AVR242: 8-bit Microcontroller Multiplexing LED Drive and a 4 x 4 Keypad

Рисунок 22 – Circuit Diagram for Keypad/Display Unit


Theory of Operation

The connection of a 4 x 4 keypad, a piezo sounder, two LED loads and a four digit multiplexed display, would normally require twenty-three I/O lines. This application shows how this can be reduced to fifteen with a bit of ingenuity, allowing the smaller 20-pin AVR to be used. The circuit diagram is shown in figure 1 and is complete apart from the oscillator components, which have been omitted for clarity. The four keypad columns are connected to the low nibble of port B and the four keypad rows are connected to the high nibble. The same eight bits also directly drive the segment cathodes of the four digit LED display, via current limit resistors R13-20. The pins thus serve a dual function, acting as outputs when driving the LED display and I/O when scanning the keypad. This is accomplished by using the programmable nature and large current drive capabilities of the AVR ports to good effect. The majority of the time port B sinks the 9 mA of current, to directly drive the LED segments . Each digit is switched sequentially in 5 ms time slots, to multiplex the displays via the PNP transistors Q1-4. The common anodes of the LED display digits are driven via PNP transistors, since the maximum possible 72 mA (9mA - 8 segments) of current is outside the handling capabilities of the ports. These can be any PNP type capable of driving 100 mA or so (e.g BC479). This could be modified by paralleling up two port pins for each anode to share the current, but then the number of I/O pins required would necessitate the use of a larger MCU. Before the start of each display cycle, the port configuration is changed to provide four inputs with internal pull-ups enabled, and four outputs in the low state to scan the keypad. If a key is pressed the nibble configuration is transposed to calculate the key value with the key number stored in a variable. A short delay is allowed between each port change to allow the port to settle. This method is more code efficient than the conventional “snake” method in this application. The common anode drives are disabled during this time to avoid interference. The port configuration is then reinstated ready for the multiplexing routine. The main housekeeping function then uses this key variable to take the appropriate action.

The real time clock is interrupt driven, using Timer 0 clocked from the system clock divided by 256. The timer is preloaded with the number 176 and interrupts on overflow every five milliseconds, ensuring high accuracy if a good quality crystal is used. To be accurate a 4.096 MHz clock crystal is employed. The program could be modified to use a 4 MHz crystal with minor modifications. The interrupt service routine reloads the timer and increments three variables: a counter variable (tock), a keypad debounce variable (bounce) and a counter to maintain the seconds count (second). This is used by the main housekeeping function to update the minutes and hours, which in turn are displayed by the display function.

The housekeeping function checks the two loads for ON or OFF times and controls the outputs on the high nibble of port D accordingly. In this application the loads are simulated by red and green LEDs driven in current sink (active low) configuration. These could be replaced by relay drivers or optocoupled triacs to drive power loads. The keypad provides a means of setting up (SET) the real time and the ON/OFF times of each load and also allows the loads to be turned off (CLEAR) at once. A Piezo sounder, connected to the top bit of port D, provides an udible beep on key press.

The use of the port B pins requires some careful consideration. Since the pins are used for two functions, it is important that if a key is pressed, it does not short out the display. This is achieved by placing current limit resistors in series with each key. When used as inputs the internal pull-up resistors are employed saving external components. The choice of resistor value (R1-8) is such that the potential division is negligible. With the values chosen, and on a 5V supply, the logic levels are about 0.6V for logic “0” and 4.95V for logic “1”. Resistors R21 and R22 are the traditional current limit resistors for the LEDs and can be any suitable value for the supply rail. This note was tested using 330 ohms on a 5V supply. The LEDs are driven in current sink mode (“0” = ON) and provide about 9 mA of forward current with the values specified.



Рисунок 23 – Keypad and LED connections (AVR240: 4 x 4 Keypad – Wake up on Keypress)

This application note describes a simple interface to a 4 x 4 keypad designed for low power battery operation. The AVR spends most of its time in power down mode, waking up when a key is pressed to instigate a simple test program that flashes one of two LEDs according to the key pressed. If 0 (zero) is pressed the RED LED flashes 10 times. All other keys flash the GREEN LED the number of times marked on the key (e.g. if “C” is pressed the GREEN LED flashes twelve times).

