ACE Action for Co-operation in the Field of
A/C air conditioning
ACCA Association of charactered certified
A/cs pay accounts payable
ACPT commerce acceptance
Adm. administration
AG account general
AIA American Institute of Accountants
  Association of International accounts


A.I.B. American Institute of Banking
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
A/R accounts receivable
ARB accounting research bulletin
ARTCC air route traffic control centre
ATL actual total loss
Bankr banktrupcy
BIS Bank of International settlements
Bk. bank
Be, B/E bill of exchange
B/P bills (of exchange) payable
B/R bills (of exchange) receiable
B/S bill of sale
BTN Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
Busn. Business
CA Chartered accounts
C/A current account
CAD cash against documents
CBD cash before delivery
CCA Chartered Certified Accounts
C.C.P.A. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals
c/d carried down
CCT Common Custom Tariff
CEP Committee of Economic Policy
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CGA Certified General Accountant
C.I. consular invoice
CIA cash in advance



CIF cost insurance and freight
CIMA Chartered Institute of Management
CMEA Council for Mutual Economic
C/N consignment notes
C.O.D. cash of delivery
CPA Certified Public Accounts
Curr. currency
COMECON Council for Mutual Economic Assistant
CWO cash with order
cv convertible
c.r. current rate
DAF delivered at fronties
D/D demand draft
D/N debit note
D/O delivery order
D/p documents against payment
Dr debtor
devp. developt
EBIT Earnings before interest and taxes
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and
ECB European Central Bank
ECE Economic commission for Europe
ECIP European Community Investment
ECTS European Credit Transfer System
ECU European Currency Unit


EEC European Economic Community
EIB European Investment Bank
EMI European Monetary Institute
EMS European Monetary System
ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism
ECOSOC Economic
EEO Equal employment opportunity
Exec. executive
FAF Financial Aid Form
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Fin.Sec. Financial secretary
FTA Free trade agreement
FTSE Financial time stock exchange
FTC Federal Trade Commission
FTD Federal tax included
FTZ Free Trade Zone
FOB free on board
Fig figure
GATT General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
Gro. gross
GDP Gross domestic product
GNP Gross national product
HP hire purchase
HLBB Home loan bank board
IBRD The International Bank for
  Reconstruction and Development
ICSID The International Centre for Settlement
  of Investment Disputes
IDA The International Development


IFC The International Finance Corporation
IMF International monetary fund
IOP irrespective of percentage
ISBN International standard book number
LIBOK London interbank offered rate
LME London Metal Exchange
MAQ Monetary allowance for quarters
M/D Month’s date
M-F Monday throught Friday
MOM Middle of the month
MIGA The Multilateral Investment Guarantee
Mngr. manager
mv Market value
n.f.d. No fixed date
NMS National market system
Nom.cap. Nominal capital
NPV Net present value
n.q.a. Net quick assets
NSV Net sales value
nW Net weight
Pap. paper
PAYE Pay as you enter
pd paid
pls. please
PML probably maximum loss
PN promissory note


P.O.D., p.o.d payment on delivery
P.O. payment order
O/A On account
OECD Organization for economic cooperation
  and development
Ofc. office
PPl Producer Price Index
Ptnr. partner
QCT quality control technology
qr quartes
QT question trade
rcpt. receipt
recr. receiver
regd registered
Reg. TM registered trademark
ROI return on investment
RPI retail price index
RRP recommended retail price
RSTR restricted
RTM registered trademark
SEAQ Stock Exchange Automated
SEIU Service Employees International Union
sm.c. small capitals (letters)
sh. Share
t.b. trial balance
TCIU Transportation Communications
  International Union
tmp. temporary
TRN transfer


UIS Unemployment Insurance Service
ULS unsecured loan stock
UPC Universal Product Code
urg. urgent
USCS United States Customs Service
VAT value added tax
VOU voucher
WTIS World Trade Information Centre
WTO World Trade Organization
WPI wholesals price index
W/R warehoused receipt
xfer transfer
Yid yield




1. Бессараб Н. English for Bankers: Навч. посіб. – К.: Київ. нац. торг.-екон.


ун-т. – 2002. – 150 с.


2. Дюканова Н.М. Английский язык для экономистов: учебное пособие. –


М.: ИНФРА., 2006 – 320 с.


3. Верховцова И.А. Методично-навчальний посібник з курсу ділової нглійської мови для студентів економіки та менеджменту. – Вінниця, 2003. – 256 с.

4. Коваленко В.Г. Англійська за професійним спрямованням. Луцьк: Ред.вид.віддл Луцького державного технічного університету, 2006 – 100 с.


5. Миньяр-Белоручева А.П., Миньяр-Белоручева К.В. Английский язык. Учеб. устного перевода: Учеб. для вузов. – М.: Экзхамен, 2003. – 352 с.


6. Черноватий Л.М., Карабан В.І. та ін. Переклад англомовної економічної літератури. – Вінниця: Нова книга, 2007– 412 с.


7. Heather Ferlicchia. Commercial English. - Харьков: Торсинг, 2002. – 192с.


8. Essential dictionary of abbreviations. Berkley books. New York, 2006. –


411 p.


9. Dictionary of Banking and Finance. Derrick G. Hanson, LL.M. of Limkoln’s Inn, Barrister; Fellow of the Institute of Bankers. Pitman.


10. The Penguin Dictionary of Economics. Fourth Edition. Graham Bannock, R.E. Baxter and Evan Davis Penguin Books.


Internet Sourses




Пояснювальна записка………………………………………………….3


Part I


Unit1. Economics…………………………………………………………4 I. Active Vocabulary. ……………..............................................................4

II. Text: What is Economics and Economic System?……………………..5


III. Exercises ……………………………………………………………..7Unit2. Money and monetary policy……………………………………..13 I. Active Vocabulary. ……………...........................................................13


II. Text: Money and Payment System …………………………………..14


III. Exercises ……………………………………………………………16


Unit 3. Banking. Methods of payment………………………………….20 I. Active Vocabulary. ……………...........................................................20 II. Text : Banking………………………………………………………..21 III. Exercises ……………………………………………………………23


Unit 4. Accounting and bookkeeping…………………………………...27 I. Active Vocabulary. ……………...........................................................27


II. Text : Accounting and Bookkeeping …………………………………29


III. Exercises …………………………………………………………….31


Unit 5. Investments………………………………………………………34 I. Active Vocabulary. …………….............................................................34 II. Text: Investment ……………………………………………………...35 III. Exercises ……………………………………………………………..37