
Другие языки
Охрана труда






1. a background for practice- подготовка (знания) для практики

2. a will- завещание

3. an applicant- абитуриент

4. brief- резюме; краткое изложение дела; записка по делу, представляемая в aпелляционный суд

5. chambers-адвокатская контора

6. civil action- гражданский иск

7. clerk for the court- секретарь суда

8. commercial enterprise –коммерческое предприятие

9. complaint- жалоба

10. consumer affairs-дела потребителей

11. county court – суд графства

12. Crown court-Суд короны

13. divorce-развод

14. evidence- улика

15. follow the pattern- следовать определенному курсу (модели, пути, образцу)

16. guilt- вина

17. higher courts- суды высшей инстанции

18. innocence- невиновность

19. Inns of Court- школы подготовки барристеровjudge-судья ( судов высшей инстанции)

20. legal proceedings- процессуальные действия

21. lower courts- нижестоящие суды

22. Magistrate court- мировой суд

23. magistrate- мировой судья

24. mandatory- обязательный

25. matrimonial matters-бракоразводные дела

26. motion- ходатайство

27. petty crimes-незначительные правонарушения

28. professional training- профессиональная подготовка

29. reading comprehension-понимание текста

30. reasoning-обоснование, аргументирование

31. recovering some debts- возвращение долгов

32. the accused/ the suspect-обвиняемый/подозреваемый

33. to argue a case- рассматривать дело

34. to be legally qualified-иметь юридическое образование

35. to deal with – иметь дело с

36. to decide questions of fact/law-решать вопрос факта /давать правовую интерпретацию

37. to find guilty- признавать виновным

38. to guide on points of law-консультировать по вопросам права

39. to obtain a University law degree-получить диплом об окончании университета( степень бакалавра права)

40. to pass a sentence-выносить приговор

41. to prosecute-преследовать в судебном порядке

42. to represent а client – представлять клиента

43. to return a verdict- выносить вердикт

44. to serve an apprenticeship-проходить стажировку, практику

45. trial- судебный процесс

46. witness for the defence and prosecution- свидетель защиты и обвинения


Работа над вокабуляром.

1. Прочитайте вокабуляр и закончите эти словосочетания

To return …, to pass …, to guide on …, to be legally …, to decide questions …, to argue…, witnesses for…, to deal with…, to represent …, a background …, to serve …, to obtain a University …, consumer….

2.Найдите английские соответствия

1.рассматривать дело A. clerk for the court
2.подозреваемый B. to argue a case
3 .вина C. innocence
4.невиновность D. witnesses for the prosecution
5.судебный процесс E. to obtain a University law degree
6.свидетель обвинения F. the suspect-
7. секретарь суда G. civil action
8.получить юридическое образование H. trial-
9. гражданский иск I. professional training-
10. профессиональная подготовка J. guilt

3.Найдите русские соответствия .

1.petty crimes A.возвращение долгов
2. evidence B.бракоразводные дела
3. higher courts C.улика
4. recovering some debts D.суды высшей инстанции
5. matrimonial matters E.школы подготовки барристеров
6. to serve an apprenticeship F.развод
7. Inns of Court G.жалобы
8. divorce H. процессуальные действия
9. legal proceedings I.проходить стажировку, практику
10. complaints- G.незначительные правонарушения

4. Напишите перевод следующих словосочетаний.

1.matrimonial matters  
2.professional training  
3.a background for practice  
4.legal proceedings  
5.сlerk for the court  
6.to pass a sentence  
7.to be legally qualified  
8.to find guilty  
9.magistrate court  

5. Напишите перевод следующих словосочетаний

2.Понимание текста  
4.Коммерческое предприятие  
5.Мировой судья  
6.Выносить вердикт  
8.Суд короны  

6. Прочитайте и переведите:

If you are prosecuted for a crime in Britain, you may meet the following people during your process through the courts:

JUDGES. Judges are trained lawyers nearly always ex-barristers, who sit in the Crown Courtand Appeal Court. The judge rules on points of law, and makes sure that the trial is conducted properly. He/she does not decide on the guilt or innocence of the accused– that is the jury's job. However, if the jury find the accused guilty, then the judge will pass a sentence.

