Financing of green projects

United Nations (UN) has the following departments:

United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

The department involves European energy committees whose main priorities are:

· Introduction of waste-free technologies,

· Assessment of the impact on the environment.

· Protection of ecosystems.

· Fighting transboundary pollution.

United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) performs:

· Fighting the desertification,

· Soil protection,

· Rational use of natural resources,

· Creation of world reference service.

International ecological programme:

International geosphere-biosphere programme (IGBP), has 6 branches, one of them is project of — «Land Use and Cover Change» (LUCC). Another one is “Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone» (LOICZ).

They say we need friends with good contacts to finance clean recycling and the project of “Earth without waste”. I’d love to make friends and organize official financing.

Get support from ECOSOC:

· Win a grant to introduce complex waste-free technologies.

· Join the UNEP programme to fight desertification and save soils and then get financing of green projects.

It’s possible to get support of some financial organizations that care about ecology:

· European Investment Bank (EIB) / grants of TACIS;

· Organization of economic co-operation and development (OECD): air pollution, control of hazardous waste;

· USA Agency for International Development (USAID), free of charge;

· Global Environment Facility (GEF): air pollution, control of hazardous waste;

· International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD): operating on governmental grants;

· European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), promotion of a market economy;

· Local banks, preferably;

· Crowdfunding; social networks, charity websites;

· Creating of commercial departments (paying money for cleaning waste);


11.1. Environmental advantages:

· Recovering agricultural soil.

· No waste burning = no air pollution.

· Woods & forests recovery, more oxygen to create.

· Reclamation of land of former rubbish dump areas.

· Preserving ground waters from pollution.


11.2. Economical advantages:

· Getting lots of cheap fertilizers, permaculture develoment.

· Fertilizers are for sale.

· Clean and fresh food waste feeds animals.

· No need to allocate more land for rubbish dumps.

· Obtaining an income by selling SMR (secondary material resources).

· Selling and using construction materials.

· Selling and using consumer goods.

11.3. Social advantages:

· Saving natural resources.

· New jobs.

· Better social, political, spiritual and public status of an organization using clean recycling.

12. Necessary perspectives of clean recycling’s development

  • Demonstrative performance of the first project in Mayapur.
  • If it is economically successful, organize production of recycling equipment.
  • Production and installation of 47 000 recycling complexes all over the world.
  • Recycle all worlds’ rubbish in 150 years.


SMW – solid municipal waste.

SMR – secondary material resources.

HW – hazardous waste.

HC – hazardous chemicals.

BW – bulky waste.

HCL – hazardous chemical liquids.



[1] Ivan Koltsov, member of Russian Geographic Society. ''Krasnaya Zvezda'' 18.05.2011.

[2] “Home” documentary, 2009.

[3] «Trashed» documentary, 2013.

[4] Belkin Vladimir Mikhaylovich, inventor. Yekaterinburg, Russia.

[5] «Permaculture soils», «Establishing a food forest with Geoff Lawton» documentaries.

[6] Khominsky Victor Mikhaylovich, inventor. Yekaterinburg, Russia.

[7] «Global gardener» documentaries, 1-7 series.

[8], «Seed bank» blog.



This report is based on research and analysis of information and knowledge accumulated by me in many educational institutions, on entrepreneurial experience and imagination. The idea of clean recycling is being introduced right now in Mayapur. All local schoolkids are taught all methods and technologies of clean recycling. I was asked to teach the discipline of waste management. Our recycling department includes branch of organic farming. It is headed by Krisna Avatar, he also teaches schoolkids organic farming.

All materials of school lessons are available at:, e-mail:, Kataev Pavel Anatolyevich.


All used principles, methods, models, technologies, schemas are patented private property of the author. It was done for nobody to patent them. All clean recycling methods and technologies are open and belong to all humanity.