Theory of Operation

The keypad columns are connected to the high nibble of port B. The keypad rows are connected to the low nibble. Resistors R1 to R8 serve to limit input current to a safe level in the event of ESD from the keypad. They can be omitted in most applications. In the steady state condition the high nibble is configured as outputs and are in the low state. The low nibble is configured as inputs and has the internal pull ups enabled, removing the need for external pull-up resistors. After initialization the AVR is put to sleep. When a key is pressed one of the diodes D1-D4 pull down the external interrupt line PD2, which also has internal pull-ups enabled. This wakes up the AVR and causes it to run the interrupt service routine which scans the keypad and calculates which key is pressed. It then returns to the main program and drives the LEDs according to the key pressed, putting the AVR back to sleep when it has finished.

Resistors R9 and R10 are the traditional current limit resistors for the LEDs and can be any suitable value for the supply rail. This application note was tested using 330 ohms on a 5v supply. The LEDs are driven in current sink mode (“0” = ON) and provide about 10 mA of forward current with the values specified.


Рисунок 24 – ИК приемник дистанционного управления (AVR410: RC5 IR Remote Control Receiver)

Most audio and video systems are equipped with an infra-red remote con- trol. This application note describes a receiver for the frequently used Philips/Sony RC5 coding scheme. The RC5 code is a 14-bit word bi-phase coded signal. The two first bits are start bits, always having the value 1. The next bit is a control bit or toggle bit, which is inverted every time a button is pressed on the remote control transmitter. Five system bits hold the system address so that only the right system responds to the code. Usually, TV sets have the system address 0, VCRs the address 5 and so on. The command sequence is six bits long, allowing up to 64 different commands per address. The bits are transmitted in bi-phase code (also known as Manchester code). An example where the command 0x35 is sent to system 5.

The Detect Subroutine (Synchronizing and sampling of the data)

When the detect subroutine is called, it first waits for the data line to be idle high for more than 3.5 ms. Then, a start bit can be detected. The length of the low part of the first start bit is measured. If no start bit is detected within 131 ms, or if the low pulse is longer than 1.1 ms, the routine returns indicating no command received.

The measurement of the start bit is used to calculate two reference times, ref1 and ref2, which are used when sampling the data line. The program uses the edge in the middle of every bit to synchronize the timing. 3/4 bit length after this edge, the line is sampled. This is in the middle of the first half of the next bit (see Figure 5). The state is stored and the routine waits for the middle edge. Then, the timer is synchronized again and everything is repeated for the following bits. If the synchronizing edge is not detected within 5/4 bit times from the previous synchronizing edge, this is detected as a fault and the routine terminates. When all the bits are received, the command and system address are stored in the “command” and “system” registers. The control bit is stored in bit 6 of “command”.


Схема формирования DTMF сигнала (DTMF Tone Generation Using the Z86E04 MCU) – рисунок 25:

The program outlined below generates DTMF tones using a pulse width modulation (PWM) algorithm. PWM is used to vary the DC level of the output by varying the duty cycle (the "on" time divided by the cycle period) of the square wave. Varying the "on" time by a sine function and then feeding the output through a low pass filter yields a sine wave.

The sine table contains 256 entries, which in turn contain hexadecimal values representing a sine function for 360 degrees. These values are indexed and loaded

into T1 at a sampling rate that, according to Nyquist, must be at least twice the highest frequency tone that we want to reproduce. Since the highest frequency for this application is 1477 Hz, the sampling rate must be at least twice this, or 2954 samples per second. The higher the sampling rate, the greater the accuracy. In the example

illustrated here a sample rate of 12000 samples per second is used both for higher accuracy and ease in filtering.

Since we are, in effect, producing two tones, two pointers are used to fetch the next value in the look-up table: one for row frequencies, and one for column frequencies. The frequency of the resulting sine wave can be calculated by multiplying

the number of steps in the sine look-up table (256) by the desired frequency, divided by the sampling rate. This offset value is added to the current pointer, which then fetches the next hex number from the look-up table. This is done for both the row and column frequencies. The two are added, then loaded into the timer register (T1).

