Transient process from life to death, which happens from moment of stopping heart activity and lasting 4-5 minutes

leads to break of tissues, muscles and bodies of human and lasting 11 minutes

ability to cause overheat of internal bodies or burns of skin

ability to irritate and inflame vivid tissues of organism which happens from moment of stopping human activity

decomposition of blood and other organic liquids

199. According to scales of consequences distribution:





in agriculture

200. According to scales of consequences extraordinary situation:





in agriculture

201. What is the meaning of Life safety:

It is a system of preserving the life and health of workers in the labor process,

it is a system that ensures safety;

labor protection is a system of health workers in the course of employment;

it is a system of organizational and technical measures and tools aimed at protecting workers from harmful and dangerous production factors;

occupational safety and preservation of life and health of workers.

202. Are identical concepts of occupational health and safety measures:

No, because safety measures is an integral part of labour protection;

Concepts are equivalent;

No, because the concept of safety is broader than the concept of labour protection;

Yes, health and safety study the same questions;

Yes, because health is included in safety.

203. The consequences of exposure to a hazardous production factors:

Injury or disease;


the disease is acute or chronic;


does not lead to anything.

204. What is the basis of legislation on labor protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

the labour code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

the labor Law of the RK;

at the international Convention;

on the laws of the Government.

205.Who is covered by the Labour code of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Employers, workers, soldiers, students undergoing practical training;

employers, workers, soldiers;


all of the participants work;

on employers, workers, soldiers, students and pupils.

206. Does the employer conduct at its own expense extraordinary medical examinations of employees under their requests:


Not required

Is required only in exceptional cases;

Is required

The obligation, if there is exposure to harmful factors.

207. Whether the worker to refuse to perform work in the case of danger to his life and health as a result of violations of labour protection requirements:

May, refuse to remove the danger



Only by decision of the head

May, if there is a solution of the workforce

208. Who manages the occupational safety and health organizations:

The Head of the organization;

an Employer;

the trade Union Committee;

the Officer authorized by the employer;

the Employer, jointly with the Union.

209. State control over observance of the labour legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan carries out:

State labour inspectors;

the trade Union Committee;

the Employer, jointly with the trade Union;

the Employer;

the head of the organization.

210. What number of employees of the organization creates a service LP or enter the position of LP:

When the number of 50 or more workers;

When the number of 150 or more employees;

The competent authority Is the employer;

The introduction of the position does not depend on The number of employees;

When the number of employees more than 100.

211. Is allowed the inspector to draw LP officers of the organization to administrative responsibility:



Only through the court


Has, if there is consent of the workforce.

212. Whether the direction of travel of pregnant women:

Is not permitted

is allowed with the consent of trade unions

is permit

allowed if the pregnancy does not exceed 4 months

pets with the personal consent

213. Counts whether leave to care for a child in common and continuous experience:


Is not counted


The Decision of the labor collective

The Decision is made by the employer in conjunction with the workforce

214. Name the types of disciplinary sanctions: