(перший рівень складності)

* Лексичні елементи, що позначають етноспецифічні елементи:

* Реалії вважаються

* При перекладі реалій використовують такі способи:

* З точки зору перекладу всі назви поділяються на такі групи:

* Назви навчальних закладів, факультетів, кафедр, лабораторій перекладаються таким чином:

* Загальні слова, що входять до складу назв, які містять, крім того, власні імена, перекладаються таким чином:

* Фірмові назви

* Власні назви

* Англійські скорочення перекладаються

* Наведіть можливі способи перекладу виразу “in terms of”.

* Абсолютно неподільні стійкі словосполучення, загальне значення яких не залежить від значення слів, з яких вони складаються – _________.

* В ідіомах зв’язок між прямим і непрямим значеннями _________.

* Фразеологічні зрощення мають такі характерні ознаки:

* Що характерно для фразеологізмів з явно вираженим національним забарвленням?

* З точки зору перекладу фразеологічні звороти зручно розділити на ______ груп(и).

* Образні фразеологічні звороти, побудовані у вигляді порівнянь, з точки зору перекладу можна поділити на ____ груп(и).

* Назвіть основні способи перекладу фразеологізмів:

* Find the English equivalents of the following "померти", "бойкотувати кого-небудь, перестати спілкуватися з ким-небудь"

* Find the English equivalents of the following "зв'язок", "запомога країнам, що розвиваються"

* Find the English equivalents of the following "обирати", "окуповуватися"

* Find the English equivalents of the following "електроніка", "готовність поступитися (на користь)"

* Find the English equivalents of the following "протекціонізм", "придбати"

* Find the English equivalents of the following "підтримувати", "підтримувати добробут економіки та народу"

* Let this be written.

* Do not let them differ greatly.

* Let me state the question in a slightly different way.

* This classification is not referred to in the subsequent text.

* I wish scientists of all viewpoints could read and consider this point.

* We wish many scholars would regard this proposal.

* Suffice it to say that there are a number of arguments that converge.

* This point seems to have been overlooked by researchers.

* The reason for this must be just here.

* A form of international dispute settlement that attempts to reconcile parties to a disagreement by use of negotiation, mediation, or inquiry

* The process of reaching an agreement by conferring or discussing.

* Bringing about a peaceful settlement or compromise between parties to a dispute through the benevolent intervention of an impartial third party.

* A third party who provides the means by which two disputing parties may communicate with each other.

* The process by which an impartial third party makes an independent investigation and suggests a solution to a dispute.

* The process by which an impartial third party makes an investigation to determine the facts underlying a dispute without resolving the dispute itself.

* The authority or power of a court or tribunal to hear a particular case or dispute.

* The power of a court to hear a matter that involves a dispute between two or more parties.

* A unilateral grant of jurisdiction by a state to the International court of Justice that allows the Court to resolve disputes involving that state.

* A state has to correspond to a suit brought against it before the International Court of Justice only to the extent that the state bringing the suit has also accepted the jurisdiction of the Court.

* A reservation that allows a state to exclude from the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice any dispute that it determines a domestic matter.

* The power of the International Court of Justice to give opinions about issues of international law at the request of the United Nations or one of its specialized agencies.

* International intergovernmental organization responsible for implementing and enforcing international rules regulating trade between nations.

* The process by which parties to a dispute submit their differences to the binding judgement of an impartial third person or group selected by mutual consent.

* To voluntarily give up a legal right is…

* The requirement that a tribunal must have power over the parties before it may hear a dispute.

* A human being is …

* A legal entity created by national or international law.

* A suit in which parties are not at odds but in which they cooperate to obtain a judgement.

* A disagreement as to the existence of a legal right or obligation, or as to the nature and extent of the compensation due for breach of such a right or obligation.

* A commitment of money or capital in order to earn a financial return.

* The court or locale wherein causes are judicially tried.

* Freedom or exemption from a burden or duty, such as from the obligation to appear before a court.

* Doctrine that a court has criminal jurisdiction if the offence was committed within the forum state.

* Doctrine that a court has criminal jurisdiction if the defendant is a national of the forum state.

* Doctrine that a court has criminal jurisdiction if the national interest is injured.

* Doctrine that a court has criminal jurisdiction if the forum state has the defendant in custody.

* Doctrine that a court has criminal jurisdiction if the victim is a national of the forum state.

* The power of a court or tribunal to determine the rights of a party who appears before it.

* The process of reconciling the parties to a disagreement by negotiation, mediation, or inquiry.

* The process of reaching an agreement by discussion.

* Negotiations between states are most commonly conducted … an ad hoc basis, but sometimes the procedure is more formal.

* …involves the use of a third party who transmits and interprets the proposals of the principal parties and sometimes advances independent proposals.

* When mediators provide a channel of communications only, it is said that they are offering their…

* When mediators make a formal investigation and present a formal proposal, they are involved in a …

* An … is a process used to determine a disputed fact or facts.

* Before the ICJ can hear a contentious case, all of the states parties … the proceeding must have recognized the Court’s jurisdiction.

* …allows states to make a unilateral declaration recognizing “as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any other state accepting the same obligation, the jurisdiction of the Court in all legal disputes.”

* One questionable device that states have used to recognize the Court’s jurisdiction under the Optional Clause but to still have a way out if they decide they do not want to respond to a particular suit is known as a …

* The ICJ’s …exists so that the Court may give opinions about issues of international law at the request of the United Nations or one of its specialized agencies.

* The decision of the Court has no binding force …between the parties and in respect of that particular case.

* Most states have voluntarily complied with the judgments handed …by the Court.

* … is responsible for implementing and enforcing international rules regulating trade between nations.

* The …encourages member states to resolve disputes through consultation with each other.

* The requesting member can seek the establishment of a WTO …

* ...is actually the WTO General Council convened under its own Chairman and following its own rules of procedure

* Should a …be needed, it will be made up of three panelists unless the parties agree within 10 days of its establishment that it should consist of five panelists.

* The function of a …is to assist the DSB.

* The …is an appeals board made up of seven persons, three of whom will serve on any one case.