MAGISTRATES. Magistrates are unpaid judges, usually chosen from well–respected people in the local community. They are not legally qualified. They are guided on points of law by an official, the Clerk.

JURORS. A jury consists of twelve men and women from the local community. They sit in the Crown Court, with a judge, and listen towitnesses for the defence and prosecution before deciding whether the accused is guilty or innocent. They decide questions of fact and return a verdict.

SOLICITORS. After the suspect was arrested, the first person he/ she needs to see is a solicitor. Solicitors are qualified lawyers who advisethe person and help prepare the defence case.

ВARRISTERS. In more serious cases, or where there are special difficulties, it is usual for the solicitor to hire a barrister to defend the accused. The barrister is trained in the law and in the skills required to argue a case in court.

Who is Who in the Law?

7. Просмотрите тексты 1 и 2 и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. -What legal professions are there in the UK and the USA?

2. -Are legal professions in the UK and the USA alike?

3. -What are two basic patterns to become a solicitor?

4. -What must an applicant obtain to get into a US law school?

8. Прочитайте тексты 1и 2 и найдите ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. -Who are court-room lawyers and office lawyers?

2. -How many solicitors are there in Great Britain?

3. -What lawyers do a consultancy in the UK?

4. -What lawyers are experts in the interpretation of the law in the UK?

5. -What kinds of lawyers are members of one of the Inns of Court?

6. -What is LSAT?

7. -What are the most prestigious legal schools in the USA?

8. -How many percentiles should you score on the LSAT to study at Harvard?

9. -How many pages should students read and analyze to be ready for a lecture?

10. -What is the Socratic Method?

11. -What is “IRAC” format?

12. -What could the professor change after the preliminary grades are assigned?



Solicitors and Barristers

The most striking feature of the English legal profession is its division into two separate sub-professions- barristers and solicitors. Barristers are different from solicitors. Barristers are court- room lawyers and solicitors are office-lawyers.

If a person has a legal problem, he goes to see a solicitor. Almost every town has at least one. In fact, there are about 60,000 solicitors in Britain. Many problems are dealt with exclusively by a solicitor. For instance, the solicitor deals with petty crimes. He may represent his client in the lower courts and some matrimonial matters in magistrates’ courts. He prepares the case and the evidence: interview clients and witnesses. In a civil action, he can speak in the county court, when the case is one of divorce or recovering some debts. Besides, a solicitor deals with other matters. He does the legal work involved in buying a house; he writes legal letters for you, he helps you to make a will, etc.

Barristers are experts in the interpretation of the law. They advise on really difficult points, and conduct legal proceedings in the higher courts. Barristers are rather remote figures. A barrister’s client can come to him only via a solicitor. They are not paid directly by clients but are employed by solicitors. Barristers do not have public offices in any street. They work in chambers, often in London. There are about 6,000 barristers in England. Usually only barristers can become judges in English courts.

How to become a lawyer in Great Britain

There are two basic patterns for becoming a solicitor. The first is for the student to obtain a University law degree (which requires three years of undergraduate education, then to serve an apprenticeship with an established solicitor for two - and –one- half years.) The second is to attend a specialized College of Law (a course of study which emphasizes practical aspects of the solicitors practice) for a few months in order to prepare for his exams and for years of apprenticeship. A student following this course need not attend University at all. Candidates follow both patterns, although the University approach is increasing in popularity. A candidate with a University education, although it was concentrated on the study of law, has a broader background for practice.

Every barrister is a member of the four Inns of Court. The Inns jointly conduct the bar exams. They separately call to the bar, or admit to practice, individuals who have passed the exams.

Those who don’t want to become lawyers can go on to do anything, such as working for business, commerce, industry or government. If you want to become a barrister or a solicitor, you have to do further professional training: 2 years to be a barrister and 3 years to be a solicitor.


Unlike the UK there are neither barristers nor solicitors in the United States. In this country lawyers are called attorneys. They do different kinds of work. Most towns in the US have small firms of attorneys who are in daily contact with ordinary people, giving advice and acting on matters such as consumer affairs, traffic accident disputes and contract for the sale of land. Some may also prepare defencesfor clients accused of crimes.

Lawyers working in large law firms or employed in the law department of large commercial enterprise work on highly specific areas of law.