Comparative or Superlative forms



Exercise 42. Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative).


Example: I have a fast car, but my friend has a ______ car.

Answer: I have a fast car, but my friend has a faster car.


1. This is a nice cat. It's much _______than my friend's cat.

2. Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is _______ .

3. This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk is the _______exercise on the worksheet.

4. He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the _______hobby in the world.

5. In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even _______one last weekend.

6. School is boring, but homework is _______than school.

7. Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is _______than skateboarding.

8. This magazine is cheap, but that one is _______ .

9. We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even _______than ours.

10. Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the _______joke I've ever heard.

Exercise 43. Use either as … as or not as … as in the sentences below.

Example: Ben Nevis is __________ as Mont Blanc (not/high).

Answer: Ben Nevis is not as high as Mont Blanc.

1.Nick is __________ Kevin. (brave).

2.This copy is __________ the other one. (bad).

3. The violin is __________ the cello. (not/low).

4. Today it's __________ yesterday. (not/windy).

5. Peter is __________ Fred. (not/tall).

6. Silver is __________ gold. (not/heavy).

7. The tomato soup was __________ the mushroom soup. (delicious).

8.Oliver is __________ Peter. (optimistic).

9.Grapefruit juice is __________ lemonade. (not/sweet).

10.The blue car is __________ the red car. (fast).


Exercise 44. Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions.

1. The first McDonald’s restaurant was opened___ Dick and Mac McDonald ___the 15th ___ May 1940.

2. The best selling products ___ their restaurant were hamburgers.

3. So the McDonald brothers thought ___ a way to produce hamburgers more quickly.

4. This was introduced___ 1948 and became known ___ the Speedee Service System.

5. The first franchised McDonald’s restaurant was opened ___1953, and today you can find McDonald’s restaurants ___ more than 100 countries.

Exercise 45. Quiz on Prepositions

1. My best friend lives ___ Boretz Road

a. in b. onc. at

2. I'll be ready to leave ___ about twenty minutes.

a. in b. onc. at

3. Since he met his new girlfriend, Juan never seems to be ___ home.

a. on b. inc. at

4. The child responded to his mother's demands ___ throwing a tantrum.

a. with b. by c. from

5. I think she spent the entire afternoon ___ the phone.

a. on b. in c. at

6. I will wait ___ 6:30, but then I'm going home.

a. from b. at c. until

7. The police caught the thief ___ the corner of Cascade and Plum Streets.

a. in b. at c. from

8. My fingers were injured so my sister had to write the note ___ me

a. for b. with c. to

9. I am not interested ___ buying a new car now.

a. to b. for c. in

10.What are the main ingredients ___ this casserole?

a. about b. to c. of

Check yourself !

Exercise 46. Tell about your associations with blue colour and then consider the test given below.

One day a blue bird suddenly flies through a window into your room and is trapped. Something about this lost bird attracts you, and you decide to keep it. But to your surprise, the next day the bird has changed colour from blue to yellow! This very special bird changes colour again overnight – on the morning of the third day it is bright red, and on the fourth it turns completely black. What colour is the bird when wake up on the fifth day?

a) The bird does not change colour; it stays black.

b) The bird turns black to its original blue.

c) The bird turns white.

d) The bird turns golden coloured.

Key to the test:

The bird that flew into your room seemed like a symbol of good fortune, but suddenly it changed colour, making you worry that happiness would not last. Your reaction to this situation shows how you respond to difficulties and uncertainty in real life.

a) Those who said the bird stays black have a pessimistic outlook.

Do you tend to believe that once a situation goes bad, it never really returns to normal? May be you need to try thinking. If this is as bad as it gets, it can't get any worse. Remember, there is no rain that doesn't end and no night so dark that there is no dawn the next day.

b) Those who said the bird turns blue again are practical optimist.

You believe that life is a mix of good and bad and that it doesn't pay to fight against that reality. You accept adversity calmly and let things run their course without undue stress or worry. This outlook lets you ride out the waves of adversity without being swept away.

c) Those who said the bird turns white are cool and decisive under pressure.

You don't waste time on fretting and indecision, even when a crisis develops. If a situation gets too bad, you feel it's better to cut your losses and look for another route to your goal rather than getting bogged down in needless grief. This proactive approach means that things seem to just naturally go your way.

d) Those who said the bird turns golden can be described as fearless.

You don't know the meaning of pressure. To you, every crisis is an opportunity. You might be compared with Napoleon, who said, "…impossible: the world is not French." But be careful not to let your boundless confidence get the best of you. It's a very fine line between fearless and foolhardy.


Exercise 47. This is an explanation: "Where does a color come from?" It have been mixed up. Read and try to arrange it in a proper way.

(1) Colour depends upon both ( ) different colour receptors -- red, green and blue
(2) White colour is composed of many different colours -- ( ) stimulated our eye can perceive all colours
(3) Each colour in the spectrum corresponds ( ) the colours of the rainbow
(4) These colours include ( ) such as orange, gray and brown are only partially stimulated
(5) We are able to see colours because our eye contains ( ) the characteristics of light and the function of our eye
(6) When these receptors are ( ) to a different wavelength of light
(7) When colour receptors are stimulated in pairs ( ) red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet
(8) Other colours, ( ) we perceive yellow, cyan and magenta
(9) When colours result from combining lights of different wavelengths the process is known ( ) pigments involve subtractive colour mixing



Exercise48. Sum up all the information of the unit, add your comments and write summary (20-25 sentences) about painting using active vocabulary. Try to avoid copying the text. Get ready to present it orally using the key words as prompts for discussion.