VOCABULARY (September - November)


Useful Phrases (September – November)

Sentence Translation
His name is… Его завут…
The elephant is bigger than the dog. Слон больше, чем собака.
The boy was thirsty. Мальчик хочет пить.
When is your birthday? Когда твой день рождения?
My birthday is in… Мой день рождения…
Where are you from? Откуда ты?
I’m from… Я из…
What’s your favourite season? Какое твою любимое время года?
Ma favourite season is… Мое любимое время года…
I like reading. Мне нравится чтение.
Can I use your computer? Можно использовать твой комп.?
Can you open the window, please? Открой окно, пожалуйста.
What are you doing? Что ты делаешь? (сейчас)
Is she taking a photo? Она фотографирует? (сейчас)
It’s time to go home. Пора домой.


VOCABULARY (December – February)

Have a shower Принимать душ Lake Озеро
Brush teeth Чистить зубы Mountain Гора
Get dressed Одеваться Waterfall Водопад
Have breakfast Завтракать Ocean Океан
Brush hair Расчесываться Wide Широкий
Get up Вставать Deep Глубокий
Catch the bus Ехать на автобусе High Высокий
Walk to school Идти в школу Building Здание
First Первый Long Длинный
Then Потом Bridge Мост
Next Следующий River Река
Finally В конце концов Old Старый
At the weekend На выходных World Мир
Cafe Кафе Path Дорожка
Library Библиотека Grass Трава
Museum Музей Flowers Цветы
Playground Игровая площадка Bin Мусорное ведро
Shopping mall Торговый центр Tree Дерево
Sports centre Спортивный центр Litter Мусор
Swimming pool Бассейн Fountain Фонтан
Cinema Кинотеатр Must Должен
Theatre Театр Wash Мыть
Singer Певец Put Класть
Concert Концерт Walk Гулять
Actor Актер Shout Кричать
Film / Movie Фильм Chase Преследовать
Recipe Рецепт Catch Ловить
Food Еда Meet Встречать
Fruit Фрукт Cross Пересекать
Vegetables Овощи Laugh Смеяться
Garlic Чеснок Busy Занят
Pasta Паста Together Вместе
Bread Хлеб Young Молодой
Cereal Хлопья Slow Медленный
Meat Мясо See Видеть
Melon Дыня Afraid Бояться
Cucumber Огурец Learn Учиться
Onion Лук Place Место
Lemon Лимон Show Показывать
Potato Картофель Adult Взрослый
Butter Масло Fast Быстрый
Cheese Сыр Know Знать
Salt Соль Answer Ответ
Pepper Перец Want Хотеть
Peas Горох Fox Лиса
Rice Рис Delicious Очень вкусный
Fresh Свежий Noun Существительное
Eat Кушать Verb Глагол
Milk Молоко Adjective Прилагательное
Healthy Здоровый Preposition Предлог


Useful Phrases (December – February)

Sentence Translation
He gets up early. Он рано встает.
It’s dangerous. Это опасно.
I want to be a… Я хочу быть…
I have breakfast at … o’clock. Я завтракаю в…
What time do you…? Во сколько ты…?
I have my lessons every day. У меня занятия каждый день.
I’m busy all day long. Я весь день занят.
Can we go to the museum? Можем мы пойти в музей?
My favourite dish is… Мое любимое блюдо…
What’s the fastest animal? Какое самое быстрое животное?
Look at the flowers! Посмотри на цветы!
We must do our homework. Мы должны делать наше дз.
They mustn’t eat here. Они не должен здесь кушать.
He is angry. Он злой.
Let’s have fun! Давай повеселимся!



VOCABULARY (March – May)

Bus Автобус Promise Обещать
Helicopter Вертолет Fly Летать
Motorbike Мотоцикл Bedroom Спальня
Plane Самолет Kitchen Кухня
Taxi Такси Forget Забывать
Train Поезд Price Цена
Tram Трамвай The north Север
Yesterday Вчера The south Юг
Last week На прошлой неделе The west Запад
Two days ago 2 дня назад The east Восток
Along Вдоль Paper Бумага
Through Сквозь Kind of Тип, вид
In the middle of Посередине Expensive Дорогой
At the top of Наверху Break Ломать
Between Между Make Делать
Inside Внутри Rich Богатый
Handsome Красивый Remember Помнить
Pretty Симпатичный Comfortable Удобный
Short Низкий Paint Краска
Tall Высокий Paintbrush Кисть
Shy Скромный Dictionary Словарь
Friendly Дружелюбный Backpack Рюкзак
Cheerful Веселый Apron Фартук
Miserable Несчастный Box Коробка
Relaxed Спокойный Believe Верить
Worried Обеспокоенный Watch Смотреть
Mean Жадный Tent Палатка
Generous Щедрый Sleeping bag Спальный мешок
Start Начинать Frying pan Сковородка
Finish Заканчивать Matches Спички
Laugh Смеяться Rope Веревка
Hate Ненавидеть Torch Фонарь
Use Пользоваться Cook Готовить
Live Жить Favourite Любимый
Heavy Тяжелый Suitcase Чемодан
Light Легкий (вес) Sun cream Крем для загара
Hard Жесткий Towel Полотенце
Soft Мягкий Soap Мыло
Easy Легкий Shampoo Шампунь
Difficult Сложный Hairbrush Расческа
Different Различный Toothbrush Зубная щетка
Town Город Toothpaste Зубная паста
History История Holiday Праздник
Dream Сон, мечта Careful Осторожный
Girl Девочка Tomorrow Завтра
Boy Мальчик Later Позже
Terrible Ужасный Tonight Сегодня вечером
Driver Водитель Soon Скоро
Move Двигаться Next week На следующей нед.
Look! Смотри! Competition Соревнование


