VII. Read the text and answer the questions below it.


1. approval motivation 2. goal-directed motivation 3. group goal 4. mastery motive 5. ulterior motive 6. unconscious motivation 7. exhibition need 8. status need 9. insufficient reward 10. extrinsic reward

I. Arrange the following words in pairs of a) synonyms and
b) antonyms.and b) antonyms.

apt to surpass to increase want to reach to frustrate disrespect penalty efficient to disorder extrinsic

a) to enhance


to achieve


to excel




to accomplish

to arrange



II. Combine the following words into the word combinations.

to satisfy to the full human to increase personal to achieve authoritative material









III. Match the English terminological word combinations with the appropriate translation.


a) недостаточная награда

b) потребность общественного признания

c) потребность быть в центре внимания

d) внешняя награда

e) целенаправленная мотивация

f) социальная цель

g) мотивация заслужить одобрение
h) потребность профессионального


і) скрытый мотив
j) неосознанная мотивация

IV. Say the following in one word.

The right or power to make demands or give orders to other people; smth. that you are trying to reach or achieve; a task or activity that is new and exciting but also difficult; to manage or deal with smth. successfully; to expend a lot of effort to be better than others at doing smth.; smth. given in return for a useful action or a merit; words of approval that smb. or smth. is good (opposite to criticism).

V. Put the words in the box under the following headings:

- types of motivation

- types of goals

- sources of extrinsic motivation


challenging frustrating authoritative demands long-range
extrinsic rewards achievable intrinsic
easy-to-reach realistic membership short-term
failure success demeaning goal-directed
competition achievement unconscious praise

VI. Put each of the following words into its correct place in the
passage below.

activity orientation intrinsically effort strategies

capitalize degree reward intellectual challenging

to process decision-making inclined extrinsically benefits

It should be noted that it really matters whether students are prima­rily (1)... or extrinsically oriented towards learning. When intrinsically motivated, students tend to employ (2)... that demand more (3)... and that enable them (4)... information more deeply. It was found that when students were confronted with complex (5)... tasks, those with intrinsic (6)... used more logical information - gathering and (7)... strategy than did students who were (8)... oriented.

Students with an intrinsic orientation also tend to prefer tasks that are moderately (9)... , whereas extrinsically oriented students gravitate towards tasks that are low in (10)... of difficulty. Extrinsically oriented students are (11)... to put forward the minimal amount of effort neces­sary to get the maximal (12)....

Although every educational (13)... cannot, and perhaps should not, be intrinsically motivating, these findings suggest that when teachers can (14)... on existing intrinsic motivation, there are several potential (15)... .

VII. Read the text and answer the questions below it.

Teachers use both praise and punishment to try to change behaviour. However, reward, most frequently in the form of praise, is generally considered to be more effective because it increases appro­priate behavior, whereas punishment decreases inappropriate behaviour. If pupils are punished they know what behaviour results in punishment and therefore what not to do, but may not know what be­havior avoids punishment.

However, there are times when punishment is needed. At such limes, make sure that you use punishment to best effect; for example,

avoid punishing a whole class for the behavior of one or a few pupil(s), always make it clear which pupils are being punished for what behaviour, always give punishment fairly and consistently and in pro­portion to the offence. Do not make idle threats to pupils, by threaten­ing them with punishment that you cannot carry out. In order to in­crease appropriate behaviour, identify to the offender any positive as­pects of the behaviour being punished on reprimanding pupils and managing behaviour problems.

1. What do teachers use more frequently to change behaviour?

a) rewards

b) punishments

c) threats

d) both praise and punishment

2. Punishments are needed when

a) your pupils are not good at smth.

b) your pupils are not active

c) when their behavior is inappropriate

d) when pupils are inattentive at the lesson

3. According to the text to use punishment to best effect it is neces­sary

a) to punish a whole class for the behaviour of one pupil

b) to threaten pupils with punishment that you cannot carry out

c) to make idle threats

d) to tell the offender what he is being punished for and explain
the appropriate behaviour

4. The word "idle" in line 13 could best be replaced by

a) inactive

b) empty

c) hollow

d) listless

V All these statements are in the text EXCEPT

a) sometimes punishments are needed

b) punishments shouldn't be idle

c) punishments should be given fairly and consistently

cl) behaviour policies indicate clear boundaries of acceptable behaviour


