Упр. 4. Переведите на русский, обращая внимание на время сказуемого.

1. This question is still being discussed. 2. Mary is proud. Her work has been praised хвалить. 3. Her remark замечание was not answered. 4. Dick is happy. His dog has been found. 5. The guests гости were upstairs. They were being shown the laboratories. 6. We were joined by the whole class. 7. Do you know that your voice голос is being recorded записывать? 8. Let’s go to Peter’s birthday. – How can we? We haven’t been invited. 9. The documents will have been typed before the boss returns. 10. His strange behavior was commented upon. 11. It is said that the teachers talk too much. 12. It is known that some children grow faster than the others. 13. It is thought that much study time is spent reading textbooks. 14. The child was greatly affected by the scene. 15. When I entered the hall the young specialists were being instructed what to do. 16. The room had been prepared for the Hunts but they didn’t come. 17. The book will have been published by the end of the year. 18. The computer will have been tested by the end of the work day. 19. They realized that the telegram hadn’t been received.







Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Отрица-тельная форма Перевод Что обозначает эквива-ленты (синонимы)
can could cannot can’t could not могу, можем, сможешь 1) физическая или умственная возможность, умение; 2) вежливая просьба to be able (to)
may might may not might not можно, возможно, могу, быть может 1) разрешение 2) предположе-ние to be allowed (to)
must had to must not mustn’t need not needn’t должен, надо долженствование to have (to)
to have (to) has (to) had (to) don’t have (to), doesn’t have (to), didn’t have (to) приходитсявынужден, надо (было) необходимость, вызванная обстоятельствами     -
to be (to) am is (to) are was (to) were (to) is not (to) was not (to) должен, надо необходимость совершения заранее запланированного (обусловленного) действия     -
should   - should not shouldn’t следует, надо совет, желательность (субъективное мнение) ought (to)
ought (to)   - ought not oughtn’t следует, надо необходимость, обусловленная логикой вещей, моральный долг   -

Упр. 1. Пользуясь таблицей, переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов:

1. He couldn’t do this work. 2. We will be able to finish this work in time. 3. Will you be allowed to take this magazine? 4. You ought to help your sister in English. 5. Students have to pass exams twice a year. 6. Our sportsmen can win gold medals at the competition. 7. You may ring me up. 8. She can enter the University. 9. That Sunday I might get up later. 10. They must wait for us. 11. You should be more tactful. 12. You ought to visit your parents. 13. I am to come at 5. 14. I’m typing the letter you had to type in the morning.

Упр. 2. Переведите, обращая внимание на различные значения двух отрицательных форм глагола must.

Отрицательная форма

They must not go there. Выражает категорическое запрещение. В переводе – нельзя, не должен. Им нельзя идти туда. They needn’t go there. Выражает отсутствие необходимости и долженствования. В переводе – не надо, не нужно. Им не надо идти туда.

1. You mustn’t do it. 2. Peter must not come here today. 3. Peter needn’t come here today. 4. We must not stay here long. 5. Children must not smoke. 6. You needn’t do this translation. 7. You needn’t call the doctor. 8. You mustn’t take this medicine.

Упр. 3. Поставьте частицу to перед инфинитивами после модальных глаголов, где необходимо.

I can … see; he ought … know; he will be able … change; he was allowed … translate; I may … arrive; he could … go; I must … do; he has … ask; they are … read; they have … translate; he should … help; we had … build; they may … build; they were allowed .. answer; he will be able … make; he has … arrive; she must … change; you will be able … translate; they should … tell; they ought … tell the truth.