Useful Phrases (March – May)

Sentence Translation
What’s this? Что это?
Can you take a photo of me? Можешь меня сфотографировать?
There was a TV in the room. В комнате был телевизор.
He is very handsome. Он очень красивый.
We’ve got a pie for dinner. На ужин у нас пирог.
I watched TV yesterday. Вчера я смотрел телевизор.
He didn’t do his homework. Он не выполнил дз.
I had a party with my friends. У меня была вечеринка с друзьями.
Did you have a good day? У тебя хорошо прошел день?
What did you eat? Что ты ел?
Did you like the film? Тебе понравился фильм?
Put your suitcase in the car. Положи свой чемодан в машину.
Can you help me? Можете мне помочь?
Be careful! Будь осторожен!
I’m going to read my book. Я собираюсь почитать книгу.




1. My name is ___________. 2. I would like to tell you about my country. 3. I'm from Russia. 4. This is the largest country in the world. 5. The capital of Russia is Moscow. 6. Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia. 7. Russia is a very rich country. 8. There are many mountains, rivers, lakes and forests in my country, some of which are very beautiful. 9. The climate is very different in every part of Russia. 10 But summers are usually hot and dry, and winters are really cold. 11. There are a lot of famous people born in Russia. 12. We also celebrate a lot of holidays such as New Year, Easter, Women's Day, the 23d of February, etcetera. 13. Families usually gather together on holidays, make a lot of food and have some fun. 14. My favourite holiday is New Year because I like to get a lot of presents. 15. I like my country very much because of its big history and very interesting customs and traditions.


My hobby

1. My name is ________________. 2. I would like to tell you about my hobbies. 3. In my free time I like _______________because it's very _____________. 4. I'm also good at ________________. 5. I think ______________is very important in our lives because____________________________. 6. I started to do _____________when I was ____________. 7. I______________________ twice a week. 8. I'm very happy that I can _______________ . 9. It gives me_________________ . 10. I hope to continue to ____________ in future. 11. I have a dream to ___________________________ . 12. I also like to learn English. 13. I think it's so exciting when you can communicate with people from other countries. 14. The life is really bright and full of emotions when you can do a lot of things that you like. 15. Hobbies are very useful and make our lives more interesting.



1. Sport plays a big role in our life. 2. Many people do sport in our country. 3. They want to stay healthy. 4. In my opinion, sport makes people strong and keep them fit. 5. Some people participate in sports, others prefer watching them on TV. 6. Some people join special classes or take part in aerobics or yoga, or do some kind of training in a gym. 7. Other people play football, volleyball, tennis, etcetera. 8. There are summer and winter sports in Russia. 9. The summer kinds of sports are, for example, swimming, athletics, football, volleyball, basketball and others. 10. The winter kinds of sports are figure skating, skiing, ice hockey, etc. 11. My favourite sport is ________________ because _____________________________. 12. I do ______________________ twice a week. 13. I also take part in a lot of competitions. 14. I think we all need to do exercises. 15. Regular exercises give you more energy and make you feel and look better.



1. I usually have 3 meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. 2. In the morning when I don’t have much time for breakfast I eat _______________________. 3. At school I have ____________________ for lunch. 4. In the evening I have ______________________for dinner. 5. Besides, I like to eat__________________________, or to drink _____________________ between meals. 6. My favourite food is ___________________ . 7. I always ask my mother to cook it for me. 8. I don't like ___________________. 9. I think fast food is very bad for our health that's why I try to eat home - made food. 10. There is a lot of traditional food in Russia such as pelmeni, pancakes, borsсh, etc. 11. I like it very much as well. 12. I believe that we must eat food which is full of vitamins. 13. Then, we can stay healthy. 14. Healthy food also gives us a lot of energy. 15. But I have a sweet tooth, and sometimes I eat chocolate, cakes or pastries.


1. There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not work and have special celebrations. 2. The most popular holidays are: New Year's Day, Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day, and Independence Day. 3. The first holiday of the year is New Year's Day. 4. People celebrate it on the 31st of December. 5. In every house there is a New Year tree with coloured lights and decorations.6. Children always wait for Father Frost to come and give them a present. 7. The next holiday is Christmas. 8. We celebrate it on the 7th of January. 9. It's a religious holiday and a lot of people go to the church on that day. 10.On the 8th of March we celebrate Women's Day when men give women a lot of presents and flowers. 11.The greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day when a lot of people died defeating our country. 12. Independence Day is a new holiday in our country. 13. We also celebrate Day of the Defender of Motherland on the 23d of February, Easter, Day of Knowledge and lots of professional holidays which are not public holidays and banks, offices and schools do not close. 14. My favourite holiday is _______________________, because ____________________________. 15. I love holidays very much because you can rest and have a lot of fun.


School rules

1. My name is ___________________ and I'm going to tell you about rules at my school. 2. The first one is that we must go to school from Monday till Friday. 3. Then, we mustn't be late for school. 4. We must do our homework every day. 5. We mustn't run at the halls. 6. We must respect the teacher and other students. 7. We mustn't talk on the lessons. 8. We must turn off our phones on the lessons. 9. We must be quiet. 10. We must listen to the teacher. 11. We must wear clean and nice clothes. 12. We mustn't eat in the class. 13. We must clean the board after the lesson. 14. We must keep our classroom clean. 15. We must follow all these rules to be good students.