The low pass filter was chosen to have a corner frequency of the lowest column frequency, or 1209 Hz. At this point, the column frequencies will be at least 3 dB below the row frequencies. However, telephone lines themselves act as a large-scale low pass filter, and by the time the tones reach the telephone switching equipment, the amplitude should be the same. The spec therefore calls for the column frequencies to be 3 dB higher than the row frequencies. In the telephone industry this is known as "twist."

This adjustment can be made in software by taking the hex value from the look-up table for the column frequency and doing a "rotate left." This results in twice the amplitude for the column frequency — 6 dB gain, or 3 dB up from the row frequency, just where we want to be. Overall dB level from the output of the low pass filter can be adjusted with a potentiometer.



Схема формирования DTMF сигнала (DTMF Tone Generation Using the Z86E04 MCU) – рисунок 26:

DTMF signals are a combination of two sine waves of different frequencies that correspond to a row and column position on the standard telephone keypad. To produce the twelve key tones of this keypad, seven sine-wave frequencies are required. Three frequencies are associated with the column positions and four with the row positions. Each key is associated with a corresponding pair of tones that are produced when the key is selected. For example, assume the 0 key is pressed. The row frequency would be 941 Hz while the column frequency would be 1336 Hz. These two frequencies, or tones, are added together to produce the signal understood at the receiving end to be the 0 key.

The standard telephone keypad and the corresponding DTMF tone assignments are indicated in Table.

Additionally, column frequencies must be 3 dB higher in amplitude than the row frequencies. Because the telephone line acts like a low-pass filter, due to distributed capacitance, the column frequencies are attenuated more so than the row frequencies. The 3-db column-frequency boost is a compensation for this line characteristic.

DTMF Tone Generation

DTMF tones are specific pairs of sine waves, produced simultaneously, that represent the key positions of a common telephone keypad. Adding the individual sine waves together produces the DTMF. In this case, the generation of each sine wave is related to a timer value, one for the column and one for the row frequency. Before the column sine value is added to the row sine value, the column value is doubled by shifting left one time. This new value provides the 3 dB edge over the row frequencies. The range of values in the sine table becomes more meaningful because, for the worst case, the sine value may be three times larger before using this value for the 8-bit counter.

Схема телефонной трубки DTMF сигнала (Telephone Handset with DTMF using the 68HC05F4)




Рисунок 27 – Схема телефонной трубки DTMF сигнала



Рисунок 28 – Блок схема



Рисунок 29 – Схема


Рисунок 30 – Схема управления фазой (Power Phase Control Using Z8 Microcontrollers)

Theory of Operation

This design involves the load control circuit illustrated in the schematic. This circuit is comprised of a low cost AC/DC converter, AC zero crossing detection, power increase and decrease buttons, and a load switching Triac. The Z8 microcontroller senses AC zero crossing on port 3. The port 3 pins provide an interrupt on a falling edge input. A falling edge on port 3 signals the start of an AC cycle on the source waveform. The Z8 comparator interrupt routine sets a flag signaling the source waveform phase. The Z8 also loads a time and desired power control level through the pushbuttons and controls the AC fire control angle to the Triac to implement power control. This design is based on the fact that a Triac conducts until the next zero crossing when it receives a pulse on its input. The Z8 microcontroller controls the firing angle in the AC source waveform in a pulse to the Triac. The user modifies the firing angle (desired power angle) by selecting an up key or down key to increase or decrease power to the load. The design incorporates a low cost AC/DC voltage regulator. The design uses an AC source voltage zero crossing circuit. The zero crossing circuit functions independent of source voltage.

The Z8 microcontroller code in this application scans the source 60-Hz rectangle input on Port P32. On every falling edge of P32 an interrupt request occurs. In the interrupt service routine, timer T1 is loaded with a hold-off value. The longer the hold-off time, the less power is driven to the load. The shorter the hold off time, more of the AC waveform is realized at the load, increasing the power delivered to the load.

When timer T1 times out, another interrupt is generated. In the T1 interrupt service routine the Triac is given an ignition pulse. The Triac conducts until the next zero crossing of the source waveform. In a 60-Hz system a zero crossing occurs every 8.33 mS. After 8.33 mS, the T1 timer is re-loaded with the ignition hold-off time. When the T1 timer expires, the Triac receives another ignition pulse to turn ТONУ for the next cycle of the waveform. This cycle repeats on each waveform.

