Согласно информации, данной в тексте, подберите каждому предложению (1-5) соответствующее продолжение (a-e).

1) In the buildings of Rockfeller center …….

2) John Rockfeller began …….

3) There was a high fence…. ……

4) John Rockfeller looked through the fence …………

5) Policeman did not believe that ………

a) ……. to work for Rockfeller center in 1930.

b) ……. around the construction site.

c) …….. he was speaking to Mr. Rockfeller.

d) …….. there is little decoration.

e) …….. but couldn’t see anything.

Напишите, соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста. Отметьте данное утверждение как T (True), если предложение верно передает содержание текста, и как F (False), если оно не соответствует его содержанию.

  Statement True False
1. In Rockfeller center you can find offices, different shops.    
2. We know nothing about construction of this center.    
3. It took about 5 years to complete the original buildings.    
4. The policeman did not allow breaking of the fence.    
5. Mr. Rockfeller ordered the painting of all the fences.    

Найдите в тексте необходимую информацию и дайте ответы на вопросы, приведенные ниже.

1. What is Rockfeller center?

2. What is the style of buildings there?

3. What did the architects want to achieve (добиться) in their plans?

4. Why did John Rockfeller look through the fence?

5. Why did Mr. Rockfeller order to cut holes in fences?

Выполните задание в письменном виде.

Представьте, что по работе Вы уехали в Лондон, и Вам понадобилось открыть счет (account) в банке. Для этого Вас попросили заполнить следующий бланк.

Прочитайте формуляр и впишите требуемую информацию.

APPLICATION TO OPEN A LONDON BANK CURRENT ACCOUNT Personal details Please, complete all the details in BLOCK CAPITALS. Mr Mrs Ms First name: ________ Surname:_______________ Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________________ Please, all boxes which apply: own home rented parental home married single divorced separated Please, send statements monthly quarterly Date of birth: ____/____/____ Age: __________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Occupation: Are you employed full- or part-time? ________________________ Income: Do you have any other accounts with London Bank? ____________ Do you have other accounts with another bank? ________________ Do you have any of these? Mastercard American Express Gold Card Visa Card Diner’s Cards Do you have any of these? Stocks and shares Personal pension Company pension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please, check that all information you have given is correct. Signature ________________________________

Вариант II

I. Выберите правильный вариант из слов, данных курсивом.

1. A piano is much heavier/ more heavier/ the most heaviest than a guitar.

2. This is better / the best / the most best restaurant in the city.

3. Living in a flat is cheap/ cheapest/ cheaper than in a house.

4. The weather today is hot/ hotter/ more hot than yesterday.

5. That is fast/ faster/ the fastest train I’ve ever been on.

6. My friend is the taller/ tallest/ tall in the class.

7. Small towns are safe/ safest/ safer than big cities.

8. Playing basketball is exciting/ more exciting/ most exciting than collecting stamps.

9. This club is the most/ more/ much popular in the town.

10. It’s better/ more/ best difficult to translate the text without a dictionary.