Contraception. Barren marriage


! Blockade of ovulation by inhibition of secretion of releasing factors LH and FSH - this is the main mechanism of action of these contraceptive

* Intrauterine

* Barrier methods

* Progestin

* Combined oral

* Lactational amenorrhea method


!. Endometrial traumatisation with release of prostaglandins, increased tone of the myometrium, increased peristalsis of the fallopian tubes - a mechanism of action of these contraceptive

* Intrauterine

* Barrier methods

* Progestin

* Combined oral

* Lactational amenorrhea method


! Preventing the sperm in the female genital tract - a mechanism of action of these contraceptive

* Barrier

* Intrauterine

* Progestin

* Combined oral

* Lactational amenorrhea method


! Physiological suppression of ovulation by increasing prolactin secretion and decrease anterior pituitary secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone - is the mechanism of action of the following methods of contraception

* Barrier

* Intrauterine

* Lactation amenorrhea

* Progestin-only contraceptives

* Combined oral contraceptives


! One of the mechanisms of action of intrauterine contraception - is

* Suppressing ovulation

* Tubal ligation

* Increasing the acidity of the vagina

* Strengthening contractions uterus and fallopian tubes

* Preventing the sperm in the female genital tract


!The mechanism of action of combined oral contraceptives - is

* Suppressing ovulation

* Increasing the acidity of the vagina

* Inactivation and destruction of sperm

* Strengthening contractions uterus and fallopian tubes

* Preventing the sperm in the female genital tract


! The mechanism of action of combined oral contraceptives - is

* Suppressing ovulation

* Increasing the acidity of the vagina

* Inactivation and destruction sperm

* Strengthening contractions uterus and fallopian tubes

* Preventing the sperm in the female genital tract


! Barren marriage is a marriage in which a woman of reproductive age does not become pregnant, provided regular sexual intercourse without contraception for

*12 years

*12 days

*12 hours

*12 weeks

*12 months


!The frequency of infertile marriages

* 5-10%

* 15-20%

* 25-30%

* 35-40%

* 45-50%


! Classification of infertility in marriage according to the culpability of the spouses

* Primary, secondary

* Absolute, relative

* Innate, acquired

* Women, men, combined

* Tuboperitoneal, endocrine, royal, immunological


! Classification of female infertility, depends on the presence / absence of an episode in the history of pregnancy

* Primary, secondary

* Absolute, relative

* Innate, acquired

* Women, men, combined

* Tuboperitoneal, endocrine, royal, immunological


! Classification of female infertility, depends on the presence / absence of the possibility of getting pregnant naturally

* Primary, secondary

* Absolute, relative

* Innate, acquired

* Women, men, combined

* Tuboperitoneal, endocrine, royal, immunological


! Classification of female infertility, depends on the presence / absence of hereditary disorders

* primary, secondary

* Absolute, relative

* innate, acquired

* women, men, mutual

* tuboperitoneal, endocrine, royal, immunological


! The classification of the clinical forms of female infertility, depends on the pathogenesis