The scan key subroutine is called in each T1 interrupt routine. A valid push is detected if scan key detects a valid key push in eight consecutive T1 interrupts. To attain multiple valid key pushes, the scan key subroutine debounces and filters the key inputs.

The Soft Start option ramps the AC source power to the load by steadily increasing Triac on-time. This feature lengthens the lifetime of light bulbs and other loads by controlling the turn-on power.



Рисунок 31 – Канал широтно-импульсной модуляции (1 Channel DAC Using A PWM)


Рисунок 32 – Схема мультиплексирования (Multiplexing Four 7-segments LEDs)

Рисунок 33 – Схема мультиплексирования с клавиатурой 4 на 4

(Multiplexing Four 7-segments LEDs with a 4 x 4 Keypad)

Рисунок 34 – 4х канальный вольтметр с клавиатурой и дисплеем

(Four Channel Voltmeter with Display And Keypad)



Рисунок 35 – SRAM Block Schematic (STK 501)



The A16 pin on the PORTG/AUX connector is connected to A16 (address pin 16) on the SRAM. ATmega103(L) and ATmega128(L) support up to 60 KB of external SRAM. The STK501 SRAM footprint is for a 128 KB SRAM. Implementing software control of the A16 line will increase the memory range from 64 KB to 128 KB. This line is pulled low by default, addressing the lower 64 KB of the SRAM.



Рисунок 36 – Схема





Рисунок 37 – Схема звукового термометра (Audible Thermometer Schematics)



Автоматический регулятор напряжения:



Рисунок 38 – Схема автоматического регулятора напряжения



Voltage Regulator Input

The VBATT pin (pin 25) is the 12-volt input to the internal voltage regulator, with the ground return provided through the two VSSD pins (pins 3 and 31). In automotive applications, the VBATT pin can be connected directly to the vehicle’s battery, allowing the internal regulator to provide the 5-volt supply for the MCU.

However, voltage transients exceeding the maximum specications of the VBATT pin are sometimes encountered in automotive applications. For this reason, additional components may be necessary to ensure the VBATT pin is not damaged if such a situation occurs. The circuit includes an example transient protection network between the vehicle’s battery and the VBATT pin to protect against this. To help reduce the effects of temporary uctuations in the 12-volt supply caused by noise and by changes in loading on the vehicle's electrical system, a large capacitor (10 µF or greater) can be placed between the 12-volt supply and ground. If high frequency noise on the 12-volt supply is a problem, the user also can add decoupling capacitors between VBATT and VSSD. Ceramic or polystyrene capacitors should be used to provide noise rejection over a wide frequency range. If decoupling capacitors on the 12-volt supply are used, they should be placed as close to the MCU pins as possible.

The VIGN pin (pin 29) is used to tell the power supply control logic when to enable the primary regulator.

The VIGN pin is an input pin designed to operate over an input voltage range equal to the supply voltage at the VBATT pin. If a rising edge is detected at the VIGN pin and the primary regulator is in standby mode, the primary regulator will transition to the normal operating mode, powering up the MCU. This feature can be

useful in those applications where a component or module is required to remain powered up but inactive for long periods. This is common in the automotive environment, where a system may be required to operate whether the vehicle ignition is switched on or not. In this type of application, the VBATT pin can be

connected to a constant 12-volt supply while the VIGN pin is connected to a switched 12-volt supply. Once the switched supply is turned off, the application software can put the primary regulator into standby mode, powering the MCU down to conserve energy until operation is again required. When the switched supply is

turned back on, the rising edge at the VIGNpin will cause the primary regulator to exit standby mode and reactivate the MCU. This type of operation allows the MCU to conserve energy when activity is not required, but to be reactivated immediately when necessary.

Voltage Regulator Output

As described in POWER SUPPLY ARCHITECTURE, in addition to supplying 5 volts to the digital circuitry of the MCU internally, the output of the on-chip voltage regulator is connected to the two VDD pins (pins 30 and 4) of the MCU to allow external stabilization and decoupling of the power supply output. To ensure a stable 5-volt supply from the primary voltage regulator on the MC68HC705V8 and MC68HC05V7, a 10 µF tantalum or electrolytic bulk capacitor should be connected between pins 30 and 31 (VDD and VSSD, respectively). This capacitor should be placed between this pair of VDD/VSSD pins since they are physically closer to the output of the voltage regulation circuit on the device than the other pair of VDD/VSSD pins (pins 4 and 3, respectively). This capacitor should be positioned as close to the VDD/VSS pins as possible to maximize its effect.

