Оу-дістемелік амтамасыз етілу картасы

зін-зі баалауа арналан сратар/тесттер/тапсырмалар/есептер/жаттыулар:

1.Choose the right variant:Who is not a representative of American romantic prose?



<variant>M. Twain



2.Choose the right variant:The legend of the Headless Horseman makes up the plot of

<variant>The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

<variant>The Mask of the Red Death

<variant>Rip Van Winkle

<variant>The legend

<variant>The Mask

3.Choose the right variant:Moby-Dick is

<variant>the whale

<variant>captain’s nickname

<variant> the whaler

<variant>the fish

<variant>the harpoons

4.Choose the right variant:E. Dickinson’s favorite color was



<variant> red



5.Choose the right variant:Who is the author of the lines:


<variant>Robert Frost

< variant>Richard Cory

<variant>The Road to Take

<variant>The Road Not Taken

6.Choose the right variant:O`Henry is the master of

<variant>twisted plots

<variant>character drawing




7.Choose the right variant:Which of the two notions is wider?



<variant>twisted plots

<variant>character drawing


8.Choose the right variant:R. Frost is the author of the poem

<variant>The Road to Take

<variant>The Road Not Taken

<variant>The Road I Took

<variant>The Road He Took

<variant>The Road She Take

9.Choose the right variant:What are the two drives that motivate Th. Dreiser’s characters?

<variant>money and power

<variant>sex and power


<variant>money and sex


10.Choose the right variant:J. Steinbeck’s best known novel is

<variant>East of Eden

<variant>Of Mice and Men

<variant>The Grapes of Wrath

<variant>Twisted plots

<variant>Character drawing


11.Choose the right variant:The notion of ‘The Lost Generation” is connected with

<variant>World War I

<variant>Great Depression

<variant>World War II

<variant>Second World War

<variant>World War

12.Choose the right variant:F. S. Fitzgerald is a representative of

<variant>The Jazz Age

<variant>The Lost Generation

<variant>The Beat Generation

<variant>Beat Generation, McCarthyism, Roaring Sixties

<variant>Roaring Sixties, McCarthyism, Beat Generation

13.Choose the right variant:Arrange the notions into a chronological order

<variant>McCarthyism, Beat Generation, Roaring Sixties

<variant>Beat Generation, McCarthyism, Roaring Sixties

<variant>Roaring Sixties, McCarthyism, Beat Generation

<variant>On the Road

<variant>Rabbit, Run

14.Choose the right variant:Which of the novels is considered to be the encyclopedia of Beat Generation?

<variant>The Catcher in the Rye

<variant>On the Road

<variant>Rabbit, Run

<variant>The Jazz Age

<variant>The Lost Generation

15.Choose the right variant:Which of the famous Russian Classics was translated by Nabokov into English?

<variant>War and Peace

<variant>Crime and Punishment

<variant>Eugene Onegin

<variant>Cooper and Irving

<variant>Irving and Hawthorne

16.Choose the right variant:Who is the father of American “short story”?


<variant>W. Irving

<variant>H. Melville



17.Choose the right variant:“Indian” theme was among the major subjects in the work of the writers

<variant>Cooper and Irving

<variant>Irving and Hawthorne

<variant>Hawthorne and Cooper

<variant>Oliver and Celia

<variant>Orsino and Olivia

18.Choose the right variant:E. Poe never wrote

<variant>detective stories

<variant>horror stories

<variant>sci-fi stories



19.Choose the right variant:W. Whitman is an

<variant>American legend

<variant>American tragedy

<variant>American bard

<variant>American essay

<variant>American pun

20.Choose the right variant:What is the main feature of E. Dickinson’s style?

<variant>stanza length

<variant>33sporadic capitalization of nouns

<variant>unconventional metaphors



21.Choose the right variant:Which of the following words is most appropriate in relation to O`Henry’s stories?



<variant> sarcasm



22.Choose the right variant:Which of the two notions is narrower?


<variant> naturalism




23.Choose the right variant:Th. Dreiser is not the author of the novel

<variant>The Titan

<variant>The Stoic

<variant>The Last Tycoon

<variant>The comedy of Errors

<variant>Twelfth night

24.Choose the right variant:The major source of R. Frost’s images is


<variant> religion

<variant> nature


<variant> naturalism

25.Choose the right variant:Who is the best representative of the Jazz Age?

<variant>E. Hemingway

<variant>J. Steinbeck

<variant>F. S. Fitzgerald



26.Choose the right variant:Which of the books by Hemingway uses an American setting?

<variant>A Moveable Feast

<variant>To Have and Have Not

<variant>The Old Man and the Sea

<variant>The comedy of Errors

<variant>Twelfth night

27.Choose the right variant:Steinbeck’s writing and thinking was influenced by Edward F. Ricketts, a famous




<variant>a sheriff

<variant>a king

28.Choose the right variant:Which of the notions appeared first?


<variant>Beat Generation

<variant>Roaring Sixties

<variant>Eduardo Monet


29.Choose the right variant:What novel concludes J. Updike’s series about Rabbit?

<variant>Rabbit is Rich

<variant>Rabbit Redux

<variant>Rabbit at Rest

<variant>Rabbit, Run


30.Choose the right variant:Whose works are especially marked by feminism?

<variant>Alice Walker’s

<variant>Toni Morrison’s

<variant>Tennessee Williams’s


<variant>Charles Eduardo