* Primary, secondary

* Absolute, relative

* Innate, acquired

* Women, men, mutual

* Tuboperitoneal, endocrine, royal, immunological


! Тuboperitoneal infertility may be due to

* Adhesive disease

* Endometrial polyposis

* Polycystic ovaries

* Endometrial hyperplasia

* Internal endometriosis


! In order to clarify tuboperitoneal infertility the most informative study is

* Hydrotubation

* Hysterosalpingography

* Transvaginal sonography

* Cymographyc pertubasy

* Laparoscopy with сhromosalpingosсopy


! One of the indications for IVF is

* The absence of the uterus

* The absence of ovaries

* The absence of the vagina

* The absence of the cervix

* The absence of fallopian tubes


! One of the indications for IVF is

* The absence of the uterus

* Tubal infertility

* The absence of ovaries

* The absence of the vagina

* The absence of the cervix


! One of the clinical forms of endocrine infertility is

* Adhesive disease

* Endometrial polyposis

* Polycystic ovaries

* Endometrial hyperplasia

* Internal endometriosis


! One of the clinical forms of endocrine infertility is

* Adhesive disease

* Endometrial polyposis

* Hyperprolactinemia

* Endometrial hyperplasia

* Internal endometriosis


!Endocrine infertility is usually associated with

* Violation of ovulation

* Chromosomal abnormalities

* Endometriosis

* Obstruction of the fallopian tubes

* The appearance of sperm antibodies


! The patient of 30 years is infertile, menstrual disorders are in the form of delays of 2-3 months in 7 years. Objectively, the phenotype is female, the vulva was normal. Vaginal examination of the uterus is small of the norm, in the appendages there are mass of tight dimensions 3,0 × 4,0 × 4,5 cm, mobile, painless. Basal temperature is monophasic. Husband's spermogram is normal. The clinical picture corresponds to the following genesis of infertility

* Trumpet

* Uterine

* Psychogenic

* Endocrine

* Peritoneal


! One of the clinical variants of female infertility is absolute

* Adenomyosis

* The absence of the uterus

* The absence of the ovary

* Hyperprolactinemia

* Polycystic ovaries


! One of the clinical variants of female infertility is absolute

* Adenomyosis

* Hyperprolactinemia

* Polycystic ovaries

* The absence of one ovary

* Testicular feminization


! One of the clinical variants of female infertility is absolute

* Adenomyosis

* Hyperprolactinemia

* Polycystic ovaries

* The absence of one ovary

* Pure form of gonadal dysgenesis


! One of the clinical variants of female infertility is absolute

* Adenomyosis

* Tubal

* Hyperprolactinemia

* Polycystic ovaries

* The absence of both ovaries


! The following is used to stimulate ovulation

* Estrofem

* Clomiphene

* Oxytocyni

* Diferellyni

* Didrogesteron


! The proportion of male infertility in a barren marriage is

* 10%

* 20%

* 30%

* 40%

* 50%


! The sperm get into the fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity through after coitus

* 6 min

*60 min

* 6 hours

* 6 days

* 60 hours


!. The sperm in the crypts of the cervical canal may retain mobility for

* 24-48 days

* 24-48 minutes

* 24-48 hours

* 24-48 weeks

* 24-48 seconds


! The egg in vivo retains the ability to be fertilized for

* 12-24 days

* 12-24 hours

* 12-24 minutes

* 12-24 weeks

* 12-24 seconds


!. Artificial insemination with donor sperm is used in the form of infertility

* Female

* Male

* Combined

* Absolute

* Immunological


!. Examination of the couple with a sterile marriage begins with the next study

* Hysteroscopy

* Spermogramm

* Cervical cytology

* Hysterosalpingography

* Tests of functional diagnostics


! The patient of 24 years old with primary infertility, regular, painful menstruation gynecological status was normal, biphasic basal temperature on hysterosalpingography - fallopian tubes are passable, postcoital test is positive. Married examined - normospermy. To determine the causes of infertility the following is required

* The tuberculin test, hysteroscopy

* Laparoscopy, tuberculin test

* Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy

* Transvaginal ultrasound

* CT scan


Barren marriage


! Barren marriage is a marriage in which a woman of reproductive age does not become pregnant, provided regular sexual intercourse without contraception for

*12 years

*12 days

*12 hours

*12 weeks

*12 months


! One of the clinical forms of endocrine infertility is

* Adhesive disease

* Endometrial polyposis

* =Hyperprolactinemia

* Endometrial hyperplasia

* Internal endometriosis


! Endocrine infertility is usually associated with

* Violation of ovulation

* Chromosomal abnormalities

* Endometriosis

* Obstruction of the fallopian tubes

* The appearance of sperm antibodies


! The patient of 30 years is infertile, menstrual disorders in the form of delays of 2-3 months in 7 years. Objectively, the phenotype is female, the vulva was normal. Vaginal examination of the uterus is small of the norm, in the appendages there are mass of tight dimensions 3,0 × 4,0 × 4,5 cm, mobile, painless. Basal temperature - monophasic. Husband's spermogram is normal. The clinical picture corresponds to the following genesis of infertility

* Trumpet

* Uterine

* Psychogenic

* Endocrine

* Peritoneal