High frequency decoupling capacitors (ceramic or polystyrene) should be placed between both pairs of VDD/VSSD pins, also positioned as close to the MCU as possible (even closer than the bulk capacitor at pins 30 and 31). These are necessary to help reduce radiated RF emissions as well as to reduce high

frequency noise on the 5-volt supply. The example in Figure 2 has .1 µF capacitors between each pair of VDD/VSSD pins for external decoupling. Because pin 4 is connected internally to the output of the primary voltage regulator through a resistance of approximately 40 and the inductance of the bond wire at each

pin is approximately 4 nH, the self-resonance of the decoupling network between pins 3 and 4 may be too low. In this case, a smaller capacitor (470 F to .01 µF) can be added in parallel to the .1 µF between these pins to increase the bandwidth of the decoupling network. If so, the smaller capacitor should be placed closest to the MCU. The VSSD pins should be connected in the application to ensure an adequate low-impedance ground return for the system. The effect of not connecting the VDD pins is not yet known, and it is currently recommended that they be connected as well.

In the example circuit in Figure 2, the 5 volts available from the VDD pins are connected to the VCCA pin (pin 40) to supply 5 volts to the analog circuitry. In both the MC68HC705V8 and the MC68HC05V7, the analog and digital supplies are not connected internally, so the 5 volts for the analog circuitry must be supplied externally. As with any externally supplied power source, an appropriate decoupling capacitor has been placed between VCCA and the adjacent A/D subsystem analog ground return (VSSA1, pin 41). A separate ground return (VSSA2, pin 22) is provided for the SAE J1850 analog subsystem. To power additional external circuitry from the on-chip regulator, either of the VDD pins can be used as the source of 5 volts. However, when possible, the VDD pin closest to the on-chip regulator (pin 30) should be used as a 5-volt source for external components. This improves the regulator's response to the additional uctuations in the 5-volt supply loading caused by supplying the external components.

Also shown in Figure 2 is a simple power-on reset (POR) circuit connected to the reset pin (RST, pin 7) to provide a time delay between full activation of the primary regulator and external release of the RST pin. Although an external POR circuit is not required when the LVR mask option is selected, it does allow time

for the VDD supply to stabilize before the RST pin is released externally. If the LVR option is not selected, the user should certainly consider some sort of external POR/LVR circuitry to prevent unpredictable operation during power-up, power-down, and brown-out situations.





Рисунок 39 – Interfacing the MC68HC705J1A to 9356/9366 EEPROMs


Рисунок 40 – Evaluation Board: Memories




Рисунок 41 – Evaluation Board: Power, Crystal Oscillator, Clock Distribution and Power Supply Shutdown



Рисунок 42 – Evaluation Board: Push Buttons, LEDs, Reset and Serial Interface


Рисунок 43 – Цифровой диктофон (Digital Sound Recorder with AVR and DataFlash: Microcontroller and Memory Circuit Diagram)

The user can control the sound system with three pushbuttons, called “Erase”, “Record” and “Playback”. If the pushbuttons are not pressed, the internal pull-up resistors provide VCCat PD0 - PD2. Pushing a button pulls the input line to GND. As feedback for the user, an LED indicates the status of the system.

The DataFlash is directly connected to the AVR microcontroller using the SPI bus. In case the ISP feature is used to reprogram the AVR, the pull-up resistor on the Chip Select line (CS) prevents the DataFlash from going active. If the ISP feature is not used, this resistor can be omitted.

The analog voltage, AVCC, is connected to VCCby an RC low-pass filter. The reference voltage is set to AVCC.

The oscillator crystal with two 22 pF decoupling capacitors generates the system clock.

Рисунок 44 – Цифровой диктофон (Digital Sound Recorder with AVR and DataFlash: Microphone and Speaker Circuit Diagram)

The microphone amplifier is a simple inverting amplifier. The gain is set with R1 and R9 (gain = R1 / R9). R4 is used to power the microphone and C1 blocks any DC component to the amplifier. R2 and R3 set the offset. R5 and C8 form a simple first order low-pass filter. In addition R5 protects the amplifier from any damage if the output is short circuited.

