speed and distance. Using graphs, we can present numerical data as a picture. This often makes the data easier to understand and use. A simple graph has a vertical axis (known as the Y-axis) and a horizontal axis (known as the X-axis). The axes are placed at right angles to each other. The point where the axes meet is known as the origin, or zero point.

Используя графики, можно наблюдать зависимость между двумя или более видами информации. Их, например, можно использовать, чтобы показать зависимость между размером и весом или между скоростью и расстоянием. Используя графики, можно представить цифровые данные в виде изображения. Это часто облегчает понимание и пользование данными. У простейшего графика имеется вертикальная ось (известная как ось Y) и горизонтальная ось (известная как ось X). Эти оси располагаются под прямым углом друг к другу. Точка пересечения осей называется началом координат или точкой О.