Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)


Страдательный залог показывает, что действие производится над подлежащим. Наличие страдательного залога определяется по формулам:


be + V + ed или be + V + III ф .


The texts were translated (by the students).

Тексты были переведены (переводились, переводили) но, если (by the students),то – Студенты переводили тексты.


Основные временные формы страдательного залога


Indefinite Continuous Perfect
Present am is V + ed are V + III I am instructed Меня инструктируют (каждый год) am is being V + ed are being V + III I am being instructed Меня инструктируют (сейчас) have been V + ed has been V + III I have been instructed Меня проинструктировали (уже)
Past was V + ed were V + III I was instructed Меня инструктировали (вчера) was being V + ed were being V + III I was being instructed Меня инструктировали (когда он вошел) had been + V + ed had been + V + III I had been instructed   Меня уже проинструкти­ровали (к тому времени, когда он пришел)
Future will be + V + ed will be + V III I will be instructed Меня будут инструкти­ровать (завтра) Вместо отсутствующей формы употребляется Future Simple will have been V + ed will have been V + III I will have been instructed Меня уже проинструктируют (к трём часам)


Entry Test

I. Define the tense of the underlined passive constructions:

1. Our ideas have undergone a considerable change.

a) Present Indefinite;

b) Present Perfect;

c) Past Indefinite.

2. I was told about this discovery only a few days ago.

a) Past Perfect;

b) Present Indefinite;

c) Past Indefinite.

3. Toxic materials are controlled by engineering supervision.

a) Past Indefinite;

b) Present Indefinite;

c) Present Perfect.

4. We were being instructed for an hour before writing the test.

a) Present Indefinite;

b) Past Continuous;

c) Present Perfect.

5. All the building materials will have been checked by the end of the month.

a) Present Perfect;

b) Future Continuous;

c) Future Perfect.

6. We have been given all the instructions to choose the place for
a construction cite.

a) Present Perfect;

b) Present Indefinite;

c) Past Perfect.

7. The seminar was attended by all the students.

a) Past Perfect;

b) Future Indefinite;

c) Past Indefinite.

8. Recently much attention in our institute has been given to the
scientific work of the postgraduates.

a) Present Indefinite;

b) Past Perfect;

c) Present Perfect.

9. We shall be encouraged to take part in the conference if we want
to be awarded Master’s Degree.

a) Past Indefinite;

b) Future Indefinite;

c) Future Perfect.

10. Some new articles have been done me by the supervisor.

a) Present Perfect;

b) Future Continuous;

c) Present Indefinite.

II. Choose the right translation of the underlined passive

1. Eco-materials are often used by our architects.

a) используются;

b) использовались;

c) будут использоваться.

2. New building of our Institute is being built in our town now.

a) строится;

b) будет построен;

c) уже построен.

3. All the buildings were divided into classes based upon the manner of their construction.

a) будут разделены;

b) были разделены;

c) разделяются.

4. These observations will be made next year.

a) делаются;

b) уже сделаны;

c) будут сделаны.

5. English, psychology and other subjects are studied at our Institute.

a) изучаются;

b) изучалась;

c) будут изучаться.

6. My scientific work will have been completed by the end of the year.

a) уже выполнена;

b) будет выполнена;

c) выполняется.


7. The results of my investigation were compared with the data
obtained earlier.

a) сравнивают;

b) сравниваются;

c) сравнивалась.

8. Many investigations are being carried out at BNTU.

a) проводятся;

b) проводились;

c) провели.

9. The laboratory was modernized last year.

a) модернизируется;

b) будет модернизирован;

c) был модернизирован.

10. English has been studied for 2 years.

a) изучается;

b) изучался;

c) будет изучаться.


Grammar Study

Study grammar again and do the following exercises.

Ex 1. In every sentence find passive structure and underline it:

1. Building codes are being developed by our engineers.

2. Some graduates are awarded diplomas with honor.

3. This crime shall be prevented by our guards.

4. An interesting report in the field of robotics is being done at our

5. When much scientific material had been looked through and some problems had been solved, my investigation was published.

6. Recently much attention has been done to the investigation of
ecological problems.

7. Difficulties are often met with in solving scientific problems.

Ex 2. Give Russian equivalents of the following passive structures:

1. He was not offered…

2. We have been given…

3. The speaker will be asked…

4. She was promised…

5. The problem is being discussed…

6. We will have been instructed...

Ex 3. Translate the sentences into English using the verbs in brackets:


1. Список научных статей выдавался каждому магистранту (to give).

2. На этой стадии мы столкнулись с новыми трудностями (to face).

3. Этот доклад был заявлен на конференцию (to declare).

4. За разработкой проекта последовал этап выбора подходящего места для стройплощадки (to follow).

5. Эта документация будет разрабатываться позже (to develop).

Test Paper