Catch up on - to bring up to date, to make up for the lack of something I need to catch up on my reading. I need to catch up on sleep. восполнить, наверстать упущенное

Catch up with - 1. to reach the same level or position as someone ahead; 2. to bring up to date, to make up for the lack of something 1. She was too fast, I couldn't catch up with her. She is always trying to catch up with the richer neighbors. He has to study harder to catch up with the other students. 2. I need to catch up with my studies. 1. догнать, сравняться с кем-то; 2. восполнить, наверстать упущенное

cave in - to fall inwards The roof caved in during the fire. просесть, провалиться внутрь

Change for - to exchange something for something, to trade for Can I change this bag for that one? Could I change these dollars for euros, please? обменять что-то на что-то

Change into - 1. to put on a different set of clothes; 2. to turn into, to convert into something different 1. I need to change into warmer clothes. 2. The little boy in the fairy tale was changed into a monster. I'd like to change these dollars into pounds, please. 1. переодеться в другую одежду; 2. превратить во что-то другое

Change to - to make a change to something different She changed her name to her husband's name when they got married. Autumn changed to winter. I'd like to change these dollars to pounds, please. заменить, менять на что-то другое

Charge at - to attack someone The bull charged at her.нападать на кого-то

Charge for - to ask as a price for service or goods.How much do you charge for a single room?просить цену за услуги или товары

Charge with - to accuse of something He was charged with murder. предъявить обвинение в чем-то

cheat into - to talk someone into doing something by a trick He cheated her into giving him the money. обманным путем уговорить кого-то сделать что-то

cheat on - to be unfaithful to one's wife (husband) He's been cheating on his wife for years. изменять жене (мужу)

cheat out of - to trick someone out of something He cheated her out of her money. выманить у кого-то что-то обманным путем

check in - to register (at the hotel at arrival, at the airport for the flight) He reserved a room in advance and checked in quickly. She went to the airport, checked in (for her flight) and went to a cafe for a cup of coffee and a sandwich. регистрироваться (в гостинице при вселении, на рейс в аэропорту)

Check into - 1. to register at a hotel or a hospital at arrival; 2. to analyze, investigate something 1. We checked into the River Hotel at night. She checked into a hospital 2 days ago. 2. He checked into the matter and discovered several interesting things. 1. регистрироваться при размещении (в гостинице, больнице); 2. анализировать, исследовать что-то

Check (new words, etc.) in / with a dictionary or reference book Check this word in the dictionary. You'd better check this information with an encyclopedia. проверить (новые слова и др.) в словаре, справочнике

check off - to mark an item on a list (usually with a check).Check my name off the list. отметить пункт в списке (обычно птичкой)

Check on / check up on - to inspect, to examine, to investigate We need to check on her work regularly. The detective is checking up on her former connections, maybe he'll find something there. They checked up on him and decided against hiring him. проверять, выяснять, внимательно изучать что-то

Check out - 1. to pay the bill and leave (the hotel); 2. to verify something; 1. He checked out at noon. 2. The information that he gave us checks out fully. 1. оплатить счет и выписаться (из гостиницы); 2. выверить, подтвердить правильность