Lt;a>The winter is expected to be severe this year.

<b>It was expected that the winter will be severe this year.

<c>The winter was expected to severe this year.

<d>It is expected that the winter is severe this year.

<e> Expect that the winter will severe this year.



<173>I want you…this question.

<a>have discussed




Lt;e>to discuss


<174>I shall not go to Rome if it … .


<b>will rain


<d>has rained

<e>shall rain


<175>He says: “I’m sure she will come in time”

<a>He says he was sure she will come in time

<b>He says he is sure she would come in time.

Lt;c>He says he is sure she will come in time.

<d>He says he is sure she shall come in time

<e>He say he is sure she will come in time.


<176>You will lay the table as soon as Mary ….the dishes

<a>shall wash



<d>will wash



<177>She doesn’t know if she …the work today

<a>shall finish


Lt;c>will finish




<178>It was… early autumn.

<a> a

<b> an

<c> –

<d> the

<e> some


<179>Мы надеемся, что когда он вернется, он примет участие в нашей встрече

<a>We hope that when he will come he will take part in our meeting.

<b>We hope that when he came he would take part in our meeting.

<c>We hope that when he would come he would take part in our meeting.

<d>We hope that when he come he will take part in our meeting.

Lt;e>We hope that when he comes he will take part in our meeting.



<180> Bright ... should start going to school as early as possible.







<181>A man is ... old ... he feels.







<182>Actions speak...than words.


<variant>more louder

<variant>the loudest

<variant>most loudest

<variant>the louder

Lt;183>Hotels are becoming...nowadays.

<variant>more expensive;

<variant>the most expensive;



<variant>the more expensivest;


<184>...there millions of stars within our galaxy?




<variant>To have



<185>The driver was fast.

<variant>not to drive;

<variant>don’t drive;

<variant>doesn’t drive;


<variant>was drive;


<186>A good name is better...riches.


<variant>as if;





<187>...Kazakhstan is situated in...Central Asia.

<variant> -...-;

<variant> a...a;

<variant> the...the;

<variant> a...the;

<variant> the...a;


Lt;188>...Volga is...longest river in Russia.

<variant> the...the;

<variant> -...-;

<variant> a...a;

<variant> -...the;

<variant> the...a;


<189>... ...a sofa at the wall.

<variant> There is;

<variant> There were;

<variant> Was;

<variant> Is;

<variant> Be;


<190>He boy.





<variant> as if...though;


<191>My friend is...than me.

<variant> younger;

<variant> young;

<variant> youngest;

<variant> youngerer;

<variant> the younger;


<192>He is...good at literature.







<193>His was...dictation.

<variant>the best;




<variant>the goodest;


<194>He swims...than Jane.




<variant>the worst;

<variant>the baddest;


<195>He said he … there before .

Lt;variant> had been

<variant> was

<variant> has been

<variant> have been

<variant> were


<196>The teacher told me… to the blackboard.

Lt;variant> to go

<variant> went

<variant> had gone

<variant> is going

<variant> go


<197>My mother asked me … the window.