Fill in the gaps with the words from the table.

1. A great many men were not able to choose what they would do but had to take the first_____that came their way.

2. A blacksmith who really knows his _ __is hard to find.

3. Many doctors, nurses and priests do their___________not because it is a means to earn a living but because they feel spiritual ______.

4. People in the law___________are trained to be discreet.

5. Men of different___________came to America willing to work hard - work with their hands as well as their heads.

8._______________________________ I'm afraid I have no idea about his present___________. All 1 know is that he gave up a brilliant___________in advertising and left London.

9. He is a real Jack of all___________.

Fill in the gaps choosing a suitable word from the box below.

Job, occupation, profession, post, position, vacancy, career, calling

1) Please, state your age, address, and _____ in the space below.

2) My brother made a brilliant ______ in journalism.

3) My aunt occupies a key ______in the Safety Department.

4) She was the first woman ever to hold the ______ of President.

5) You may leave your letter of application and CV, we have three _______ for typists.

6) He did not have permanent work and only did odd _______from time to time.

7) My first _______ was in a record shop and I’ll remember those times forever!

8) There are now much more women in the medical _______.

9) He applied for the _________ of assistant manager in a big company.

10) You can read want ads to learn about ________ available and then you can apply for any of them.

11) She chose a political _________.

12) She was offered a _______ in the new government.

13) Laura has a well-paid _________ in the tax department.

14) It is in Sarah’s nature to help others, so her work is inseparable from life. Being a doctor isn’t just her job, it’s her _________.


Fill in the gaps choosing a suitable word or expression from the box.

Perks •qualifications •ambitious •job security • salary • references •promotion • commission


1) His ______ is not very high right now but there is a good chance of ______ to a better job. It will mean more money and more responsibility.

2) Her ________ make Nora the most suitable candidate for the advertised post.

3) When a person’s job is selling some product, it usually means getting a percentage of the value of what has been sold. It is called _________.

4) Most employers prefer the applicants who can submit good __________ from their teachers and previous employers.

5) Some jobs have extra benefits called _________: free meals, health insurance, use of the company car, longer vacations.

6) __________ means being sure of one’s future in their working place.

7) A(n) ___________ person prefers having a challenging job to the one that demands little of them.


Translate into English

1) Я одержую справжнє задоволення від своєї роботи. Мені пощастило мати приємних колег. У мене досить висока заробітна платня і гнучкий графік.

Але головне — це можливість подорожувати за кордон 3—4 рази на рік.

2) Найбільше, що мені подобається в моїй роботі, — це можливість займатися розумовою працею і покращувати свої знання. Наш керівник — це людина, яка надихає нас на нові досягнення. До того ж, завдяки йому ми маємо можливість своєю роботою служити людям.

3) Я людина творча, тому для мене важливо мати можливість самому планувати свій день. Іноді я можу протягом тижня понаднормово затримуватися після робочого дня, а потім ще й працювати на вихідних. Іншим же разом я закінчую раніше. Крім того, мені завжди потрібна тривала відпустка.

4) Кожен мріє мати роботу, яка була б у радість і передбачала гарні перспективи росту.

5) Я часто згадую свою першу роботу; оточення було дуже приємним, і нас весь час чомусь навчали.


9. What can one get for work? Match the words and word combinations in the left column with their definitions in the right one.