The speaker circuit consists of a 5th-order, low-pass Chebychev filter and a unary-gain amplifier.

The filter is made up by two stagger-tuned, 2nd-order Chebychev filters (R6, R7, R8, C2, C7 and R7, R10, R11, C9, C5) and a passive 1st-order filter (R11, C4). The cut-off frequencies of these three filters are slightly shifted against each other (“staggered”) to limit passband ripple of the whole filter circuit. The overall cut-off frequency is set to 4000 Hz, which is roughly one-quarter of the PWM frequency (15,686 Hz).

The unary-gain amplifier prevents the circuit from getting feedback from the output. C3 blocks any DC component to the speaker.



Рисунок 45 – Макетно-отладочная плата. Принципиальная схема


Рисунок 46 – Макетно-отладочная плата. Принципиальная схема (продолжение)


Рисунок 47 – Контроллер-конструктор


The heart of the application is the LCD direct drive software, of course. The LCD drive is based on a timer

interrupt that runs every 10 ms (100-Hz plane drive frequency.) This timer interrupt must occur on time since

any deviation causes a net DC voltage to be applied to the liquid crystal. For this reason, the timer interrupt always has priority over the other sections of the code. Also, since math can cause a variable execution length, all the math for the LCD service is performed in advance. Immediately after the timer interrupt is acknowledged, the new data is copied out to the port pins. The service routine then sets about calculating the data for the next interrupt. This ensures that the only variable in the placement of edges at the LCD pins is the interrupt latency.

The LCD and real time clock are driven by timer T1. When a timer interrupt is issued, the contents of the registers are copied to the ports. The Z8 then performs the math required to set up the next phase.

The current phase is set by the values of P37 and an offset holding register, PHASE_PTR. The value of PHASE_PTR switches from 1 to 0 at each cycle, and points to the data to be sent to plane 1 or plane 2. As described in the first section, the value of P37 causes inversion on the common planes at alternating cycles. The common plane voltages are generated by using the XOR function to flip the appropriate pins for each cycle. The current value of the port 3 outputs are stored in an image register to ensure that the XOR function reads valid data levels and to allow the next plane state to be set up on the prior cycle. The next state is simply created by taking the XOR of the current value with a number that represents the pins that should flip for this cycle. The number is then updated to change the pins that flip for the next cycle. Because the pins in question are P34, P35 and P37, the magic numbers are 0x30 and 0x80, alternately. The easiest way to flip the number between 0x30 and 0x80 is by alternately adding 0x50 (80 decimal) and 0xB0 (-80 decimal.) Storing the adder value in a register results in the sign flipping for each cycle just by taking its two’s complement (COM and then INC.)


Рисунок 48 – Цепь управления (LCD Direct Drive Demo Circuit)


Multiple Backplanes

In order to reduce the number of control lines required, for large segment counts, modern LCD display panels are usually built with more than one backplane. This is done by splitting the backplane glass into several conductors and connecting more than one segment to each control pin. Then, by placing a signal on the common pins as well as the segment pins, the segments can be toggled independently.

Figure 3aillustrates how two segments can share a segment driver line and Figure 4 shows the signals that

would be generated to drive the two segments.

In this example, segment A (the top of the character) would be ON and segment G (the bar across the middle) would be OFF. The two common planes drive an alternating signal with periods of zero between each high and low drive pulse and the planes out of phase with each other. The common signal pin is then driven with the data for both pins, the data for common 1, data for common 2, inverted data for common 1 and inverted data for common 2.


The resulting waveforms at each segment are shown at the bottom of Figure 4. The Root Mean Squared (RMS)

value of the signal on segment A is larger than the initial voltage of the liquid crystal so it appears dark while the RMS voltage across segment G is below the threshold so the segment is clear.

It is important to keep each segment toggling quickly enough to prevent noticeable flicker. The common planes must toggle twice as fast in a two-plane configuration, four times as fast in a four plane, and so forth. Obviously, as the number of backplanes goes up, the speed of the driving processor must also increase. This sets up a trade off between speed of the controller and complexity of the glass on one side and pin count on the other.





Рисунок 50 – Клавиатура (HC05 MCU Keypad Decoding Techniques Using the MC68HC705J1A)